Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nepenthes X October's Very Own


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charliepoll said...

Not happening Oliver at those prices..

RellyRellz said...

Seriously man...these prices are ridiculous bro. 170 for a hoodie? FOH!

Manny Stevens said...

No New Friends. When Is That Coming ?

Nonchalant Rebel said... me the money....

Anonymous said...

If you dont have anything nice to say dont say nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

Nepenthes? What made you come up with that name?

Anonymous said...

I dont like it. Im not buying it. I dont have any friends..

Anonymous said...

Waste of money. I can make my own OVO shirt..

Anonymous said...

A monkey

Fireworks said...

Wow! 58$ for a "No New Friend" tee shirt! 170$ for a hoodie...crazy!!!

A Princess said...

Yea this was a bad idea. A Tshirt should be like $40 & the hoodie should be like $80. Its not advertised anywhere but on this blog. If it was Gucci or Louie status ok I can see them making prices like that but these are just "fan shirts". No offense but I can make my own fan shirt. Actually I believe I mentioned that before you guys stole my idea..its ok though, I wish I was around to control the non sense. Those prices are way over your heads! I have some ideas of my own :-)

A Princess said...

I was talking about making fan shirts before you guys posted the Aaliyah tye dye shirts. Im not sharing my ideas anymore :-)

A Princess said...

And someone called me a "stupid bitch" :-)

A Princess said...

I think I know who that person was. It was a bitch that called me a "stupid bitch".

A Princess said...

Karma is a bitch.

Fatimaazz said...

no new friends <3 show me ur money drizzy :D

Fatimaazz said...

plz drizzy follow me if you have time :) my twitter fatima_libyaOVO

Fatimaazz said...

proud to being a fan of drizzy

drizzy plz follow me if you have time my twitter ====> fatima_libyaOVO

much love and respect

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious all these people posting about the prices. thats the point of them. nobody goes into louis and says these prices are insane.

A Princess said...

Not everyone can afford Louis genius. These are fan shirts smh

Anonymous said...


Paul said...

You guys can make your own shirt, but your paying for quality And if drake started selling this merchandise at prices like this sooner or later it will recognized with Gucci, Louie, prada, next thing you know it, OVOXO

Anonymous said...

If you want the merchandise you pay the asking price. It is how it has always been. Now quit whining.

Anonymous said...

When God wants to send you a Gift, He usually wraps it up in a PROBLEM! The bigger the GIFT, the bigger the PROBLEM...he wraps it in!

-Bishop Bronner
Just a positive quote to get your day started
Happy Holidays
God Bless

Tikhira said...

I would buy it... fam tripn he dont have to care your cheap its not a concert its cloths like lrg or red moneky junky.sound like some hatten going on some were in there.matter fact im going to ask my friend to use his card to get it for me asap cause i going to want all different color I I like it so far

RellyRellz said...

Theres a difference between a well established company like gucci and louie compared to a fan based shirt. Theres no way im paying that much, and believe me, I'm one of the biggest fans Drake has.

There's just no way.

Anonymous said...

Same here ....!

Anonymous said...

You do not have to get a shirt @rellyrellz. It is just a shirt lol :)

RellyRellz said...


lol the point is that i want8 to get one, but I'm not about to blow money on something that is priced unreasonably

Anonymous said...

no money = no tshirt

end of story

RellyRellz said...

High Prices + No customers = Bad Business

Anonymous said...

there is always compton swapmeet

Paul said...

It's not a fan based shirt if you want a fan based shirt go and buy a drake Tshirt from hot topic if you're about that. I just purchased a hoodie because I felt its worth every penny to support this nigga I've ridding with since I was 15 , no hard feelings but the quality of these clothes are a 10 the fabric the purple tag edition is crazy epic. If you want a Glidan hand made shirt be my guest.

RicMTL said...

I see there's a lot of people complaining about the prices. This is a brand, not a fan made t-shirt, it's made in Canada so the retail price has to reflect the expenses for such a good quality product.

With this said, I totally agree with everyone saying 170$ is expensive. But at the same time, there's only a few things a brand can do to differentiate itself, and pricing is one of them. It will create an exclusive rarity effect (especially with this recession).

