Lemme be your lil fuck doll, Drake. I wanna suck your dick and make it wet for ya til you moan. Just tear up this tight virgin pussy already. Imma suck your cute ass balls and swallow all dat good ass cum, hottie. Put your hard cock in my ass and lick my big titties. I'm a squirter in case you didn't know :p
I didn't mean any of dat other shit. You're sexy as fuck.
If you saw me and you want me then I want you. If you don't want me, then the feeling is mutual. I'm not making assumptions, I try to keep it classy and honest 😉
Part of the charm, attractiveness, and indie supremecy that alludes most hip-hop conglomerates, except OVO(any my own), is their commitment 2 fulfilling their fan base consistently w/ quality creativity via their music. It appears as though as of lately, OVO may be declining in that area, as their popularity has crested. 40 should get back to making more of the tracks, if possible & it helps to post new tunes(when as much as possible, when possible). I'm sure you guys are very busy, but never forget what truly helped you get you your Grammy: a <3 4 art & a dedicated fan base(that hopefully checks your blog, nearly daily, 4 heart therapy amid your art). Keep doin' yur thing guys. OVO ∆³
Part of the charm, attractiveness, and indie supremecy that alludes most hip-hop conglomerates, except OVO(any my own), is their commitment 2 fulfilling their fan base consistently w/ quality creativity via their music. It appears as though as of lately, OVO may be declining in that area, as their popularity has crested. 40 should get back to making more of the tracks, if possible & it helps to post new tunes(as much as possible, when possible). I'm sure you guys are very busy, but never forget what truly helped U get your Grammy: a <3 4 art & a dedicated fan base(that hopefully checks your blog, nearly daily, 4 heart therapy amid your art). Keep doin' yur thing guys. OVO
I wish I Really wasn't ever that famous Finished senior year like I was suppose to Instead of putting every one that I care about and I'm close to Into situations that they're not use to Situations that they're not suppose to
I wish I Really wasn't ever that famous Spent my free time with the ones that really counted Rather than let you in just to lecture me about how much you doubted When I know I said I just want to be successful way back then Looking back now is this really all I ever wanted
I wish I Really wasn't ever that famous Had a job that paid enough to get us through Share a chequing account, car, and mortgage with you So I could thank the Man upstairs for letting me settle down with you Instead of never having enough quality time for you
I wish I Really wasn't ever that famous Turn on the TV without seeing a reflection of myself Go out in public without worrying about anyone else Run a marathon for once in my life just to help Instead of critiqued on every aspect of my life itself
I wish I Really wasn't ever that famous Money just changed everything Money changed everything Money changed everything Money changed everything Money just changed everything Funny how money changed everything
who is this depressed millionaire that is right it is the rap pop singer drake and the reason that his name is called drake is because his dad is called dravid and his mum is called snake so they put their names together when he was born to make the name drake so they wouldnt forget it like they did with all of their other childrens names. i dont know a lot about drake and i am definitely not some sort of drake expert but i do know that when he came over to my house last week for me to have a draw of his portrait of him he was acting really quiet and i was saying to him what is wrong with you my sweet guy and he just kept on saying i am fine it is nothing but i could tell that there was something wrong with him because he kept on going out of the room to look at a pictures of dolphins and sea creatures on his phone every 10 minutes and then after about a hour of him doing it he just stood up and he took his trousers off and he tied them around his head and he said right that is it i cant live in this painful world anymore and then he ran out of my house and i could hear him screaming that he has got more in common with sea life than he does with thug life and the last thing that i heard about him on the news was that he was found washed up on a beach nearly 300 miles away and all that he had in his stomach was a candle that was as big as his head and loads of bits of seaweed that he must have been eating when he was living out his final days as a dolphin and i am sad that he has been taken away from us but i am happy that he went away being who he truly wished to be because that is the most important thing of them all.
