SBTRKT feat. Yukimi (Little Dragon) - Wildfire RMX (feat. Drake)

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Friday, May 20, 2011



Anonymous said...

Thanks Drizzy

charliepoll said...

Yayy new Drizzy <3

JackieBetty said...

Drake's back... Take Care yall ovoxo. Dope new flow, I fuck with it heavy! nice.

The Fed's Files said...

Drake is back?....where did he go? He's always been here

Juan Pablo said...

Drizzy Best Rapper...

UrbanNoize said...

Expect Drizzy to ALWAYS be on that new ISHHHH... this is TOUGH!

Anonymous said...

Voodoo Chilllldddd!

EddieWard said... all we need is that ovo clothing line

@ValleyofKingz said...

Swaaaang on em'.

JaNaye said...

life. love. this.

BdotMet said...

Drake never left..."Sayin he aint drop shit everything will be fine!"

Anonymous said...

I dig Drake and Yukimi's vocals are that funk...Little Dragon's fan base is about to blow up!!

Anonymous said...

heres the youtube link

matthew said...

Thank you

CiaMeiple said...


Anonymous said...

Once again Drizzy is holding it down, but...please, Aubrey, we want to hear you sing...your voice is amazing <3

MsHunnyBee86 said...

Thank you Drake!!! :0)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Love im on one too! <3

Anonymous said...

interesting but you are dope.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well hello again.. Thanks for sharing that fire. Can't wait to take it to work. (its been a bitch to get my thoughts posted? This was posted on your first post but since there are not as many posts here thought this might have a better chance of catching your eyes.) look, since that last comment this blogger sent was left off with the start of new fan. But please understand, at this point its that which wishes to be a reality.. See wont catch these comments in the first person. Wish could tell you more but..not a whore. There must be a way to conversate on the real. (it wont let me post as one so guess gotta chop it in 2?)

Anonymous said...

(2)um.. No need and dont ever have to talk about your interesting life, just the kinda things you look for in a wife.. ha. But seriously though don't wanna be just another fan, wanna be a friend. This blogger is feelin you.. your inner most thoughts, flows, stories, words.. believe they are all herd. If you ever need to escape from fame, allow this blogger to try and approach your lane. Not expecting a fairytale ending nor a game that would last only one inning. Seriously though cant keep writing this long on your posts. to be quite vague This blogger is a private person, who is successful. Successful on another level.. ordinary people level. Born the same year, with not many fears.. Home owner. With a diploma. Currently working on a degree, and lord KnowS they aint free. Good job, independent, no kids. LoYaL. Made a twit account just for u and linked it to the celly. Aint this all funny? Told you last time liked Scorpio people.. well, they say the fish like to dream.. Always patiently waiting for you to post here, just cant believe this blogger is showing her ass here.. But everyone needs a bit of normalcy right? if you ever need an ear this is one that is here. Not lookin for fame or money.. just conversations and appreciation.. Could this blogger get to know you on a more personal level? If so contact this blogger. ahh I swear I could keep goin, but i must now get goin.. Thanks again for sharing another story. And this blogger hears you. Trust. Until we meet again. Yours Truly, Anonymous Blogger P.S. this damn could be a single

Anonymous said...

Drake Sounds Just Like T.I in this song I mean compare the two voices I think drake was inspired by T.I's voice in this track

Anonymous said...

"your girlfriend and my next show ovoxo" -young angela the sabbatical is over baby your witty self is back

Drakes_Princess said...

IM SOmebodys gurlfriend and ill definitely TRY to be at ur next show...with a little cleavage showing, to inspire u....gotta go...ill b back though, so u can put the voodoo on me that u do so persistently...ive got wat ur looking for drizzy, so come to oklahoma and get it ;)..or maybe ill bring the breasts ass & face too you-xoxo

Lavii said...

Drake + Little Dragon = Magic

Anonymous said...

"Drake's back..." <----- BACK? I DONT KNOW WHICH DRAKE YALL ARE TALKING ABOUT, but trust me, Aubrey Drake Graham never left <3

Anonymous said...

LOL #dead @ the girls trying to get at him through his blog comment section. Too hilarious.

Anyways, everything about this song is dope. Love the flow you used on this, caught me off guard in a good way. It kinda reminds me of the one used on All of the Lights remix. Sept 13, leggoo!

Anonymous said...

"i love em all, i just love me more" good shit ay and that fuckin real men commercial was funny ass hell, and my nigga can throw a meen hook

Angle said...

..different,never copied,twice

RaeRae said...

Awesome song. I hope the radio plays it

MacaVillain Rockstar said...

HAHAHAHAHA This song is ill big bro, keep it up! I'm laughing about what you said in the beginning. "Yo girlfriend at my next show OVOXO"

Big Sean and I should hop on the remix lol

goldnkiddrizyfan said...
Checkk itt out new blog!!

veronica said...

drake if yu knew who i was yud fall in love w me

Anonymous said...

What is ovoxo?

Drake is the best out there yall!

Anonymous said...

What is ovoxo?

Drake is the best out there yall!

goldnkiddrizyfan said...


Zachary Moller said...

Sick beat. Yeeoww!!!

Wish the download link was working

Robert Mfugz said...

I'm not able to download this, it says the file is removed.. I need to hear this.. Hit me up somebody.. :)

Maream said...

Anywhere else I can find this?.....
I get an error that the "FILE REMOVED FOR VIOLATION"

Anthony said...

Thht straight up fire maaayne
defintely can c how ur inspired by big sean on this track can hear him in your voice!

lovebug77 said...

I couldn't download it anymore

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Very nice blog! Keep posting!

Anonymous said...


diamondgurlash said...

I absolutely Loveeee this song.. everything about it...

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