Personally, I'm glad they did that so I won't see everybody rocking the same hoody I got.

RellyRellz said...

I Understand that it's more than a fan based shirt, but in reality, it's absurd to price them the way he is right now. You jsut started this "business" how do you expect someone to just jumo into it and invest 170 dollars? Im sure it's worth every penny, but there has to be more affordable means. I don't understand how making high prices helps in a recession, in fact, that deters ppl from spending money.

If you have the means to buy it, then great.

RellyRellz said...

The most I would've dropped for one was 100 tops* you're talking close to 200 dollars for a single item that not many people even know about yet. The brand isn't solidified. I'm a huge Drake fan (Check this whole blog, I comment on just about every post), I'd love to have one, but I rather wait out for a drop in prices.

RellyRellz said...

I saw someone write that they're doing it to support Drake. That's great and all, but if you're a long time fan, you would notice that Drake doesn't give a fuck about his fans anymore. There use to be a time where he was involved with his fans (blogging, livestreams, twitter shout outs) but when was the last time he did that? I know he's a busy dude, but how do you not release one song for more than a year now?

Kinda a random Rant, but I feel like it's fucked up how hes ghost but says "....oh hey, buy my hoodie, its only $170" FOH!

Anonymous said...

drake should give relly rells a free hoodie :p

Anonymous said...

I agree with relly rells 10000%...i thought I was the only big fan that thought his prices were outrageous...its just sad when you become that big you don't realize its for fans the common folk and it looks bad when fan merchandise is stupid high...don't yell about quality...the price isnt cause of quality its cause of who he is...just being real

Paul said...

I understand the arrogance of Drakes Fame, but ill never forget the simplicity of the music I believe in. and if you don't care about quality I said be my guest and Buy a Gliden screen print tee from EBay if you wanna support some Chinese dudes Tshirt shop. I said the price was a little high a little, but for this price I agree with this guy RICMTL I wouldn't want to fitting the same shirt that you got. That's just me, and for the whole year without a track I agree but guarantee this guy is gonna come out when the time is right and become your religion.

Anonymous said...

It is because it is made in Canada! It cost xtra ok to make. You want the made in China ovo shirt.

Anonymous said...

yet another stupid pointless post... WHERE IS SOME NEW MUSIC DRAKE ?

Unknown said...
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RellyRellz said...

Like I said, if you have the money, then by all means go ahead and buy it. That still doesnt take away from the fact that they are overpriced. Im sure they have to price it that way to make a profit, but it's still bad marketing in my opinion.

If we Drake enthusiasts are complaining about the prices, imagine what other people who don't follow him as much are gonna say about it?

I'll always be a Drake supporter, but I can't help him out with sales. Im sorry.

Anonymous said...

Buy his cd. That helps support him.

Anonymous said...

Yea @ Rellz

Have you bought any of his CD's? How do you get his music?
I guess my question is do you pay for his music and if yes, what format?

GANESH said...

Really Awsome blog.your blog is very useful to us.Thanks for this.. Hope to see more like this in future. I was searching some info on india business school

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Princess said...

I have all your CDs & your bio DVD. I love you Drake. Once again, I love you Drake..

A Princess said...

I got 2 tshirts from Club Paradise & 2 backpacks. Yall are trippin..

A Princess said...

And no backstage passes for VIP

A Princess said...

We dont wanna see your friends. We wanna see you!

RellyRellz said...


That's a ridiculous question. I've pre-ordered all his Cds and I even have that So Far Gone EP all hard copies.

Am I a real nigga to you now?

Paul said...


Anonymous said...

It's the rarity of the item. Just like last kings. There's a lot of fakes out there. But knowing u. Usted ur ass at work or saved up the money to get what's real is always worth it. I'm all about the rarity of styles and limited stuff. Bitch about the prices I agree with you, but business is business, it's the circle of life, is it a rip off? - no. Why? The quality of the item is much more amazing and durable than any other. Just like a steak at a restaurant or steak at another. It's the quality that stands out. Ovoxo all the way. I bought my hoodie and proud of it. Ya'll people cheap. Quit bitching about the prices and stuff no one cares. We rocking the fresh shit while you all watch in envy.