@Drizzy Hi..I wanna say that I'm proud of you. You work really hard and you got what you deserve. I'm sure it gets tough sometimes. I don't know exactly how you feel or what you've been through. I think your very lucky and blessed, I wish I was as happy as you. I feel the complete opposite. I wish a lot of things that I'm working really hard for. I'm not lucky but I'm blessed. I don't take anything I have for granted and I'm thankful for everything I have. Be patient sweetheart. Trust in God, don't worry about feeling bad about your accomplishments. Nobody is perfect. Only God can judge you. I'm happy for you and I'm sad Bc you don't feel happy. I wish I could understand why your not happy. I'm not happy either but I am thankful and I work hard that's the only way to move forward until you find true happiness...I can relate to you on that part. I wish I knew more about you. I wish I could meet you and talk to you, understand each other. I think your a wonderful guy. You inspire me to be strong. I never thought you were having a tough time like Me. Searching for happiness. I really like you, your really sweet and Handsome. I think any female would wanna be yours. I have a big crush on you and I'm the loneliest lady on the planet. It sucks, but that doesn't stop me from believing in myself. Staying positive and thinking of ways to overcome my situation to Success. It's a lonely battle, it's hard. Do you have any advice?
Salute to you DrizZee BayBee..! Call me late.. Buttt..! As I was watching this video 'ON DEMAND' I also paid forth my attention to the 'Fun Facts' and realized OVO stood for October's Very Own. =/ #JessicaSimpsonMoment #SlowFace anywho. yO! I FULLY Support thissss! Bout to get me a few thangs! #LibraGang My LibraLove Always, MANDiRO5E xoxox
sad to see the comments have nothing to do with the post, but i think this song slap, and appreciate that Drake actually gave the time to be in the video for this single. I hate when rappers make a video and they're just in front of a green screen making a crappy video. LOVE THIS ONE THO.
Your lyrics are always so raw and true to how you feel one of the reasons your an amazing artist :) btw lol but me and i know alot of other people are happy that you shared your musical gift with us I'm so looking. forward. to your new material ovoxo !! *_*
Lmao. My bad. Drake is in a intimate relationship with that ugly bitch Rihanna. Lame ass couple. Chris Brown beat up that shitface. I don't know what brought me here. Sayonara.
Drake should not have done this track. he has set such a high standard for himself. put out music with substance each time and then he goes and does something stupid and meaningless like this. I really dont like it. it sounds crap. Stop trying to be like all the other lame rappers out there and just be yourself. Put out music like Houstatlantavegas, Marvins room, successful, too much, best i ever had, find your love, take a shot for me. thats real shit. thats the type of shit people relate to and thats what makes us wana hear it even more coz we feel some sort of connection to it. Its just like what Em said on Sing for the moment when we're having a crappy day we throw on a rap record coz your music helps us get through it. Just be real man.
تتميز شركة التاج الملكي بأنها أفضل وأكبر شركة مكافحة حشرات بدبى ، حيث تعتمد شركتنا على جذب العملاء من جميع أنحاء دبي، فتعتمد شركة مكافحة حشرات فى دبى على أفضل المعدات والألات والمبيدات الحشرية التي تستخدم في قتل الحشرات نهائياَ من المنزل وعدم عودتها مرة أخرى، فالحشرات جميعها تقوم التاج الملكى ل خدمات مكافحة حشرات دبى بطردها سواء كانت حشرات طائرة أم حشرات زاحفة، فعادة تكون الحشرات الكثيرة في مدينة دبي هي الصراصير والرمة والفئران، حيث نعرض لكم اليوم ما تقوم به شركة مكافحة حشرات دبى من طرد الحشرات بجميع أنواعها وتقوم بعمل نصايح للعملاء حتى لا تعود الحشرات مرة أخرى.
أفضل شركة مكافحة حشرات دبي لابد أن تتوافر العديد من المقومات في شركة مكافحة حشرات دبى ، حيث يطلق عليها من الشركات الأفضل في هذا المجال، فتعتبر شركة مكافحة البق دبى من أفضل الشركات التي توجد في الوطن العربي لما توفره من مقومات وجودة فتوفر لعملائها العديد من الخدمات التي تميزها عن غيرها من الخدمات. وتعتبر شركة مكافحة الرمة دبى تقضي تماماً على جميع أنواع الرمة وعادة تكثر الرمة في المناطق الصحراوية التي توجد بدبي، فتقوم الشركة بعمل معاينة لمعرفة من أين يخرج هذا النمل الأبيض ثم تقوم بمعالجة هذه الأماكن وسدها بسبب أختراق الرمة منها والتي تنتشر من خلالها الرمة بكثرة. حيث أن شركة مكافحة الفئران دبى
نقدم لكم عملئنا الكرام افضل شركه تنظيف شركة تنظيف بابها شركة الشرق الاوسط لاعمال التنظيف ان عملية التنظيف تتطلب الجهد الكثير شركة تنظيف منازل بابها مع شركة الشرق الاوسط توفر لكل كل وسائل الراحه شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط وايضا اسعار في منتهى الراحه كما ايضا تستخدم افضل انواع الالات والمعدات والعمالة المدربة فى اعمال التنظيف شركة تنظيف منازل بخميس مشيط مع شركة الشرق الاوسط نعم لبيت ومكتب وفيلا وشقه وغيرها نظيف تمام من الاوساخ شركة الشرق افضل شركة على الاطلاق فى اعمال التنظيف شركة تنظيف بنجران بجميع انواعه لا تقلق مع شركة الشرق الاوسط شركة نقل عقش ببيشة دائما فى راحة ان شاء الله خدمه 24 ساعه شركة تنظيف بحائل دون توقف
This is a great tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. idnlive Short but very accurate information… Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!
