I always liked how Hype cut this scene to go along exactly with One Love. Here is an edit of the song and the scene together. Magic.

Watch the original scene here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Army Suit Was Black...


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M.C. said...

One word: EPIC!

Zach said...


Art said...


FancyPants said...


starr:] said...

I like it. It can have alot of different meanings, its cool. I luv One Love!

Natty said...

Loving the Illmatic love. Esco! Its crazy how the worlds of music and cinema can coincide sometimes in such a dramatic fashion, Haunting in a way, but dope regardless. Nas is like..

Nteague1 said...

Damn.. ur homo ass love Nas.

Me said...

^ Whys it gotta be Homo? New rappers should respect the Rap Legends especially if they aspire to ever be that level.

Nteague1 said...


Nteague1 said...

Drake does respect Nas, I feel. Did you get the notion somebody didn't? Your statement is reaching..

*87 said...

That video was dope. Hype Williams put together some stunning shit when he created Belly. The opening scene when they robbed the club looked amazing with the glow in the dark vibe. And the scene after that where DMX's crib was damn near all white & everybody was rockin' all black. The contrast was too cold.

starr:] said...

I says that yous funny. :D
I add unecessary syllables, too. I always say "I knowz it."

FraNcis James said...

Yup! Didn't think too many people caught that one!! It felt like I was having a deja vu moment when I first watched this scene back then..

Betty b right said...

dope shit, shorty was stuck cuz he was shown nothin more than what he was surrounded by. MESS

P.A. said...

epic....but its soooo lame that in the DVD commentary that he didnt make any particular reference to it. Or how the chiquita part was black scarface.

The Cheeky girl said...

just THE best nas song ever !

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Nteague1 said...

Drake are you in the Soviet Union yet. Aw shucks, my mom asked what I was doing fos SB..I am NOT driving to TX, f*** GPS AHHA! That is HER new bf

starr:] said...

Wow, Teague. Why not? Our GPS comes in handy, but I prefer On Star or One Star. Whatever the name is, its really useful.

Nteague1 said...

Yeah, my dad uses it. He used to have the phone number to his car, I dk if he still does..lol. That's so cool! Those commercials trip ,me out

Nteague1 said...

#10 is dooooonnnnnnneeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

nice nas vid. he needs to put out another album. go to this link. remember the late great bernie mac. http://35d09126.linkbucks.com

VarCity Season said...

Great Clip...come check out Varcity Blues at www.varcityblues.blogspot.com, new music that we hope u like. Do work drizzy.

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yung06chick said...

wow that's crazy, i just watched that movie the other day!!!
*much love sent your way*

masakankue said...

I hope it's good

Sean P said...

This better be better than kanyes video...

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that was soo-o-o-o-o-o EPIC)))
crazy one!!

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Awesome video I will post it in my facebook account soon.

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