Thermochromatic fabric. The molecules of the micro pigments encapsulated change the direction of light and vary in tone depending on the temperature. When exposed to cold, the camouflage print will fade away and the garment will tend to get dark grey.
Oh wow it changes color? How fancy haha. That's awesome. I kinda want one.
Damn Nisha that was quick.
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!
Where can i get it from...........
yeah it changes colour but it looks gay in all of them
if that was in pink ... it would be mine :]♥
It changes colour?! That's. Sick.
Probably costs a lot...Can't lie, I kinda want one, lol.
they should make a female versionn of these ..its crazyy how technologyy influencess fashionn!
oh thanks for the great content Jogos Para Celular posted by the website will always be visiting Jogos Celular to check the news thanks
" Oh you fancy, haaa..."
Lmaoooo Kelvin shut up, I'm just fast like that...pause (as u would say) :) ahahaha
Id prolly buy it just don't like the army colors when it fades good idea tho
Princess, WHO is gonna wear that? Cept Ye??
Can you REALLY show someone a good time in that??? Maybe..in Alaska??
It's ok oliver, when I move to CO, we can hit the slopes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................in my log cabin vacay house in the mountains, lol.
That's aside form my real house there, u know
...yo sour, i need one of dem
like my color changing custom sneakers www.youtube.com/qustomqueen
fashion changes with technology? they've had this technology FOREVER. my mom had gloves that did the same thing back in the late 80s early 90s
Too superb and nice blog about fashion.
A living jacket...
Obat menyembuhkan kutil kelamin
Obat tradisional menyembuhkan kutil kelamin
Obat minum untuk kutil kelamin
Obat medis untuk kutil kelamin
Obat kutil kelamin DE NATURE
Merek obat kutil kelamin
Obat kutil kelamin de nature
Nama obat kutil kelamin
Nama salep obat kutil kelamin
Obat kutil kelamin tanpa operasi
Obat oles untuk kutil kelamin
Obat kutil di alat kelamin pria
Obat untuk kutil pada kelamin
Obat tradisional kutil pada kelamin
Obat penyakit kutil kelamin
Obat penghilang kutil kelamin
Obat perontok kutil kelamin
Obat tradisional kutil kelamin pada pria
Obat untuk penyakit kutil kelamin
Propolis untuk obat kutil kelamin
Obat alami untuk penyakit kutil kelamin
Obat kutil pd kelamin
Resep obat kutil kelamin
Obat anti sifilis
Obat sipilis dijual di apotik
Obat sipilis murah di apotik
Obat alami sipilis pada pria
Obat sifilis ampuh
obat herbal kutil kelamin
obat alami untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin
obat alami kutil kelamin
Obat kencing nanah pria
Obat kencing nanah dan darah
Obat kencing nanah apotik
Obat kencing nanah antibiotik
Obat kencing nanah amoxicillin
Obat kencing nanah apa
Obat kencing nanah apa ya
Obat kencing nanah atau gonore
Obat kencing nanah akut
Obat kencing nanah ada di apotik
Obat kencing nanah di apotik umum
Obat kencing nanah paling ampuh
Obat kencing nanah yang ampuh
Obat kencing nanah secara alami
Obat kencing nanah bandung
Obat kencing nanah buatan sendiri
Obat kencing nanah yang bisa dibeli di apotik
Obat herbal untuk mengobati kencing nanah
Obat kencing nanah paling bagus
Obat kencing nanah yang bisa dibeli di apotek
Obat kencing nanah di apotik bebas
Obat kencing nanah yang dijual bebas
cara mengobati penyakit kelamin dengan bahan herbal alami
obat apa yang cocok untuk kencing nanah
mengobati kencing sakit dan keluar nanah
obat kutil kelamin
herbal untuk jengger ayam
obat kondiloma akuminta
cara mengobati kondiloma akuminat
bagaimana cara menghlangkan jengger ayam pada kelamin
obat jengger ayam dari bahan herbal alami
di mana bisa beli obat untuk kutil yang tumbuh di kelamin
p l f r
Great article! We will be linking to this great article on our website. Keep up the good writing.
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