Friday, February 28, 2014

Drake ~ Too Much Feat. Sampha (Live in Berlin)


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Saudi Peek said...

Ugh I wanna go to a concert one day. Freaking anxiety lol but I love this. This song gives me life.

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James said...

He should've sang the chorus himself

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hope he does this in dublin

Unknown said...

I NEED Yu To Come Back To New York Papi :( <3

Unknown said...

So Papi Or Any OvO Member That Sees This Should Call Or Text Me >>>> 9148854319

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a question, where is the best place to stand on the left/right or middle side of the stage? I thought the left because it's his right and you have the posibility to touch his hands.How do you get picked to be on the stage? I will see him on Wednsday in the ziggo dome I'm so excited :)

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Anonymous said...

Drake is the man.

Anonymous said...

I love Drake. He's beautiful and great. My baby is so handsome.

Unknown said...

New game for Drake fans!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

best OVO shirt out here!

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Drop "Or Nah" remix. We need more sexy baby making The Weeknd and Drake records.

Tramar said...

Suck my penis drizzy

Kia said...

Fuck this soft ass pop star Drake. His fans are white girls. Chris Brown is harder than him. He don't write or produce his own shit.

Kia said...

Ugly bitches, nerds, old ladies, honkies and faggots love you, Aubrey.

Kia said...

Ugly bitches, nerds, old ladies, honkies and faggots love you, Aubrey.

Ny said...

Drake is gorgeous and he's a nice rapper but he gotta lay off Rihanna. She's a average, overrated hoe. Kinda ugly too. Sick and tired of her following him everywhere.

Melz said...

Yuck. Drake loves nasty, ugly whore Rihanna. She has a pencil body, retarded accent, pale ashy skin, far apart alien eyes, fake personality and a dirty cunt. She sucked Eminem and Chris Brown's stinky dicks. Drake has a crush on Lil Wayne and Tyga too. So disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Drake is a pussy who fucks men, eats semen and sucks dick. He's soft as shit. Girly ass faggot can't rap and his fans are fucking corny white bitches like him. Canadian half breed bitch fell off.

Anonymous said...
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Lucifer said...

Wow Drake. You're going out with that ugly, sleazy bitch Rihanna? You're a big dumb ass. You're reputation is about to get fucked up big time. I hope your career ends.

Belial said...

MexDrake is hideous and stupid. I can't stand him. Fuck his tour. His music is garbage. Rihanna is ugly as fuck. Her face is busted. That head and that nose is big as hell. She's a groupie and a desperate bitch. Captain-save-a-hoe ain't even hip hop. They are some ugly ass rats who a waste of life. Imma neva check on the internet bout them anymore. They annoying as shit.

Anonymous said...

Drake attached to that ho Rihanna? I'm not a Drake supporter now.

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Nicolecallado said...

Lmfaooooo its the same hater in all the comments. How you got the time to look at his personal life and call HIM a fag? Drake's young and a fucking legend in his own right. Hes ripping these chats rewriting history but he sucks? Lmfaooo bulllshitttt excuse for the hate.

Angelique Ross said...

The good ones go. You should hurry. It seems like you like strippers and models and hoes. Girls with big booties and good head. Rihanna dose not have a huge booty and is not all thick and it seems like you love Her. Nicki has a big botty and she is perfect. I wish I could be on het position just to be with you.

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best concert ever.
I was there.

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Excellent post. Its very nice and informative. Thanks.
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