Tuesday, October 25, 2011


SNiperOVOXO said...

Follow me on Twitter ! @S_Ni_iPE_RSODMG

charliepoll said...

Best birthday present ever.

504 said...


oh_mysheek said...

the visual is stunning...

Anonymous said...

oliver - you're easy on the eyes

MaryMacc said...

RepsUp! You guys are doing it real big! 25days till Take Care, can't wait! Xo

Trey said...

Take Care will be Classic 11.15.11 @Tray_Rozay

Unknown said...

take care album review coming soon... www.nextinshow.com

Anonymous said...

I must say I Love the simplicity. I am thrilled about this album release! I will definitely purchase this CD.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy this album!!!

Anonymous said...

where is this posted at? Toronto?

Ronovoxo said...

So sweet.. Take Care. OVOXO.

momillicopado said...

Wish there were some of them bitches up up in CAli..I been spreading the word that the real is on the rise & OVO is the realest..Take Care- watch out world, it's coming!!! Bag jackin bitches!!!LoL Thanks Oliver<3

Emily said...

can't come fast enough

Anonymous said...

take care bitchessss

Anonymous said...

I write about Drizzy on my blog. Had a post previewing Take Care. Click my name to go to the blog. Thanks all

McCafferty said...


OVOMindYourz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendyjoanna said...

Where is this beautiful sign at?
& omg its a georgious sign
Take care nov.15
Can't wait

Anonymous said...

I dont know why drake likes to do features on his albums.Drake doesn't need ANYONE on his tracks.he's fckin cold af

Anonymous said...

where the tracklist at fool?

Anonymous said...

IK its late but happy bday Drake:)
Hope u had a great day
thanks for such great music

Darrell said...

Drake , if you see this i just wanna say thank you for making the inspiring Music that helped me in life so far and the whole ovoxo ..Much love ...


Anonymous said...

can. not. wait.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Jasmine S, Graham :) said...

D O P E ♥ :)

Btw , My Birthday is coming. The best present in the world would be for Drake too follow me :)


- Take Care , Jasmine S. Graham :)

LMichelle said...

Ooo Cant wait till 11.15.11 Will be the first in line to cop it! @LMichelle1020
Thanks Drizzy!

Anonymous said...

Where is this?
Toronto again?
If yes.. I need to see it ASAP!!
<3 Drizzy Drake!

mobabyz_ said...

i cannot wait :)))

RellyRellz said...

WoOOOO!!! Nov 15 is gonna seem so surreal when it gets here

Erika said...

I cant x stoooop


Anonymous said...

I want Drake, Take Care in a special way :)

Gracie said...

I'm too excited for this. <3333

LizetteAmour said...

I cant wait for Take Care! my birthdays on 11/16 maybe we can celebrate together if youre in LA :-*

Fireworks said...

Nov 15 seems so far away...Countting down days...

Take Care...

BonafideSexyG said...

That must be Toronto. There is so much going on in the city. The sign is pretty. I can't wait until Take Care comes out.

Anyway, I was re-reading my tweets, and I promised your birthday present, and I think you held your part of the deal... and I'm still willing to give you your gift. I still have it if you want it. ;)

Fireworks said...

Is anyone having problems getting on ATF???

Anonymous said...

Yesssss ! OvOxO This Is Smoove

Drizzy_Music_Luvva' said...

Boy my family is going 2B pissed over the holidays!!! As I"m sure I'll be in "Take Care" mode straight through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years w/my IPOD glued 2 my ears everywhere I go, lol... Have 2 admit it's very difficult 2 get my attention when I'm in my "Drizzy Zone". Oh, well... hopefully they won't forget to feed me :)

So looking forward 2 ur album -- CAN'T WAIT!!!

Anonymous said...

I like title take care in holland do we get record same day?

Anonymous said...

reppin our city, makes me proud to be from Tornto
ill be soon

Tim said...

that shit is crazy. i can't imagine how it feels to see something you put your heart into thrown up on a giant board for all to see. congrats. and happy belated birthday. even though the album didn't drop on the 24th, i spent it burning loud and listening to everything from room for improvement to the new songs, and everything in between. november 15th, 2011 is going to be a benchmark in the world of music. it's bigger than hip hop.

Anonymous said...

Damn this album is getting bigger and bigger. At first I was mad it didn't drop this week, but in the end it will be worth it. The anticipation for this album is getting crazy. I wouldn't be shocked if he drops 1milli plus first week sales...for real doe

Anonymous said...

Biggest Drake Fan Yall Will Ever Know @VinCeisMusiC.

Anonymous said...

Theres this man have you heard of him? name is @drake, and uh i think i like him. hes smart,fly but best of all his words oh my his words ;)

Drake please follow me on twitter @ drizzydreamteam xo

Anonymous said...

drake that black looks so good

Shirinxx said...

thanks for putting us on the map after being as big as you are. Lord knows once someone from Toronto goes big...they forget where they came from. Toronto Pride lol. OVOXO.

Anonymous said...

DRIZZY...THAT'S UUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Cool beans!!! That's hot!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Drake sucks sorry

'Y- DEL'

Aubrey's Rose said...

Damm..I try to be nice but girls always tryna start some shit with me.

I'm alwayz the one to be misunderstood all the dammm time, like no one fuckkin gets me.

Forever Byrd

Anonymous said...

HYFR stirred emotions in me...beautiful

xlpharmacy.com said...

pardon me for my ignorance, but what is all about that image you posted on here? you did not write anything about it, can you tell me please?

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