Up until now, all I have read on this article is extremely boring, and seems to be written by writers that lack education. You’ve done a very good job conveying your passion with accurate information. KBO승률 KBO토토 KT전자
first haha
Drake finna smash Selena Gomez's booty
Second last verse is for Selenita. PApI mad for da butt.
Wassup, Bieber?
Dohz r some big asses
Selena gomez ass is nice and big.
Selena is sexy with a small, nice and round bubble butt.
West Coast music>
Drake copies other niggas
Drizzy the type of nigga to fuck male butts
Why are prostitutes allowed to be half naked in videos that are on YouTube, MTV and everywhere???
Follow my eleventh IG @mzbootylicious_ I'm an upcoming pornstar and singer
This website amd hip hop is dead.
Add me on MySpace
Follow me on ig @princesorious
I wanna do modeling any one want to sign me just add me and hit me up thank you.
Lemme be your lil fuck doll, Drake. I wanna suck your dick and make it wet for ya til you moan. Just tear up this tight virgin pussy already. Imma suck your cute ass balls and swallow all dat good ass cum, hottie. Put your hard cock in my ass and lick my big titties. I'm a squirter in case you didn't know :p
I didn't mean any of dat other shit. You're sexy as fuck.
I ❤️ Money.
That's all I want.
I'm not in Love with anyone. I'm Single 😊
I just think Drake is cute. I've been crushing on him for a long time now and we've never met.
I don't want your money Drake. I could care less, I don't bite 😊
If you saw me and you want me then I want you. If you don't want me, then the feeling is mutual. I'm not making assumptions, I try to keep it classy and honest 😉
I'm not desperate for Anyone. I don't want anyone that doesn't want Me. My Priorities are #1 and any negativity in my life is tossed out.
maybe he didn't answer because you didn't actually dial him?...
I never actually met him so I never actually got his number...Duh lol
And what are you talking about he didn't answer? I never talked to him...
Y'all are Crazy.
Download 300 Rise of An Empire
Bitch who do you love Bobby? if so hmu on the Lo Lo. I'm quiet no matter what, but it would sure be nice..
funniest thing ever said 'neither of you will ever be as big as Trey songz'
@Anonymous Are you talking to Me?
Anonymous is delusional.
Part of the charm, attractiveness, and indie supremecy that alludes most hip-hop conglomerates, except OVO(any my own), is their commitment 2 fulfilling their fan base consistently w/ quality creativity via their music. It appears as though as of lately, OVO may be declining in that area, as their popularity has crested. 40 should get back to making more of the tracks, if possible & it helps to post new tunes(when as much as possible, when possible). I'm sure you guys are very busy, but never forget what truly helped you get you your Grammy: a <3 4 art & a dedicated fan base(that hopefully checks your blog, nearly daily, 4 heart therapy amid your art). Keep doin' yur thing guys. OVO ∆³
Part of the charm, attractiveness, and indie supremecy that alludes most hip-hop conglomerates, except OVO(any my own), is their commitment 2 fulfilling their fan base consistently w/ quality creativity via their music. It appears as though as of lately, OVO may be declining in that area, as their popularity has crested. 40 should get back to making more of the tracks, if possible & it helps to post new tunes(as much as possible, when possible). I'm sure you guys are very busy, but never forget what truly helped U get your Grammy: a <3 4 art & a dedicated fan base(that hopefully checks your blog, nearly daily, 4 heart therapy amid your art). Keep doin' yur thing guys. OVO
I only like this song because of drake and the beat is sick to :) nwts!!!