Anonymous said...


No I dont think you are any more real now just because you own the physical copy ass wipe. Whats with the attitude?

Anonymous said...

Damn, I love what you just said at anon^ makes me wanna buy mine today :)
Good quality hoodie in this cold weather, I am down with that.

Anonymous said...




RellyRellz said...

All I know is, I work my ass off too hard to just decide to buy a 170 dollar "ovo" hoodie. Not cheap, very frugal and I have much more important expenses to take care of. I will on the other hand accept it as a gift or for a lower price.

No attitude btw, I just felt offended by the question.

Fatimaazz said...

proud to being a fan of drizzy

drizzy plz follow me if you have time my twitter ====> fatima_libyaOVO

much love and respect and fuck haters

Fatimaazz said...

can't wait to get no new friends t-shrit :))

Anonymous said...

I want the dream team hoodie

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Princess said...

Yea I like the Dream team hoodie but it is expensive. Are the prices high bc everyone has to make a profit? Im also a little offended bc I sense a bitch calling me a "stupid bitch" when I was talking about doing this. The only reason I didnt make the shirts is bc I felt discouraged by whoever that rude person was..he or she can fuckin kick rocks bc Im a Drake fan. Im not a groupie. I am a Drake fan only. I dont like liars. I dont like manipulators. I dont want my moneys worth. No offense, but Ive already been ripped off once before. Im not trying to get ripped off again. Im not gonna kiss your ass just bc you know Drake. I dont like users.

A Princess said...

*I want my moneys worth.

A Princess said...

Im getting me a sweater at TJ Maxx & Im saving up for a car I should have already gotten before someone lead me on. Its cold as shit outside, a nice car is more important.

A Princess said...

Its like that bc my time & money was wasted. I dont appreciate this online bullying either. Its fucked up. It makes me get mad at everyone. Drake you need to work with professionals. Its not professional when ppl that work for you lie to your fans about meeting you when theyre just hustling us to buy VIP tickets. I dont appreciate inconsideration & the disrespect. Its not professional & its not cool. Everyone has a dream but nobody cares about your dream when they make it to their dreams. Its funny how we have to pay over $100 for a Dream team sweater & in reality nobody gives a fuck about you unless you give up your goods. Its fucked up smh

A Princess said...

The skinny black camera man from Club Paradise doesnt deserve to be on tour bc hes unprofessional.

A Princess said...

Im a College student. I cant afford to waste money.

Anonymous said...

0h lawd here we go again^ Girl consider it a valuable lesson on what not to do next time. You can not put a price on that kind of lesson. Truth is marching on. Quit living in the past! We have been hearing about this for months now.

A Princess said...

You consider it valuable lesson Boy. Not to fuck with ppl & their money. I dont have time for your shit. There was a purpose why I went. Stop lying & giving ppl false hopes. I was suppose to do a photoshoot after the concert. This nigga led me on the wholr time & faked on me after the concert. I was suppose to meet Drake. I went shopping for a photoshoot. I traveled & went out of my way & this motherfucker faked bc I didnt give him no pussy. Grow up.

A Princess said...

Ask the camera guy. Hes the one that started this shit. I didnt have a problem until ppl started being rude & wasted my time & money. Im not lying & Im not fucking crazy Drake. If you want to keep your fan base then you need to keep the peace. I dont appreciate the disrespect Im getting from your pplz- and for no reason. Im just a fan. It doesnt make no damn sense that I have to be treated this way & Im your biggest fan. Steal my ideas, lead me on, waste my time & money, give me false hopes, dont believe in me yea I feel really encouraged to be a better person. Im not the one trying to make money off of you. Im a true hustler. I have my own job & my own money. I dont have much money but Im going to school for my own Career. I believe in Equality. I live in a world of Equality. Im not the one living in the past..dont get it twisted.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Princess said...

