@ DrizzyMistress16 Lmao " You know what's funny about the stories is that you take it to another level every time you make one." I'm not even gonna lie...girl lol! You are a DRizzy FREEAAK..lmao lol!" Funny as hell"...In some kind of way,I really do hope that Drake does read these comments but hey ya never know! ;) @ too all Drake fans: Though, I don't understand why people... like to argue on here. I just feel like it's a waist of energy and time. It's just a Blog.
That's why...I'm always nice to people because it's always good to meet new people..Though,It's not good to be around negative people because once you are around those people..you start say and do and think negative things. You feel me...
I encourage all Drake fans...to just live life to the fullest =) And Just be HAPPY..and put drama side! It'll make life easier...I promise you that ;)
PLEASE SOME ONE SLAP ME!lmao...hahaha I'm mean becoming a better person silly me..again xD hahahahaha my head is running so slow today..so excuse my grammar for all my post! Damm a bitch can't say shit right lol what is wrong with me today!! hahahahahaha lol silly me WOW!!
heyyy Drake ;) I hope yhu slept good last night even tho yhu wouldve slept better with ME, since i have big titz yhu can juhst lay on && im real cute in the morning<3 idk WHY everyone else be looking hit in the morningg,
@Jameeshhhhhh, he said yhur too fat && uhgly, he ddnt wanna ruin his reputation. && I got ur text, he said he doesnt like her either. && that yall are both the ugliest gurls in the group. he doesnt kno WHY yhu culd think hed EVER dance on yhu, he said he only likes bad bitches, LOL. He was all uhp on me tho for obvious reasons.! me && trixie are hot he said thats why LMPAOOOOO sorry :D
doesnt it feel like part of your flow slows down when they dont post anything? Maybe its just me lol but you can probly bet that the next post is the single for Take Care...theyre probably trying to build suspense cus they havent posted for a while..
@Kiley beCause he says he didnt wanna ruin his reputation and he only grabs bad bitches boobs! Sorry! He grabbed mine for obvious reasons tho! Im so much hotter than you and you know it!
Kelsie and Kiley are the same person. :) kelsie was just saying this to make herself sound hot and popular. Does this ring any bells? Hahahahahhahahahahahaahaah
@Drizzy_Mistress WTF? well fuck him than hes ugly anyways! And NO im not fat or ugly i just have curves! i AM a dimepiece!
And ppl on here need to QUIT starting stuff! She didnt say she was hotter den me.....
Trixies fake with her pale azz skin! her butt and tittys are fake az fuck! And OMG i cant believe ya just TOLD me that....hes a bitch bitch bitch why would he call me fat and ugly? i think yuh lien! Trixies an ugly white ass bitch.... i hate white girls! im gonna kill his donkey looking azz!!!!
"as ur dick was in me, i was licking && sucking ur balls" lol where did he have his dick? In your nose? Thats the only way you could lick and suck his balls and him have his dick in you at the same time Lol xD
"""""""as ur dick was in me, i was licking && sucking ur balls" lol where did he have his dick? In your nose? Thats the only way you could lick and suck his balls and him have his dick in you at the same time Lol xD
you just invented NASAL SEX! Hahahah"""""""
LOL i bet one of her nose holes is bigger than the other one now hahaahhaahahahah in the next story have him fuck your other nose hole so that your face evens out and looks slighty normal!
Just dont let him go in your Ear!!! We all know what happens in Scary Movie!!
@Jameesha, " well fuck him than hes ugly anyways!" gurl. yhu && me BOTH know hes very, VERY cute. hes a cutie.
"And NO im not fat or ugly i just have curves! i AM a dimepiece!" No comment LOL. "Trixies fake with her pale azz skin! her butt and tittys are fake az fuck!" "Trixies an ugly white ass bitch.... i hate white girls!" 1st of all ive known her WAYYY longer than i known yhu so dxnt talk shit about her...we dont talk shit about yhu. && it is NOT her fault. && she isnt ugly sweetheart shes actually pretty && isnt HUGE in the waist she juhst has a good shape....yea shes white buht her butt is almost like mines... "And OMG i cant believe ya just TOLD me that..." Buht yhu asked O_o "im gonna kill his donkey looking azz!!!!" LOL he CAN be a jerk though...... "why would he call me fat and ugly? i think yuh lien!" -_- No comment LMFAO. thats juhst his opinion.