This song and video is a little rachet, wish Darke hadn't done this one.
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
Finished senior year like I was suppose to
Instead of putting every one that I care about and I'm close to
Into situations that they're not use to
Situations that they're not suppose to
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
Spent my free time with the ones that really counted
Rather than let you in just to lecture me about how much you doubted
When I know I said I just want to be successful way back then
Looking back now is this really all I ever wanted
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
Had a job that paid enough to get us through
Share a chequing account, car, and mortgage with you
So I could thank the Man upstairs for letting me settle down with you
Instead of never having enough quality time for you
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
Turn on the TV without seeing a reflection of myself
Go out in public without worrying about anyone else
Run a marathon for once in my life just to help
Instead of critiqued on every aspect of my life itself
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
Money just changed everything
Money changed everything
Money changed everything
Money changed everything
Money just changed everything
Funny how money changed everything
I wish I
Really wasn't ever that famous
who is this depressed millionaire that is right it is the rap pop singer drake and the reason that his name is called drake is because his dad is called dravid and his mum is called snake so they put their names together when he was born to make the name drake so they wouldnt forget it like they did with all of their other childrens names. i dont know a lot about drake and i am definitely not some sort of drake expert but i do know that when he came over to my house last week for me to have a draw of his portrait of him he was acting really quiet and i was saying to him what is wrong with you my sweet guy and he just kept on saying i am fine it is nothing but i could tell that there was something wrong with him because he kept on going out of the room to look at a pictures of dolphins and sea creatures on his phone every 10 minutes and then after about a hour of him doing it he just stood up and he took his trousers off and he tied them around his head and he said right that is it i cant live in this painful world anymore and then he ran out of my house and i could hear him screaming that he has got more in common with sea life than he does with thug life and the last thing that i heard about him on the news was that he was found washed up on a beach nearly 300 miles away and all that he had in his stomach was a candle that was as big as his head and loads of bits of seaweed that he must have been eating when he was living out his final days as a dolphin and i am sad that he has been taken away from us but i am happy that he went away being who he truly wished to be because that is the most important thing of them all.
@Drizzy Hi..I wanna say that I'm proud of you. You work really hard and you got what you deserve. I'm sure it gets tough sometimes. I don't know exactly how you feel or what you've been through. I think your very lucky and blessed, I wish I was as happy as you. I feel the complete opposite. I wish a lot of things that I'm working really hard for. I'm not lucky but I'm blessed. I don't take anything I have for granted and I'm thankful for everything I have. Be patient sweetheart. Trust in God, don't worry about feeling bad about your accomplishments. Nobody is perfect. Only God can judge you. I'm happy for you and I'm sad Bc you don't feel happy. I wish I could understand why your not happy. I'm not happy either but I am thankful and I work hard that's the only way to move forward until you find true happiness...I can relate to you on that part. I wish I knew more about you. I wish I could meet you and talk to you, understand each other. I think your a wonderful guy. You inspire me to be strong. I never thought you were having a tough time like Me. Searching for happiness. I really like you, your really sweet and Handsome. I think any female would wanna be yours. I have a big crush on you and I'm the loneliest lady on the planet. It sucks, but that doesn't stop me from believing in myself. Staying positive and thinking of ways to overcome my situation to Success. It's a lonely battle, it's hard. Do you have any advice?
Salute to you DrizZee BayBee..! Call me late.. Buttt..! As I was watching this video 'ON DEMAND' I also paid forth my attention to the 'Fun Facts' and realized OVO stood for October's Very Own. =/ #JessicaSimpsonMoment #SlowFace anywho. yO! I FULLY Support thissss! Bout to get me a few thangs! #LibraGang
My LibraLove Always,
MANDiRO5E xoxox
Drake has jealous girlfriend's that's why they don't want him to meet his Fans backstage.
I was a Threat. Im too pretty to meet Drake and I got talent. You can't be too pretty.
sad to see the comments have nothing to do with the post, but i think this song slap, and appreciate that Drake actually gave the time to be in the video for this single. I hate when rappers make a video and they're just in front of a green screen making a crappy video. LOVE THIS ONE THO.