Shut The Fuck Up. I dont even know your corny ass. If you want to get ignorant then you can sit in the fuckin corner & kick rocks bitch. You think I fucking care? Your an irrelevant bitch that wants attention. Anyways...Im tired of ignorant comments like this being made just bc Im a fan. I didnt even know it was you making those comments lol. I actually feel a lot better bc your nobody to me. Your not breaking me :-)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Princess said...

Why would I say your name & I dont even know you? Your so fuckin insecure. You dont even know me & I wasnt talking to you but since you made this issue about you then go fuckin kill yourself. You seen me? Where? Your fuckin crazy. Im not saying your name...stupid bitch :-)

A Princess said...

Why are you mad for? Britney? Is that your real name?

RellyRellz said...

Y'all need to get the fuck out of my blog with this bullshit. Arguing about some dumb shit and forcing me to write this comment. Chill out, none of ya are gonna do a damn thing to each other.

@Peace, I think we all sympathize with you, that is fucked up, but we can only move on and pray that another opportunity comes around.


Paul said...

These girls^ it's hilarious anyway, the point of this post is to support Drake. OVOXO YMCMB YOLO HYFR MMG ATF TML

A Princess said...

Yes, its really hard dealing with mental abuse & neglect all by myself. I do hope there is another opportunity. I dont think Drake has anything to do with this. I think some ppl around him have a lot of hate & jealousy towards me & him. Obviously Im not the one throwing bullets. Whats really fucked up is that the guy that led me on & gave me false hopes knows me. He knows I work hard. Im independent. Im struggling. Im motivated to get a Career. Hes just mad bc I want Drake. I didnt ask for nothing. He led me on. I payed my way. Why should I have to throw him some pussy? Its rrally hard dealing with this abuse by myself. I dont tell anyone my problems. Im lonely. I cry to myself & stress by myself. I keep everything inside & it just breaks me when ppl try to do fucked up things for no reason. Im just a Drake fan that has respect for myself- and I get no respect.

Anonymous said...

Hey Drizzy.

Check this one I made for you. Hope you like it. I'm your fan.

Anonymous said...

Hey Drizzy.

Check this one I made for you. Hope you like it. I'm your fan.

Anonymous said...

this is your blog @rellz? Really doe? All of yall need to calm down. I am sick of hearing bout this dude you were trying to use to get to drake. Flippin hek stfu already!

Anonymous said...

@Peace how old are you ?,

A Princess said...

Excuse me, I didnt use anybody. It was my fucking Bday. He was doing me a favor by allowing me to meet Drake & do a photoshoot. I was manipulated bc I didnt give up my goods. He started acting funny when I got off the plane. I paid for everything & didnt ask him for a dime. He did what he did bc hes a coward. My age is irrelevant.

A Princess said...

I was even gonna pay him for the photoshoot. He lied about everything bc hes Selfish. Im not gonna sell myself short for a meet & greet & a photoshoot. He got me fucked up. I was nice to him until he faked on me after the concert. I didnt do anything to him but tell him I like him as a friend only. He doesnt respect me & I dont have any respect for him for what he purposely did. It wasnt professional. It was pure hate.

Anonymous said...

why the fuck would they let some random person do a photoshoot of drake? I think you deserved it because you should have known that most men are douche bags. Stop being a groupie and you wont get your feelings hurt.

A Princess said...

It was suppose to be a photoshoot of me. I was suppose to meet Drake for my Bday. He promised me that when he invited me to come out my way. I think you should shut the fuck up. You & him are dousche bags & I dont think most Men are. Most Boys are...until they grow up. I dont think any lady deserves that kind of treatment. Maybe you just deserve that kind of treatment @anonymous since you like to kiss ass. I will always be a Drake fan & you cant make me stop wanting him. Im not a Lesbian. Im into Men. Im not a groupie, your a hater.

A Princess said...

You cant break me & try to change my views.

A Princess said...

Idk Drake but I would like to meet him one day.

Anonymous said...

hey Drake my Bday is coming up wussup with a pic? lol

A Princess said...

I just know Im Different. Haters are my motivators. Im not changing for nobody. There is only one Me :-)

Anonymous said...

listen youngin at@peace life is full of ups and downs. Get over it and move on. We should not be talking about this all these months later . Grow up!

Anonymous said...

