"So I'M a cutie with a booty like OW! Deeper than the MOW! Earrings shine like TADOW! I'm a real bitch so you know I do real things Only real bitches live like queens - Get it?"
is it a female named Mona?: "What up Mona/Its the city's owner/no amount of money will ever alter my persona/if luck be a lady/and the truck be a cedes/no wonder half of the women tryna f**k me are shaaaaaady" -Drake
I know who she is...when i seen her she looked a little on the rude side but non the less she's absolutely gorgeousssssssss!! Finally drake found yourself a keeper, you did a major upgrade i am very happy for both of you.
awww this is so cute, you must really be feeling this girl to put her out like this, good for you, shes pretty She looks a little spanish, what's her background??
dj_lissamonet, how are we supposed to do a little diggin to find out who she is...just google "drake's new sexy wifey?"
l.a. hun you seem like you are really in need to know LOL
it's not anyone you would know i don't think, i'm not even sure if she lives here or not shes not out in the scene like that i aint seen her at a lot of parties i only seen her couple of times she's hawt- they would make a real good looking couple (IF they were together)
I hated feeling out of the loop so...i decided to dig! Lol I can say I enjoyed this scavenger hunt of sorts. It's amazing where a few links will take you lol. Pretty girl, interesting name/nickname, interesting friends with very interesting views (no girls without blackberry's? wow) lol. No wonder she found her way into the Superior 12. Good look for both of you.......oNe
Zineb/Nebby...i think that's arabic, her blog is actually pretty cool, she knows a lot of people, she's a very naturally beautiful girl, i agree with Kizzy, now i see why she made it to the superior 12
Hey Drizzy! she is still so beautiful! thanx to the internet we all managed to find her and got to fundamentally stalk her (jk) crazy internet world these days but that is really sweet that you are glad to have her in your life, it would be critically risky to have you two together! I lol at the "major upgrade" comment
Interesting post... but to be honest I don't understand the principal imagine, why you add that picture? I don't get the point, and it suppose is something graphical, and you know what, this blog is in my wish-list since the first edition, so I hope you can answer my question.
i think that's persia, her weblog is actually fairly awesome, she knows a lot of individuals, she is a very normally wonderful lady, i believe the fact with Kizzy, now i see why she created it to the excellent 12
heartfelt emoticons
If that's your lady, my heart was just obliterated lol. Don't wanna jump to conclusions, but I assume you're being vague for a reason.
my ne**y!
do a little diggin to find out who she is...use the INTERNET.
she's pretty!!!
i'm happy you found yourself a ride or die lady =)
is it a female named Mona?:
"What up Mona/Its the city's owner/no amount of money will ever alter my persona/if luck be a lady/and the truck be a cedes/no wonder half of the women tryna f**k me are shaaaaaady" -Drake
if not, i give up lol
Hmmm...seems as if inquiring minds want to know who she is lol
aye!!! lmao
wow...this is hilarious...on so many different levels...lol
oh boy...lol
I know who she is...when i seen her she looked a little on the rude side but non the less she's absolutely gorgeousssssssss!! Finally drake found yourself a keeper, you did a major upgrade i am very happy for both of you.
awww this is so cute, you must really be feeling this girl to put her out like this, good for you, shes pretty She looks a little spanish, what's her background??
dj_lissamonet, how are we supposed to do a little diggin to find out who she is...just google "drake's new sexy wifey?"
misstrishelle, who is she?
look who it is n***y!
The realeast chic, if you get
to meet her.
I co-sign her!
l.a. hun you seem like you are really in need to know LOL
it's not anyone you would know i don't think, i'm not even sure if she lives here or not shes not out in the scene like that i aint seen her at a lot of parties i only seen her couple of times she's hawt- they would make a real good looking couple (IF they were together)
I hated feeling out of the loop so...i decided to dig! Lol I can say I enjoyed this scavenger hunt of sorts. It's amazing where a few links will take you lol. Pretty girl, interesting name/nickname, interesting friends with very interesting views (no girls without blackberry's? wow) lol. No wonder she found her way into the Superior 12. Good look for both of you.......oNe
ooooh i found her too!
Zineb/Nebby...i think that's arabic, her blog is actually pretty cool, she knows a lot of people, she's a very naturally beautiful girl, i agree with Kizzy, now i see why she made it to the superior 12
so drake are you and pretty together????
nah she's just an inspiring individual I'm glad to have in my life
'you did a major upgrade...'
Wow...LOL! I hope his actual girl doesn't read these posts.
Hey Drizzy!
she is still so beautiful! thanx to the internet we all managed to find her and got to fundamentally stalk her (jk) crazy internet world these days but that is really sweet that you are glad to have her in your life, it would be critically risky to have you two together!
I lol at the "major upgrade" comment
Interesting post... but to be honest I don't understand the principal imagine, why you add that picture? I don't get the point, and it suppose is something graphical, and you know what, this blog is in my wish-list since the first edition, so I hope you can answer my question.
i think that's persia, her weblog is actually fairly awesome, she knows a lot of individuals, she is a very normally wonderful lady, i believe the fact with Kizzy, now i see why she created it to the excellent 12
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