"Don't make me call my rounds"

Complex: How’s the knee holding up?
Drake: “The knee’s alright. Last night I had a bit of a scary moment. I saw somebody that had my mic and I walked backwards and I fell. But I got up and I had to go onstage right after.”
Complex: You tune down your stage show at all?
Drake: “No [Laughs]. That’s the scariest part.”
Read the rest here. This interview was done before the show where his knee gave out.
Hot pics I love you Drake. =)
Drake we got you and you got us!
Get better!
I feel you Drake I got that same knee brace :/ wishing you a speedy recovery =)
Nice interview, can tell you're basking in the success, stay off the leg and get well soon, can't wait for the new album to drop.
I hope you get better soon. I'm sorry about your knee.
woooo im lovin the picture updates! keep them cominn.
hope all is welll and wish u a great recovery !
aug 18th baby! i CANNOOOT wait any longer.
some nice pics hope ur knee gets better one day go up to wayne in his sleep and shoot him with the pellet gun itll wake him up
pics was on point and that interview was intriguing. praying for you and knee. I've been a fan since day 1. Can't stop , Won't stop. Keep it up. We got you.
Hope your knee gets better, and your handsome as ever. :)
Drake, I'm really hoping for a speedy recovery. All of us who read your blog daily support you whether you're on your feet or on some crutches for a while. We really appreciate you putting your knee on the line to perform for us but sometimes you need to be selfish and do things for you, ya digg? Anyway, I cannot wait till the CD drops. Thanks for the autographed mixtapes, by the way....like you would say it, Blessings, Love and Respect!
Oliver, would you happen to know if Drake will be present(at least in a wheelchair) on Aug 14th? I have tickets and I'd love to just even catch a glimpse.
Drake we got you and you got us!
Get better!
To everyone out there in blogger:
check out my blog and please start comment and even follow and I'll return the favor!
So hot! :+) I hope your knee gets better, Drake!
Drake is so the best and i wish him the best recovery and that Dc is waiting for him.. Just take it one day at a time..
I'm sorry about your hurt leg drake, i hope you get better and make a full recovery, i love you more than you could imagine and it makes me sad that you're hurt, idk about anybody else, but i really, really love you and i have admired you for wow..over 5 years now. I will always love you.
aww love the pics. get well soon. =]
Get better soon.
Omg ii Love Youu Sooooooooo Muchh : Album Needs Too Dropp ASAP : Reallyyyy Wanna Meet Yu Liike Yu Justt Dont Knoww : YOu're THEE BEST rapper//singerr Everrrrr ! Fave Sonqq--Congratulations
omg ii absolutelyy lOve yOuu : album needs Too Dropp Soon &&* Veryy Soon : Sorryy Bout Thee Fall, But Thee Showw Was Stiil Thee Bomb : Reallyy Wanna Meet Yu : Fave Sonqq--Congratulations
Be careful crossing the border with that BB gun man. I'm also praying for your quick recovery.
Are any of your people telling you to sitcho narrow behind down and let your knee heal?? At all??? If I were your mother I'd wring your neck, hardheaded...you ain't too big for the belt! LOL.
In all seriousness...sloooow doooowwwnnnn. Someone posted the other day something to the effect of "your knee will be okay...that's why God gave us two" but it's not like you get one knee and a SPARE! You need BOTH of THEM. Yes, you are young, but you're not invincible.
Okay...lecture over. Take care of yourself. Really.
Get better man
What kind of airsoft gun was that brotha?? Hope you have a speedy recovery tho.
No lie, when I saw that performance on youtube, I almost cried, it was really heartbreaking, My ex boyfriend has that same torn ACL he's had it for a longggg time now and it still gives him trouble and i had to deal with that while we were together, so i know how you're feelin. I really hope you get better soon and fully recover drake! && Hopefully you're all better by the Miami concert!!! Because you're the ONLY reason I wanna go! lol!
P.S. I love this interview it was really cute.
ACL, MCL AANNDD LCL? dang boo!!..hope u can make the KC show Aug 24th! ima be in the Producer's Circle seats!!! I paid the $ just to see YOU..u can perform in a hospital bed on stage for all I care, as long as ur there LMAO!..but naw on a real..u already kno we prayin for u..a hurting anything is never good..feel better! :)
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