If it is only you, dont depend on anyone. Common sense.

A Princess said...

Its common sense to stick to your word. You grow up & be a Man.

Anonymous said...

Why do u keep talking to me like i am him? You are delusional. I am a girl.

A Princess said...

Whoever you are you are ignorant as shit.

A Princess said...

Dont test me. Im tired of arguing. Ive been through so much shit, give me a break.

Anonymous said...

we all have been through some shit ok? Your story is a bore at this point because you keep wailing. Get over it!!!

A Princess said...

So you think its fair that someone should purposely make me go thru more shit? You dont make any sense. Just stfu & just admit your a selfish hater. The point Im trying to make to is, its not fucking polite or professional to mess with pplz minds. You havent been thru shit if you would purposely make someone go thru something like that. You have no fucking idea what I go thru. You sound like you dont even pay your own bills. "Its a bore" stfu.

Anonymous said...

i never said it was fair.I just said you need to get over it. no one pays my bills but me. u should have waited for drake to come to your town before u decided to buy a plane gues is u r about 17.

A Princess said...

No, Im not 17. You dont know the whole story so stop making false accusations like your better than me. I was misled. Im not gonna sit here & make shit up. It was wrong. It wasnt my fault. If you were paying attention he came to my hometown & thats how I met the camera guy. It was my Bday & he agreed to invite me to another show out of town bc I got sick after the concert in my Homeown. He was walking around tryna stunt like he was fucking with me (when I start to remember). He was going to introduce me to Drake after the concert for my Bday but I got really sick & he told me to come to Va Beach & he got me. He never stuck to his word. He led me on. I was honest with him, I told him I like him as a friend. I just didnt know he was gonna be a dick & lead me on the whole way & fake on me bc I wont fuck him. He would flirt with me but I was real with him. I respected him. I know some girls like to lead guys on to get what they want but I didnt do that.

Anonymous said...


A Princess said...

I have Dysmennarhea & I was drunk in my hometown. I would have thrown up in Drake's arms..thats why I agreed to go out of town. We talked about a photoshoot when we were smoking in the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

dont drink! next topic up for discussion... I am not about to talk anymore about this. keep it movin

A Princess said...

It wasnt the drink that got me. It was my period Dysmennarhea symptoms & Im grown. It was my Bday. I am over 21. Are you 17?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

ME- Dance like a Stripper <3

Anonymous said...

@Peace Im laughing at you this is hilarious this conversation is irrelevant, to actually think some like you would be using this blog as a therapy session you must be 17 hahaha get off this post please. So much Drama. I bet you're ugly as fuck if you have Aaliyah as your profile pic. Get out here, and let us OVOVXO fans discuss real issues not about your Dysmennarhea

A Princess said...

Look fag, I didnt ask you. Dysmenarrhea is really serious. Your not a woman you dont understand. I dont have a profile pic bc I dont want everyone in my damn business. All you know how to do is be a dick. Your anonymous so shut the fuck up.

A Princess said...

Hop off

Paul said...

I didn't mean to go anonymous on that one,

Paul said...

Look me Relly and some other clean folks on here were having a good clean fair argument about the Attire prices and then you and Britney starting going at it, its unnecessary. We all really don't care about your problem with this guy you met in a restroom, it's harsh but it's true. So please get help on a serious note I'm not trying to be an idiot but to me it sounds like you need help from your parents or some friends that's just me being real.

A Princess said...

You just said you were anonymous. It wasnt just me & Britney cowboy.

A Princess said...

I was having a good clean conversation too until yall started hating on me.

A Princess said...

Dysmenarrhea is painful without pain killers. Its like Im having contractions like Im about to have a baby. Ive never been pregnant or gave Birth but even my Doctor told me I have to chill out & take my pain killers. I dont go to school or work the first 2 days of my period bc I feel like shit even when Im on pain killers. I wouldnt miss Drake for anything. When I tell you Im in pain, Im in fucking Man will ever understand how that feels.

Anonymous said...

@ Peace you are one Crazy ass bitch you need help.

A Princess said...