LOL @ peeple thinkin jameesha &+ Ariel are the same people. Jameeshas crater faced selff is the one thats ALWAYS tryna be like us! ima say one thing and im off here....you ARE ugly nd fat.you dont have curves thats called LUMPS. you have small breasts and butt but erthan else is HUGE! And wally is WAYY out ya league.and yes bitch, this IZ really amy. you always in denial when someone says negative shit about you but guess what? wally DID say that! Guys say that abot you all the time and you still wanna like them...thats why you keep making a fool out of yourself dumb bitch. and @Annonymous wow jealous much?
@Amy LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.! YHU wrong 4 dat. OMG thats SO not nice.! Jameeshas a nice girl........
&& dont pay attention 2 annonymous. that bitch probly looks like a wide nose gorilla. shes madd bc drake wouldnt touch her with a 10 foot pole, LOL. :D yhu going 2 thee BBQ 2day.?
TTO THE BITCH PRETENDING TO BE 20 DIFFERENT PEOPLE "Drizzy_Misstress16" ima have to #ShutYourShitDown if you keep saying drake is yours! He's mine bitch! He told me he wanted to fuck me through messages!!!
@Jameesha, "@Ariel you alwayss take there sides when THERE the ones that start with me!" im not taking sides, buht guys dnt talk bad about yhu untill yhu talk bad about the gurl they like OR like them, sweetie id juhst advise yhu to NOT like any guys they hang out with, unless yhur pretty;&& i mean really really really really really really pretty.
"just tell me dis one thing:how am i fat or ugly?"
I'm juhst gna go by what ppl have said: -yhu have tons of acne -yhur nose is too big && piggish -yhur lips are too thin && look nasty bc ther like black. -yhu dont have hair && yhu wear red clown wigs OR u wear yhur own hair. -yhu have greasy skin. -youre fat as hell && to make matters worse yhu have a washboard ass && no boobz. yhu have no good smell 2 yu -yhu dress either like a hobo, or too sexxy for yhur body type. -yhu have saggy eyez.
This is juhst what THEY say (the guys). lyke honestly i HATE iht when they do tht buht u shld juhst not like them LMFAO :)
@Annonymous LMAO I'm not studying those fat black ugly gorillas, there mad bc they cant be pretty && in shape like me "its sad how everyone cant be pretty & have a big butt like me" :) && bc get NO love from Drake. im selena gomez there the beliebers LOL :)
@Jameesha "But do YOU honestly think im ugly? and what can i do to have bigger tits and a HUGE ass and flat stomach? what can i do to make wally like me."
get a new face & body.
LOL im kiddingg :) Most gurls wouldve cussed my a$$ out 4 telling them what i told yhu, && since yhu didnt i will give yhu tips FORREAL: -wash yhur face with olive olay twice a day, it'll clear up your skin. -brush yhur teeth 3x a day. -get scented shower gel & get perfume or body glitter. -workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour. -your light skinned, so get baby blue contacts. -since yhur hair dont grow that much, just get like a long pretty ponytail for the summer, && make sure iht has colors in it.ihf yhur gna get weave get iht long & straight. -wear better make up. -fix yhur nailz & toe nailz. -untill yhu lose weight dxnt wear nuttin to revealing, wear SUPER cute tops & capris with designs on them. -yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger, -IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products. if u have ? quote
'-wear better make up. ' like what? '-fix yhur nailz & toe nailz. ' how? -yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger, i want one like yours or lacienegas. "-IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products. i want HUGE tittys. "-workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour." doing what?
Ok go to google && type in these things: "how to do makeup like video vixen" "how to do makeup like a barbie" trust me thats how I do my make up, && yhu should try iht. buht ihf yhu wanna look 'basic' just wear one shade of eyeshadow, clear lipgloss, && one coat of mascara. i dont wear base tho, since my skin is creamy & smooth.
