Read 'the making' of the song with comments from Trey and Drake here.
Video coming soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Drake Talks About Successful


Unknown said...

hope kanye doesn't direct it this time

Kiana F. said...

Jesus Christ, this is happening so fast...

Jai. said...

Man, this was an honest interview. I was almost starting to lose hope in you Drake and then you come with this.

Iv'e been wondering if his g-ma was still alive.
She cracked me up in this 2004interview:

Hope your fam is doing well though.

$uccessfu! said...

Let me tell you...OMG when I first got my hands on So Far Gone, i instantly LOVED Successful! Hands down my favorite song besides Say Whats Real!

I also hope Kyane doesnt direct this video or atleast have a better concept. Best I Ever Had joint didnt do it for me, i was expecting more to be completely honest but that never altered how ur music makes me feel! LOVE U DRIZZY!!!

Mr.Londoner said...


Joesybtd said...

Dope... THe whole concept behind the song, the story behind the song... It makes me like it that much more... Can't wait til the album drops, "So Far Gone" will stay spinnin until then...

CED said...

I think successful does not have a message but rather an expression of a young mans struggles and thoughts of who and where he wants to be in life and not from or for just self but for his fam... Simply great!
I love this song even more knowing where it came from.
I can only say that I KNOW what it feel like to want to put your bags in the car and just go and not know where your going but know that you just want to get somewhere. Hoping, praying that the way you are going about it is the right way and it will happen in the right time.
SCARY. But that you for this song.

K. said...

Love the song...

Boy Wonder said...
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Boy Wonder said...

Successful + The Calm + Lust for Life. BEST songs on the album. This whole interview makes me have even more respect for the guy.

They need to bring some of his older mixtapes into the spotlight. He's got some tracks there that are simply AMAZING that all these "Best I Ever Had" fanatics don't kno anything about.

Yung Duke said...

Keep Throwing Got Game To Us Yung 1's
AkA THA Duke THe LeNgenD

modest-goddess said...

I'm late but this was a great interview. I liked hearing about the creative process.

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