What? Thats why I didnt meet Drake in my hometown when the camera guy from Club Paradise was suppose to introduce me for my Bday. I wasnt feeling well at all so I took a cab home aftet he invited me to come to Va Beach bc I wasnt feeling well. Im letting yall know what really happened.

A Princess said...

Im not the Crazy one. That camera guy is crazy. Hes fuckin up everybodies money. He told me to come out of town for a photoshoot & to meet Drake. Hes crazy. He lied about everything.

A Princess said...

Your the Devil

Anonymous said...

beautiful Celebrity Photos

RellyRellz said...

Damn Peace, you need some psychiatric help, and im saying that as a fellow Drakologist. Just know that we are here to support you, but when you go on rants, that doesn't bode well for anyone. Chill out. You'll be fine

Anonymous said...

Drakologist? Ummm, ima Drake Luva. I mean I guess I study the dude but not to a science.

RellyRellz said...

Well Drake luva sounds a bit too gay for a man to claim that title. Drakologist is neutral and sounds legit. Get on it. lol

A Princess said...

Eww shut the fuck up Rell you disgust me

Anonymous said...

peace go learn some manners

Anonymous said...

Maybe this will reach Drake or not on my Buckest list is to thank drake for saving my life I dont need a response back i just want him to know Angelica says Thanks.

Anonymous said...

^ what else is on your bucketlist?

A Princess said...

What is this world coming to? You boys are so disrespectful it makes me sick.

A Princess said...

I can do what I want. I dont care if it doesnt go well with you.

@Drakkardnoir said...

1. Further
2. Say it Once
3. Friend
4. No New Friends (Interlude)
5. Tomorrow Night
6. Make it Happen
7. Safe Word
8. Bad Timing
9. 431 Interlude/Queen Street
10. Turn it On (Interlude)
11. Offers
12. Don't say No

Fireworks said... it!!!

Fatimaazz said...

@Drake your team is good, you don’t really need a mascot.

Fatimaazz said...

drizzy plz follow me if you have time my twitter ====> fatima_libyaOVO

Anonymous said...


O_O Am I trippin, or is that what I THINK it is???

O.o If YES, then HOW SO...

Anonymous said...






follow me @carlyrae101 said...

drake usually goes with one of the singles and uses that for the album title... and seeing as the last two started wit the letter "T" for thank me later and take care... maybe this one will be tomorrow night? idk wild guess it is wayy to early for a track listing but then again he posted a two pictures of the songs he had so far and put them on this blog way before the album dropped sooo it could be possible i think we know that no new friends will be on there for sure and dont say no sounds like the freestyle him and lil wayne did... further sounds to me like dropxlifes song... maybe drake made it into one? he did the same thing with jamiexx and that take care song from that gil scott album. idk too much excitemet lol a lot of questions about this one and no answers!!!! when are you gunna give us a piece of the action drake????!!? bet you that this is maybe 90% right if it is cause even with take care a few songs drake really wanted didnt make it like that one with justin timberlake "all kinds" that he had tatted on his arm then had to cover up with a sideways cntower cause the song didnt make it at the last minute but thank you drake if that is you subliminally giving us somethign to look forward tooo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays everyone :)

Anonymous said...

i dont know wtf that is ?? lol

where the music at bruh

James Huff said...

Drizzy left a tracklist, give us one song Drizzy

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lets hope that everything works out smoothly! :-)


Jason Lipshutz said...

That could just be the song choices so far. Drake - along with any executive producers will have to turn in a final album copy to his label. But the executive heads at Universal will have the final say on what makes it to the finished album. If a song is tied to another major label artist, needs samples to have cleared, or simply doesn't sound good enough to sell then it'll be delayed or won't be released at all.

You should note that Drake isn't saying anything at this point about the posthumous Aaliyah album or even his junior. Reason being that he as an artist who only recently went through renegotiations has no say in what gets released. However, he does own the rights to his music because of his contract terms. Anything that doesn't make the album can be leaked by him to the Internets without any pending lawsuit.

In the past, TML faced over six months worth of delays. With Drake compiling all songs by November 2009. Aiming at a March 2010 release. Turning in his final copy by late April. Confirming a May release date with his label. Only to have it pushed back three weeks to mid June.