@Jameesha "'-fix yhur nailz & toe nailz. ' how?" get them done, acrylic && either french tips. pink, red or light blue. OR... paint them urself, pink or red && with sparkles. like me.
"-yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger, i want one like yours or lacienegas. Theyre not gna make yours that big. theyll make iht firmer & round, buht thats iht. yhu can wear booty pads too, buht youll have 2 wear ALOT to have an ass that big....theyll make it a little bigger tho.like maybe it could be poofier.buht not like ours, unless yhu get implants. ""-IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products. i want HUGE tittys." you'll probly hve C cups. ""-workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour." doing what? jog for 40min (20 at a time) && do pushups && squats.
You guys are crazy and as usual black girls and white girls are always hating on eachother..dumb whores, get over it! Were not in the 60's & the funny part is, you guys both want to look more mixed or latin! Black girls wanna be lighter, white girls wanna tan to be darker..black girls enhance their features to look more white (nose jobs, breast job) white girls want to enhance their features to look more black (lip jobs, ass shots)..you guys should just be happy the way you are created & except that there is beauty in different shades & colors etc! Learn to love yourself!--& btw im mixed & whoever said they don't like white girls how do you think Drake feels about that if his mom is white? Just bc he may date black women doesn't mean that he just neglects everybody including the white side..he dates every race just like me! Bc I lovvveee skittles :-)
*giggles* looks like i have a wannabe, a SHADOW, a FOLLOWER, a little PUPPY who wantz 2 be me. but there is only ONE drizzy mistress, && MY drizzy-bear knows who the REAL one is.! Im the one he took the time out to dm...... #ImTheChosenOne "why cant everybody be pretty like me"...... Anywaydoe......i think ima do an erotic tale since ihts a SPECIAL day......called "Fireworks".....about YOU & ME at the K.O.D....in this story im 18.....1 hour i'll b back with the story that will get YOUR dynamite so heated & hard iht MIGHT explode----&& leave WHITE ashes everywhere ;)
ooo drake i want you to give me a chili dog cuz my tig ol bitties are just screaming for your feces!! chili dog is when you *drake* :) drop a hot steamy log on my big titties ;)then procede to titty fuck the shit outta me (making what looks like a chili dog) && it will be so hot and wet && then i want you to give me a hot karl followed up by the drizzy 3 stoke OMG drake i am your number 1 stalker! chili dog me PLEASE!!!
LMAO ariel girl you str8 nasty OMG but a chili dog fo realz??? i was thinking more like drake shrimping me...u kno..bustin raw nuts in my ass and slurping it out with a straw? OMG ariel we are too hot. #ladyinthestreetsfreakinthebed
Wow okay lmao..there's so many people on here. I haven't seen before..It's like you don't know which is which any more!!
Well, it doesn't matter though because I guess it just makes this blog even more exclusive...lol
Hey the more people there is...the more support for Drake..thats all that matters!!!.. lol
Forever Byrd =)
P.S. lmao wow My Dad had tickets to the BET awards because he was going to work as security...in the VIP section and he didn't even go..wow that could of been a chance to meet Drake=) But since he works as security at shows. ima make sure next year is the year...to meet Drake. Or even this year. Hopefully!
lol Drizzy Drake got that spaz meter... Dat kash feeder.. He got dat ass beater...lmao hahaha uh yeah lol i don't know what I'm saying i'm just being completely weird and random ass fuckk right now!!
I really like this song. I like this Artist too, he's different, not Kid Cudi different but has this simplistic feel. He is mellow, more rappers need this! I can see why drake likes this guy, or at least why he posted this up on his blog.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dats wat we need sum more songs like dat.......ovo yo hoe at my next show taking off ha clothes and ha pantie hoes while im sipping on purple cuz i fucks wit ovo........ymcmb bitch hahahahaha
Man.. Drake, GTFO of Young Money, no disrespect to Wayne, Birdman, and Slim, but you're at the point where you're as big of a star as Lil Wayne. You should open up your own labelOVO. It can even be like an affiliate of YMCMB. Like ShadyAftermath or how Diplomats and State Property were to Rocafella. Sign J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, The Weekend, and some other up and comers you feel that have potential, maybe get Tyga since he doesn't fit in the YM mold and is, IMO, misused.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 270 of 270LMFAO! Yall are crazy! @DrizzyMistress16 yea you FUNNY girrll lol
@Drizzy_Mistress16 you got twitter?
