Monday, December 27, 2010

I Only Know (What I Know Now)


Unixkid said...

WTF is this!

Unknown said...

Good Music ^ and also >> Drops January 3rd!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This sucks

gdub said...

how high were you when you posted this? cuz im ripped and it sounds amazing in the dre studios!

Isa said...

naa I liked it.. :)

Anonymous said...

Drake needs to post some new music... What happened to the two R&B songs he had planned for November?

Anonymous said...

Wtf? I'm confused. The beat is aight tho.

Rachel C said...

I liked it:) the beat it idk felt like "lifes struggles"

Colleen S. said...

I'm confused as to what exactly I am listening to....I like it, but what is it??

Amaury Delgado said...

In order to appreciate music it doesn't always have to be a hook, chorus, beat, drums, bass, etc... if you're a true drake fan you know he's a very sophisticated cultured individual with a truly good ear for well composed pieces of music... Good post drizzy... Definitely intriguing...

- Amaury Delgado

Anonymous said...

its sick and it sucks and I didnt enjoy it and yea its creepy I was scared bullshit

Anonymous said...

reminds me of a little artist that goes by the name of Burial... dub style.... its interesting.

Anonymous said...

ya'll just aren't into exploring anything that's different... its the BOXES that we shut ourselves in that limit us as individuals... remember that the next time you aren't comfortable with something. ;) ez.

Unknown said...

very reflective

Lindsay said...

I really enjoyed it! Love your music!!

Anonymous said...

الاعور الدجال

Anonymous said...

This shit right here just Pissed me off!

Anonymous said...

It's a instrumental smart people your posta write to it... listeners...-_-...

Anonymous said...

i am Muslim and i love alotta of his music he is real and i love that he shows love for his mom in them but i just said that right there is the Antichrist

D said...

thats the song that i playe when i made love to my G ....

Anonymous said...

Drizzzie baby I <3 yo shittt but damm playa WTF is this I Stillll <3 u though muahhhh

Anonymous said...

Drizzzie baby I <3 yo shittt but damm playa WTF is this I Stillll <3 u though muahhhh

Anonymous said...

tite ass beat, now drop some dope lyrics on it...unless this is an outro

Logan said... what the fuck i'm talkin bout, niggas need to get informed on that graceful electronic culture, fuckk keeping good music a secret; share that shit with the world..Mount Kimbie son! James Blake, alll dem.

im out. ignant nyukkuhs

Unknown said...

okay letts go further

Unknown said...

okay lets go further and let the haters hate naw mean oliver

Biko said...

hey drizzy,
I understand the post.. I love it.
posted james blake about 3 months on my facebook account and people were going crazy too. i also would like to propose "I never learnt to share" from j. blake.


-Reggina said...

experimental music
mayb a little of trip hop and trance.
Very creative and inspirational mix.

jokeandplay21 said...

i agree wat the fuck is dis u call dis shit music!!!!1

Mike said...

please turn this into a sickening beat and just do your R&B thing to it so i can use the song to seduce the ladies

Sean Yates said...

@Amaury Delgado

if you're so aware of things like drake's appreciation for culture, how come you couldn't figure out he didn't make the post?

just cause something is different doesn't mean it's good.

post some skrillex or something.

Anonymous said...

Dancers love this type of music because you can bring this song to life and interpret it any way that you would want to. The song has no words, so it's meaning is up to your own interpretation. The song has a nice melodic beat and there is so much a dancer could do to tell a story with this song.

dandy said...

Big up on the UK selection. Plenty more where that came from.

Anonymous said...

Liked it unixkid u should really. Take time to discover da passion in muzic

Anonymous said...

Liked it unixkid u should really. Take time to discover da passion in muzic

Anonymous said...

good stuff drizzy keep postin what yur into

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Interesting. The sounds help visualize what a dream what be like if we were awake through it.

Evan Hope said...

Hey guys, my name is Evan and I am currently a college student, and i do my own music on the side.

i have been in part time touring bands for years but never really made it. and what i am asking for is:

Put me on your team guys.

I've been trying to get out on the road for years in the music scene and keep missing my shot and the last minute due to family crisis or drama or whatever other catastrophic bullshit happenns to come along.

hit me up guys. i want to work for you. but i would be happy with something to do to help out. ive had your back since day one and im still behind you today.

i have the ambition and perseverance you need, i just need the oppurtunity. thanks guys.


Anonymous said...

sickass rapper

Anonymous said...

and im singleeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

i love that you guys love this
amazing music.

Josh Gold said...

at first i was disturbed by this video thought my damn computer was lagging out. its a great piece of art obviously not for everyone small minded beings who have yet to expand there brains to the next level wouldnt and shouldnt



shout out to all my moonmen

Anonymous said...

this shit made me feel like my heart was beating weird lol idk it felt weird inside

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What a creepy composition but actually i like it so much.

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