By December 2010, Drake made plans to release a collection of R&B songs that had not made the album along with new cuts on a mixtape. Plans have since been scrapped. There were plans to also do a colaborative mixtape with Wayne that fell through. And also another with Rick Ross that too didn't see the light of day.

TC also faced about six months worth of delays. From May 2011, posting Dreams Money Can Buy as a song that wouldn't be a single, but would be on the album. In June, releasing Marvin's Room which wasn't intended to be part of the album but because of commercial success made it to digital sales by July. The start of official singles debut in August. Then dropping two additionl songs in September that didn't make the final cut. Confirming a birthday release for October. Only to have the album pushed back in a statement posted on this blog, to mid November due to clearances for three songs.

Jump to April 2012, where the last single HYFR was finally released. Drake has been busy with touring, promoting, and writing. Features and guest appearances like Enough, Pop That, Amen, Us, Diced Pinapples, No Lie, Right Here, Poetic Justice, Come Up, Fuckin Problem and The Notice have filled the void of his third album. All this and dealing with the occassional controvery between Rihanna & Chris Brown.

His junior effort and Aaliyah album if anything like his previous ones will face half a year of delays. Even with a song list there is still a lot that's up in the air. Yet still so much for us to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

O_________O......Dammm... I didn't KNOW that Drake had to go through all that just to release an album, I really thought that everything was just PEACHES & CREAM!!!..

He seemed like he was just releasing hit after hit but I didn't think about what goes on behind the music! FUCK... :-[ I hope that he's okay...cause that just seem even more STRESSFUL than a regular 9 to 5 job and I ACTUALLY thought that I had it BAD!

ninezero said...

guys, check out our soundcloud
crazy instrumentals for yall!!

realist said...

that typography is crap #jussayin

RellyRellz said...

@Peace...Get a life. That's the last time I address you

@Jason, you made an interesting comment and I truly believe Drake has at least 50% of the album done, regardless of whether he's said anything or not. All I ask is for him to let us know a date so that we can at least start a countdown or not have to guess whether he'll ever release another song again in this lifetime.

It is kinda concerning for fans though, think about what's going to happen. He'll release an album soon, drop a few extras after it and we'll be back here again wondering when he'll release a song. It happened after TML and TC and it'll happened after the Junior.

Fireworks said...

I'm curious to see the direction of his junior album...
Drake usually raps about what's going on in that moment...but he has been quiet lately...

I have a feeling that album prob will not drop till late summer...hopefully we can see something from him before that...songs, date, interviews, etc...

Off topic...what has happen to Cole? He's been quiet too...

Anonymous said...

I see Drake is all over the news cuz of yolo. Some other dude said he coined the term but who cares just listen to the message.

RellyRellz said...


Cole is dropping his album in jan or feb so you'll be hearing from him soon. He's actually dropped a few songs already. Drake is just upsetting me though, there's no reason he should be this quiet.

Fireworks said...

That's right forgot that Cole's album is dropping around his b-day...Drake on the other hand hardly interacts with us fans anymore...barely tweets, blogs, live streams or does word on any song frim him frustrating!!!
We need to hear from him soon!!!

Anonymous said...

He toured in 2012 and was featured on other peoples tracks,as well as getting in some production. I wonder how that goes down when him and 40 combine their production ideas. Give the man a break. He lost a loved one not too long ago. Give the man time to regroup. That is the problem with people now. This is an instant gratification society and everyone has fast food mentality. Be patient. He just released an album last year and your already bitchin?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I like it. It's quality clothing priced for people who know and live like money is n't a big deal. It's 4 ballers, only. ;)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

LOL yall are some fruitys..are you seriously whining this bad?

A lot of you need to work on your life and not worry about Drake so much..

Make your own Legacy!!!!



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Anonymous said...

Good Gawd ! - JB

Tim Griffith said...

I agree James Huff... One track for the New Year!

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Unknown said...

I would buy, but i have no money. i love drake, hes changed my life....

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its a new cat named elway or elway the great,i hear hes drakes cousin,not sure,can some1 let me know?dude got bars tho

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