Dear Ellen Page,

I was watching Juno tonight on the tour bus and I am so proud of were always the smartest and wittiest person in our class and I only made fun of you and acted like an asshole cause I had a crush on you.

I'm still on tour...San Diego tmrw night. Thats all.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Women Now


Anonymous said...

Great Post!

Syl DuBenion said...

Must have taken a lot to say that. Yeah, she's going places, Juno was my favorite film of 2007, and she's gorgeous.

Erin Ashley said...

how sweet.

kevin said...

Syl, come down man.

You co-sign on everything Drake says/posts.

A said...

Maybe they're just really alike? lol

I didn't know she was Canadian, I learn something new everyday ;)

spider said...

drake, what happened to your superior 12?

Jai. said...

Im sorry. But how could you be an
a-hole to that girl? lol jk She seems so cool and her face is lovely. Nice post though.

Jai. said...

Oh and get off my dude Sly. Anyone that has an afro AND plays the saxophone is cool by me. lol

Breezi F. said...

awwwww =)

Young Son said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Young Son said...

It takes a man to stand up and say something like an apology. I commend you Drizzy. I had to do something like this for MANY girls after high school ended. I guess I just looked back and was like "Dang, that was mad bogus of me". LOL. I guess we grow up quick after graduation.

-Young Son, Hip Hop Artist

Mr. Mar10 said...

ellen page is hot. its all good drizzy i woulda probably been an asshole to her too. she's n a movie called hard candy and smart people, both good flicks check em out while ur on the road.

silky said...

I so wish that comment was for me damn I am so jelly right now....anywayz I still luv ya drizzy bear.... when are u gonna be back in the ATL!!!!!

Skye said...

awwww :)

abc said...

adorable :)

Eye Candy said...

Wow, who would have thought yal went to the same school.

Eye Candy said...

By the way I loved Juno also.

Us... said...

Yea this was a dope post. I wonder how she feel about the situation now.

BabyGurlMilsz said...

Wow... 2 of my fav famous ppl are connected! haha! And the way you're connected is funny as hell but that DEF was sweet of ya! Miss Page is hott and DEF a GREAT actress!

The Heap said...

LMAO...didn't you learn not to bully by playing on Degrassi. SMH.

deleted said...

lolll wow. smh. its sad she only made juno and that was it well she made another movie after that but she didnt get any bigger than her stomach on juno hahaha jk. just saying.


Anonymous said...


- She actually starred in a little movie called "Inception", you might have heard of it. Kind of a summer blockbuster. Haters gonna hate.

Byzinha said...

oh, noe I get your tweet and your song! didn't know you were in the same class, that's awesome! I love Juno, is one of my favorite movies ever! Ellen is amazing, no doubts why you had a crush on her!

najwa said...

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