Your lyrics are always so raw and true to how you feel one of the reasons your an amazing artist :) btw lol but me and i know alot of other people are happy that you shared your musical gift with us I'm so looking. forward. to your new material ovoxo !! *_*
Travis McCoy
Lmao. My bad. Drake is in a intimate relationship with that ugly bitch Rihanna. Lame ass couple. Chris Brown beat up that shitface. I don't know what brought me here. Sayonara.
Rihanna liked it, she's into BDSM, she's a Freak! Dudududunuh oww lol
Wow I'm not the only one feeling a little jealous...
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leve it,
thanks for share :)
Drake should not have done this track. he has set such a high standard for himself. put out music with substance each time and then he goes and does something stupid and meaningless like this. I really dont like it. it sounds crap. Stop trying to be like all the other lame rappers out there and just be yourself. Put out music like Houstatlantavegas, Marvins room, successful, too much, best i ever had, find your love, take a shot for me. thats real shit. thats the type of shit people relate to and thats what makes us wana hear it even more coz we feel some sort of connection to it. Its just like what Em said on Sing for the moment when we're having a crappy day we throw on a rap record coz your music helps us get through it. Just be real man.
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تتميز شركة التاج الملكي بأنها أفضل وأكبر
شركة مكافحة حشرات بدبى
، حيث تعتمد شركتنا على جذب العملاء من جميع أنحاء دبي، فتعتمد
شركة مكافحة حشرات فى دبى
على أفضل المعدات والألات والمبيدات الحشرية التي تستخدم في قتل الحشرات نهائياَ من المنزل وعدم عودتها مرة أخرى، فالحشرات جميعها تقوم التاج الملكى ل
خدمات مكافحة حشرات دبى
بطردها سواء كانت حشرات طائرة أم حشرات زاحفة، فعادة تكون الحشرات الكثيرة في مدينة دبي هي الصراصير والرمة والفئران، حيث نعرض لكم اليوم ما تقوم به
شركة مكافحة حشرات دبى
من طرد الحشرات بجميع أنواعها وتقوم بعمل نصايح للعملاء حتى لا تعود الحشرات مرة أخرى.
أفضل شركة مكافحة حشرات دبي لابد أن تتوافر العديد من المقومات في شركة
مكافحة حشرات دبى
، حيث يطلق عليها من الشركات الأفضل في هذا المجال، فتعتبر
شركة مكافحة البق دبى
من أفضل الشركات التي توجد في الوطن العربي لما توفره من مقومات وجودة فتوفر لعملائها العديد من الخدمات التي تميزها عن غيرها من الخدمات.
شركة مكافحة الرمة دبى
تقضي تماماً على جميع أنواع الرمة وعادة تكثر الرمة في المناطق الصحراوية التي توجد بدبي، فتقوم الشركة بعمل معاينة لمعرفة من أين يخرج هذا النمل الأبيض ثم تقوم بمعالجة هذه الأماكن وسدها بسبب أختراق الرمة منها والتي تنتشر من خلالها الرمة بكثرة.
حيث أن
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شركة تنظيف سجاد بالبخار فى العين
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غسيل خزانات مياه الشرب
شركات تنظيف خزانات المياه
نقدم لكم عملئنا الكرام افضل شركه تنظيف شركة تنظيف بابها شركة الشرق الاوسط لاعمال التنظيف ان عملية التنظيف تتطلب الجهد الكثير شركة تنظيف منازل بابها مع شركة الشرق الاوسط توفر لكل كل وسائل الراحه شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط وايضا اسعار في منتهى الراحه كما ايضا تستخدم افضل انواع الالات والمعدات والعمالة المدربة فى اعمال التنظيف شركة تنظيف منازل بخميس مشيط مع شركة الشرق الاوسط نعم لبيت ومكتب وفيلا وشقه وغيرها نظيف تمام من الاوساخ شركة الشرق افضل شركة على الاطلاق فى اعمال التنظيف شركة تنظيف بنجران بجميع انواعه لا تقلق مع شركة الشرق الاوسط شركة نقل عقش ببيشة دائما فى راحة ان شاء الله خدمه 24 ساعه شركة تنظيف بحائل دون توقف
This is a great tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. idnlive Short but very accurate information… Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!
Many thanks for sharing this very good article. s12888 Very interesting ideas!
لقد اعجبني ايقونة المدونة البومة وهي شعار قوي لكل صاحب فكر
اتمني مشاركة خدمات تنظيف منازل
تسليك مجاري
للاستفادة الجميع
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