@ Drake's #1 Fan I didn't get it when you said...that girls on here are posting similar comments on here..=/
In one way I kind of Disagree with you.Cause I looked at all of my comments and mines are different from every bodies.
I would say the only thing similar about the comments is the fact that we are all talking about Drake. =)
that's all...
It's just that i notice a lot of females that are on here paying no mind to the other comments and just doin there own thing. yah know =)
Well,God Bless
Have a nice life
Forever Byrd
@ DrizzyMistress16 Lmao " You know what's funny about the stories is that you take it to another level every time you make one." I'm not even gonna lie...girl lol! You are a DRizzy FREEAAK..lmao lol!" Funny as hell"...In some kind of way,I really do hope that Drake does read these comments but hey ya never know! ;)
@ too all Drake fans:
Though, I don't understand why people... like to argue on here. I just feel like it's a waist of energy and time. It's just a Blog.
That's why...I'm always nice to people because it's always good to meet new people..Though,It's not good to be around negative people because once you are around those people..you start say and do and think negative things. You feel me...
I encourage all Drake fans...to just live life to the fullest =)
And Just be HAPPY..and put drama side! It'll make life easier...I promise you that ;)
Well god bless to all real Drizzy's Fans...=)
Forever Byrd
P.S. ovoxo yo girl at my next show.
Oh yeah and that me up there talking I forgot to put though Rose...after Aubrey silly me lol xD HAHAHAHA
Acknowledge these word's from a wise..woman!
PLEASE SOME ONE SLAP ME!lmao...hahaha I'm mean becoming a better person silly me..again xD hahahahaha my head is running so slow today..so excuse my grammar for all my post! Damm a bitch can't say shit right lol what is wrong with me today!! hahahahahaha lol silly me WOW!!
@Wesstside Ur hating like shit, u probably wish he sucked ur penis! Faggot lol
heyyy Drake ;) I hope yhu slept good last night even tho yhu wouldve slept better with ME, since i have big titz yhu can juhst lay on && im real cute in the morning<3 idk WHY everyone else be looking hit in the morningg,
Ily Drizzy-Bear :)
@Ariel why doesnt Wally like me? can you ask him for me? why would he dance with you and trixie but not with me yesterday?
Damm Drake..When are you guys gonna post another video or the new single that's suppose to come out in July??
Nigga, I'm dying over here...hopefuly it'll be sooner than I think. fuckk lol
Take Care
Forever Byrd
he said yhur too fat && uhgly, he ddnt wanna ruin his reputation.
&& I got ur text, he said he doesnt like her either. && that yall are both the ugliest gurls in the group. he doesnt kno WHY yhu culd think hed EVER dance on yhu, he said he only likes bad bitches, LOL.
He was all uhp on me tho for obvious reasons.! me && trixie are hot he said thats why LMPAOOOOO sorry :D
@Aubrey's Rose
doesnt it feel like part of your flow slows down when they dont post anything? Maybe its just me lol
but you can probly bet that the next post is the single for Take Care...theyre probably trying to build suspense cus they havent posted for a while..
this video is mad creative and dope, with a good message to go with it.
follow me btw @Mark_mars
@Kelsie why didnt Drake grab my boob like you! Can you ask him for me?
@Kiley beCause he says he didnt wanna ruin his reputation and he only grabs bad bitches boobs! Sorry!
He grabbed mine for obvious reasons tho! Im so much hotter than you and you know it!
Kelsie and Kiley are the same person. :) kelsie was just saying this to make herself sound hot and popular. Does this ring any bells? Hahahahahhahahahahahaahaah
@Drizzy_Mistress WTF? well fuck him than hes ugly anyways! And NO im not fat or ugly i just have curves! i AM a dimepiece!
And ppl on here need to QUIT starting stuff! She didnt say she was hotter den me.....
