Read HERE. Now you know.
"So Far Gone has a lot of meanings—as the way we carry ourselves, the way we dress, the way people view us, not to sound cocky, it’s just that feeling that we’re just distanced in a good way. You’re just elevating past the bullshit and past all the shit that you used to be a part of and you’re not that proud of, you’re just so far gone."
Yeah I read the interview up at nahright.com and I immediately listened to So Far Gone (for probably the 50th time). It definitely enhanced the listening experience. Keep up the amazing work ethic and making the music that is true to you. It's already classic in my book. And when you are headlining your tour next year, make sure you look out for me in the A, lol.
Oh and I guess I can claim 1ST
Lol no one is going to read it.
The other people like pictures
Keep doin ya thing drake and Im luvin the mixtape.
40 check out this feature on Drizzy over at WeAllScheme
just showing some love to OVO and Drake...keep doing your thing and making classic music...u got the support over at the staff of www.WeAllScheme.com
I read this article on thebizness.com and i absolutely loved it, it also enhanced/intensified my listening experience, I got a whole new appreciation for the mixtape. This was a really great article, I learned alot about Drake. My favorite answer he gave in this article was “I talk to nice, upstanding women. The groupies dont get my attention. It’s the women that I like.” I loved that answer because alot of rappers/artsists get so caught up in the attention they receive from groupies that they cant recognize a real woman. Im a huge fan of Drake, I really appreciate the art of his music and the thought he puts into it. He doesnt just make music to make music, he makes it as a relief and so we as fans feel his emotions at the time making it even more relateable…if thats a word…lol! But thanks so much for this article I really appreciate the opportunity to get to know a REAL ARTIST like Drake,(this is what i posted on thabizness.com and wanted to post it on here 2).
read it in its entirety last night. pretty lengthy, which is fan-damn-tastic for drizzy. this is definitely a good look.
LOL. Great interview! wassup with everyone trying to be the first lol. Anyways loved the interview Drake has that humble/cocky swagg and respect all guys should have.
i give him props of course he has came so far. And here in oregon he is making a movement i played a track 1 years ago and they all feenin for the mixtape i tell'em "I AINT A DRUGDEALER" this is just business cop dat shit on his myspace but niggas dont got computers!?! so they be going to the mall downloading.burnin.bump that shit in the APPLESTORE lol! So reppin 416 to the fullest and home 503 keep playing that music like it was 78' FAM!
love the mixtape sir.
Great Interview. Everybody know that deal going to work out good for you.
Also, glad you cool with the dude WALE! DMV right there, hope yall make music together soon.
That right there answered all my questions
I absolutely love how he said he had to lease a phantom because he didn't have enough money to purchase one. I can't think of a single rapper who would admit that, and definitely not in any interview. I get so tired of people acting like they have a shitload of money when they really don't. He's dope as hell for that one.
Standing ovation from me.
lol...nice post Oliver! Was listening to Houstatlantavegas the whole time while reading it
Drizzy man everybody in Indiana is buying tickets to wayne's tour just to see you don't let us down man.
Like everyone else said O, this interview only increased the listening experience to the ALBUM (not a mixtape in my eyes). Always good to see worthwhile crews getting exposure.
Not for a shameless plug, but check out the feature I did for my site. Chase from Surf Club even helped out by dropping some quotes. I think you'll enjoy it.
i like that everything you said pretty much confirmed my assumptions of you as an artist at ...you were true about your fans feeling more in touch with you
one of the most raw interviews i've read. i never understood 'houstatlantavegas' so thank you drake for clearing that ish up.
you know its hard to seperate yourself from the ordinary and as soon as you do it will be even harder to keep your distance..i feel as if im so far going these days.
Dope Read!!!
Drake I need the Congratulation instrumental. I already started writing...
If you don't like it I'll delete the song.
Check out my redo to I'm Still Fly!
Interesting way to think... specially if you're thinking in one culture. All is about feeling and ways to see the world. We won't understand the main point behind, but we can do the best try.
I like the way he things about that, because usually you ask to some other artist and they even don't know what to say about it or what to do in certain conditions or as well a big problem.
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