The realm of digital effects processors and plug-ins is a relatively new feild. Well computer processors and RAM get faster our abilities to create high quality professional music within a laptop expands. Every day new things are possible. This environment makes it difficult for old school hard headed engineers to break their old ways and compact their 5 million dollar studios into a backpack, but waves plug-ins to me changed the game. They made it easy to get phenomenal results out of a DAW (Pro Tools). They have been around since the early 90s and most of their most succesfull plug-ins have also been around for years. They are now a staple in all studios around the world and are used from recording to mixing to mastering.
It is now basically undisputed that Waves plugins and plugins in general can compete with and sometimes dominate their hardware counterparts, not only with automation and flexibility but also with sonic quality.
Big ups to anyone who realised this like 5 years ago.
Heres some pics of my favorite staple must have Waves plug-ins.
finally started blogging eh 40? lol cool. i like your posting production and music shit. ill come by here more often now.
Waves looks interesting, sir. I've been working on original music as of late, and I'm really open to trying new stuff. I recently got into REAPER, but I've not used Pro Tools, yet. This plug-in looks cool, though.
that SSL joint has saved me many of times. This plugin models the SSL board real nice, and when home producing it give you that SSL sound you expect from the studio...
i damn near stopped going to the studio to finish mixes lol.
need me some L3, and some Q10 in my life too, key.
I have been pumped about the potential of using Waves Merc. with PT!
Yeah that's not easy in the first two or three year :S
I have been doing this since 4 years ago and there's still things that I just don't know what to do, and everyday you see new programs with new features.
Thanks for sharing, nice post.
I am a dj and I think there is nothing better than the digital effects processors. I play music in pub on Friday and Saturday, and what I enjoy the most is using my processors.
I have always use adobe audition and it works well, but I'm gonna try this one, you never know when you gonna find something useful to you, thanks for sharing.
yeah... what big penis said...
that and the SSL MB Compressor.
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