Trixies fake with her pale azz skin! her butt and tittys are fake az fuck! And OMG i cant believe ya just TOLD me that....hes a bitch bitch bitch why would he call me fat and ugly? i think yuh lien! Trixies an ugly white ass bitch.... i hate white girls! im gonna kill his donkey looking azz!!!!
Drake yhu sexcii BEAST.!! i cant WAIT to listen to the new single<3
"as ur dick was in me, i was licking && sucking ur balls"
lol where did he have his dick? In your nose? Thats the only way you could lick and suck his balls and him have his dick in you at the same time Lol xD
you just invented NASAL SEX! Hahahah
Yup "Jameesha" definitely sounds like Drizzy Misstress. Lol good observation kiley and kelsie!
"""""""as ur dick was in me, i was licking && sucking ur balls"
lol where did he have his dick? In your nose? Thats the only way you could lick and suck his balls and him have his dick in you at the same time Lol xD
you just invented NASAL SEX! Hahahah"""""""
LOL i bet one of her nose holes is bigger than the other one now hahaahhaahahahah
in the next story have him fuck your other nose hole so that your face evens out and looks slighty normal!
Just dont let him go in your Ear!!! We all know what happens in Scary Movie!!
" well fuck him than hes ugly anyways!"
gurl. yhu && me BOTH know hes very, VERY cute. hes a cutie.
"And NO im not fat or ugly i just have curves! i AM a dimepiece!"
No comment LOL.
"Trixies fake with her pale azz skin! her butt and tittys are fake az fuck!"
"Trixies an ugly white ass bitch.... i hate white girls!"
1st of all ive known her WAYYY longer than i known yhu so dxnt talk shit about her...we dont talk shit about yhu. && it is NOT her fault. && she isnt ugly sweetheart shes actually pretty && isnt HUGE in the waist she juhst has a good shape....yea shes white buht her butt is almost like mines...
"And OMG i cant believe ya just TOLD me that..."
Buht yhu asked O_o
"im gonna kill his donkey looking azz!!!!"
LOL he CAN be a jerk though......
"why would he call me fat and ugly? i think yuh lien!"
-_- No comment LMFAO. thats juhst his opinion.
LOL @ peeple thinkin jameesha &+ Ariel are the same people. Jameeshas crater faced selff is the one thats ALWAYS tryna be like us! ima say one thing and im off here....you ARE ugly nd fat.you dont have curves thats called LUMPS. you have small breasts and butt but erthan else is HUGE! And wally is WAYY out ya league.and yes bitch, this IZ really amy. you always in denial when someone says negative shit about you but guess what? wally DID say that! Guys say that abot you all the time and you still wanna like them...thats why you keep making a fool out of yourself dumb bitch.
and @Annonymous wow jealous much?
@Ariel you alwayss take there sides when THERE the ones that start with me! just tell me dis one thing:how am i fat or ugly?
suuuurrrreeeeeeeeee... @amylovestune aka or should i say..Drizzy Monstress!!!!
@Amy LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.! YHU wrong 4 dat. OMG thats SO not nice.! Jameeshas a nice girl........
&& dont pay attention 2 annonymous. that bitch probly looks like a wide nose gorilla. shes madd bc drake wouldnt touch her with a 10 foot pole, LOL. :D yhu going 2 thee BBQ 2day.?
you look like the lochness monster, and i DOUBT you've ever seen ariel.
TTO THE BITCH PRETENDING TO BE 20 DIFFERENT PEOPLE "Drizzy_Misstress16" ima have to #ShutYourShitDown if you keep saying drake is yours! He's mine bitch! He told me he wanted to fuck me through messages!!!
OH SHIT!!!!!! This is like the return of Godzilla and MechaGodzilla haha xD Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!
"@Ariel you alwayss take there sides when THERE the ones that start with me!"
im not taking sides, buht guys dnt talk bad about yhu untill yhu talk bad about the gurl they like OR like them, sweetie id juhst advise yhu to NOT like any guys they hang out with, unless yhur pretty;&& i mean really really really really really really pretty.
"just tell me dis one thing:how am i fat or ugly?"
I'm juhst gna go by what ppl have said:
-yhu have tons of acne
-yhur nose is too big && piggish
-yhur lips are too thin && look nasty bc ther like black.
-yhu dont have hair && yhu wear red clown wigs OR u wear yhur own hair.
-yhu have greasy skin.
-youre fat as hell && to make matters worse yhu have a washboard ass && no boobz.
yhu have no good smell 2 yu
-yhu dress either like a hobo, or too sexxy for yhur body type.
-yhu have saggy eyez.
This is juhst what THEY say (the guys). lyke honestly i HATE iht when they do tht buht u shld juhst not like them LMFAO :)
@Annonymous LMAO
I'm not studying those fat black ugly gorillas, there mad bc they cant be pretty && in shape like me "its sad how everyone cant be pretty & have a big butt like me" :)
&& bc get NO love from Drake.
im selena gomez there the beliebers LOL :)
I <3 my drizzy ;) Cant WAIT 2 dance in his videos...
@Drizzy_Mistress16 must REALLY be with drake for all these fans to be throwing shade at her
But do YOU honestly think im ugly? and what can i do to have bigger tits and a HUGE ass and flat stomach? what can i do to make wally like me.
Wally sounds like a gay lords name
Download that @nodice314 mixtape #BTB hosted by @ogkushbeats http://nodice314.tumblr.com/
"But do YOU honestly think im ugly? and what can i do to have bigger tits and a HUGE ass and flat stomach? what can i do to make wally like me."
get a new face & body.
LOL im kiddingg :) Most gurls wouldve cussed my a$$ out 4 telling them what i told yhu, && since yhu didnt i will give yhu tips FORREAL:
-wash yhur face with olive olay twice a day, it'll clear up your skin.
-brush yhur teeth 3x a day.
-get scented shower gel & get perfume or body glitter.
-workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour.
-your light skinned, so get baby blue contacts.
-since yhur hair dont grow that much, just get like a long pretty ponytail for the summer, && make sure iht has colors in it.ihf yhur gna get weave get iht long & straight.
-wear better make up.
-fix yhur nailz & toe nailz.
-untill yhu lose weight dxnt wear nuttin to revealing, wear SUPER cute tops & capris with designs on them.
-yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger,
-IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products. if u have ? quote
'-wear better make up. '
like what?
'-fix yhur nailz & toe nailz. '
-yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger,
i want one like yours or lacienegas.
"-IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products.
i want HUGE tittys.
"-workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour."
doing what?
"'-wear better make up. ' like what?
Ok go to google && type in these things:
"how to do makeup like video vixen"
"how to do makeup like a barbie"
trust me thats how I do my make up, && yhu should try iht. buht ihf yhu wanna look 'basic' just wear one shade of eyeshadow, clear lipgloss, && one coat of mascara. i dont wear base tho, since my skin is creamy & smooth.
"'-fix yhur nailz & toe nailz. ' how?"
get them done, acrylic && either french tips. pink, red or light blue.
OR... paint them urself, pink or red && with sparkles. like me.
"-yhu can do squats & lunges 2 make yhur butt bigger, i want one like yours or lacienegas.
Theyre not gna make yours that big. theyll make iht firmer & round, buht thats iht. yhu can wear booty pads too, buht youll have 2 wear ALOT to have an ass that big....theyll make it a little bigger tho.like maybe it could be poofier.buht not like ours, unless yhu get implants.
""-IDK about boobz drink milk & eat soy products. i want HUGE tittys."
you'll probly hve C cups.
""-workout EVERYDAY. for 40mins or an hour." doing what?
jog for 40min (20 at a time) && do pushups && squats.
@Ariel ok thanks! And what bbq? noone told ME about iht.....
Seriously. This girl den created 20different characters. On here holding convos with herself, smh
Ok drake im about 2 workout so i can keep my body good....
&& this pussy is all yours.!!!!!!!!!!
Do i smell a scared pussy? Hah
#Anywaytho Drizzyboo get ready for a fantasy story later on k ;) this pooch and this pooch ONLY is yours :D you even told me that ALREADY...xoxo
You guys are crazy and as usual black girls and white girls are always hating on eachother..dumb whores, get over it! Were not in the 60's & the funny part is, you guys both want to look more mixed or latin! Black girls wanna be lighter, white girls wanna tan to be darker..black girls enhance their features to look more white (nose jobs, breast job) white girls want to enhance their features to look more black (lip jobs, ass shots)..you guys should just be happy the way you are created & except that there is beauty in different shades & colors etc! Learn to love yourself!--& btw im mixed & whoever said they don't like white girls how do you think Drake feels about that if his mom is white? Just bc he may date black women doesn't mean that he just neglects everybody including the white side..he dates every race just like me! Bc I lovvveee skittles :-)
Mix girls, latin girls, black girls, white girls, asian girls, Arab girls...mmm love em all- bisexual girl that loves Men too :-)
Loving Kendrick's new album. This track stays on repeat!
Yeaaaahhhhh happy Fireworks everyone ;-)
*giggles* looks like i have a wannabe, a SHADOW, a FOLLOWER, a little PUPPY who wantz 2 be me. but there is only ONE drizzy mistress, && MY drizzy-bear knows who the REAL one is.! Im the one he took the time out to dm...... #ImTheChosenOne "why cant everybody be pretty like me"...... Anywaydoe......i think ima do an erotic tale since ihts a SPECIAL day......called "Fireworks".....about YOU & ME at the K.O.D....in this story im 18.....1 hour i'll b back with the story that will get YOUR dynamite so heated & hard iht MIGHT explode----&& leave WHITE ashes everywhere ;)
ooo drake i want you to give me a chili dog cuz my tig ol bitties are just screaming for your feces!! chili dog is when you *drake* :) drop a hot steamy log on my big titties ;)then procede to titty fuck the shit outta me (making what looks like a chili dog) && it will be so hot and wet && then i want you to give me a hot karl followed up by the drizzy 3 stoke OMG drake i am your number 1 stalker! chili dog me PLEASE!!!
LMAO ariel girl you str8 nasty OMG but a chili dog fo realz??? i was thinking more like drake shrimping me...u kno..bustin raw nuts in my ass and slurping it out with a straw? OMG ariel we are too hot. #ladyinthestreetsfreakinthebed
Wow okay lmao..there's so many people on here. I haven't seen before..It's like you don't know which is which any more!!
Well, it doesn't matter though because I guess it just makes this blog even more exclusive...lol
Hey the more people there is...the more support for Drake..thats all that matters!!!.. lol
Forever Byrd =)
P.S. lmao wow My Dad had tickets to the BET awards because he was going to work as security...in the VIP section and he didn't even go..wow that could of been a chance to meet Drake=) But since he works as security at shows. ima make sure next year is the year...to meet Drake. Or even this year. Hopefully!
lol Drizzy Drake got that spaz meter... Dat kash feeder..
He got dat ass beater...lmao hahaha uh yeah lol i don't know what I'm saying i'm just being completely weird and random ass fuckk right now!!
I really like this song. I like this Artist too, he's different, not Kid Cudi different but has this simplistic feel. He is mellow, more rappers need this! I can see why drake likes this guy, or at least why he posted this up on his blog.
Post a pic of ur clean shave <3.
My legs are closed & my mind & eyes are OPEN
Kendrick Lamar fuckin sucks. Sounds like bad local music.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dats wat we need sum more songs like dat.......ovo yo hoe at my next show taking off ha clothes and ha pantie hoes while im sipping on purple cuz i fucks wit ovo........ymcmb bitch hahahahaha
No. Screw all that, I'M SOOOO glad you're giving K Dot some time to shine. This boys too good to be going unnoticed. You my boy drizzy
DOPE HIP HOP, Ken is doin his thing.
Good Look Drake...
Man.. Drake, GTFO of Young Money, no disrespect to Wayne, Birdman, and Slim, but you're at the point where you're as big of a star as Lil Wayne. You should open up your own labelOVO. It can even be like an affiliate of YMCMB. Like ShadyAftermath or how Diplomats and State Property were to Rocafella. Sign J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, The Weekend, and some other up and comers you feel that have potential, maybe get Tyga since he doesn't fit in the YM mold and is, IMO, misused.
that is a good video; however, in my opinion, I would like to see more in the next video since I think this one could have been better
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