I don't know if you read regularly ... but Think and grow rich, start with why, the slight edge, and how to win friends are some good ones to help with innovation ... and figuring what else you can bring to the table ... Keep it up!!
This was an interesting Interview. Drake your a phenomenal man. I love you, I loved you even when you were on Degrassi. I'm like 4 years younger than you. Your my dream lover. You inspire me, your so inspirational. I think your going to be a great Father one day. We would have some beautiful kids! Your son would look so much like you, like your little Minnie me lol Your beautiful inside and out. I love you so much 😊
Hey Drizzy ummmmmm.... recently i watched a video of Kendrick talking s*** man on the cypher he did. honestly man it bugged me and im not saying to come back or anything but that nigga pushed his luck to me. I just wanted to let you know Drizzy.
just try not to pay so much attention to those hoe ass nigga's.
"Nothing was the Same" is #3 on Billboard. AWESOME!!! I'm not saying Taylor Swift it and write love songs about ALL your ex's, but a good love song is what I asked for (not a sex song), the truth. I think "Nothing was the Same" did that. What I can relate to most is that when people enter a relationship they both bring in their own successes/failures and both have to deal with their own insecurities. Trying to make something work where there are factors like distance, different needs and not enough communication. It's better to admit that it's not going to work than keep living in pain trying to stay together, very sad, but definitely true.
I still owe you one. No, I haven't forgotten! I hope you haven't either... lol Have a great night. xoxo Love, -M
I absolutely love the interviewer. I believe he asked some interesting questions, and in some cases challenged Drake to be honest and consistent. I know this may sound simple but seeing this interview has changed the way I see some artists, specifically Drake.
Hey you all in the OVO camp. I'm on a path to be a Radio Show Host/Owner and I would love to get something to write about from you all. Just a bit about your path to success, trials, and epiphanies. Of course right now I'm just a Blogger, but somewhere along my line of success, I would like to say I had gotten to know a bit about you all seeing as it won't be too long before our music is considered "Old School" to the kids.
And I promise to keep everything private and to ONLY release things that you are most comfortable with others reading about. Who knows... Maybe one day I will be able to call you all in to inspire the younger entrepreneurs of music and entertainment.
If you ever get to see this, my email is dashtheoptimist@gmail.com and my blogger is dashtheoptimist so is my twitter.
who the fuck is dylan reddy nigga get the fuck off,before mi affi bring in some bad man from jamaica fi shoot yuh rass!!! #OVOSOUND #OVOJA #INSTAGRAM:ovologan
What a fabulous interview! Born and raised in downtown Toronto, I lived outside of Canada for 4 years, and all I talked about was how incredible our city is! I appreciate you as a man, an artist, a Canadian, a Torontian, and I feel you are our Toronto Ambassador. I have a 'finally' feeling when I watch you perform and represent our city with such passion and sincerity! Finally someone who is a world known artist with such talent and success is not only proud to be from Toronto, but proud to promote the incredible things our city has to offer. We are definitely underrated and you are changing that. You are doing more for us, than any other! You are incredible and your sincere, real quality is what sets you apart from the others, and what will always make you greater than all the others! "you came, you saw, you conquered"
What a great interview. Many good questions. Drake presents himself in such a mature and intelligent way. He is not only talented, but very smart. Not to mention gorgeous. This guy will be around for a long time. He is able to touch lots of people with his music.
The whole game nowadays is fake. Tyga and Drake are suburban faggots, Rick Ross was a police office, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj want to be white kids. Those motherfuckers think they're gangsters. Even the bitches in their videos are fake...fake hair, fake body, fake personality. They all deserve to be shot from a gun.
This pussy Drake needs to walk around Compton, South Central and Detroit by himself to get a fucking reality check. He doesn't what the streets are about.
If Drake sees this: Leave from California and every American state, faggot. You wankster biracial corny stupid ass motherfucker. You don't know shit, pussy.
Honestly , Aubrey is a really talented person.Hope we meet one day and chill.You the man homie.Keep your head up and fu*k what haters have to say.Look back at your accomplishments.
Mann this video really made me feel like if i ever see drizzy down queen west walking out of the public parking lot towards cube.. ill just dabb him like his someone ive known for time . This interview thought me alot man This music legit is parallel to my life since day one throughout hight school and dealing with girls and even got the samebirthday.....happy motherfucking birthday.I legit have some questions that i wish i could ever ask but maybe one day... much respect aubrey .Toronto got your back!
Happy birthday Mr.Graham. I know your working on tour but make sure you take some time and celebrate. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that but just incase I do, you deserve it. You are IT. It's hard to believe your still that same kid who played jimmy on degrassi. Obviously you are far from a kid but it's amazing to see how much you've grown. NWTS is phenomenal you continue to shut it down and we continue to show love. Much respect Aub. Good luck with the test of your tour oh and I would tell you to settle down with a nice young lady and just take it all in with someone but I'm hoping one day that someone would be me so .. Just wait on it. Feliz cumpleanos papi
Drake sounds gay and his face looks freaking disgusting. I'm not going to his concert. I didn't even buy dat dickhead's album. He's a man whore and a moron.
That was amazing. Period. In every sense of the word. Drake you speak so well, and I love your morals and values. I would really like to meet you one day and just talk. I hope I get that chance. You're just so interesting.
Look at that false pretense. Just come out the closet.. Nigga the world is free. Look how far you feel off. So far that you have to explain yourself or your reason for leaving music. Yet it's your life?? Just saying... Everyone knows your intent, good intent, just need to talk pussy to get pussy to protect you from pussy.
Drake is a phenomenal artist. After watching this interview i respect him twice as much as i did before. I honestly cannot wait until his concert in Edmonton this coming December. I hope one day i can just have a simple conversation with him if i'm lucky. Even to shake his hand and talk to him for 3 seconds would be surreal.
Dead Aub, Happy belated bday .. I know I'm a little late well not really being that I've told you happy bday on your bday but I just thought I'd say it again.. My bday is this weekend, 21st, and all my friends have bailed on me.. I'm so bummed and hurt but hey what are you gonna do? The only thing keeping me company right now as I sit in the dark with my cheeks soaked in salty tears is your NWTS album. Best thing I could have ever asked for & your concert was the greatest.. I guess that was pretty much my bday celebration... Well I hope your bday was 10x much better than mine I'm almost sure it was.. You are traveling and get to see thousands of fans scream in fascination of you... You at IT. You've come a long way from degrassi lol I loved jimmy. But I love drake even more. I hope one day I'm as big as you.. Then maybe I'll never spend a mother bday alone. One day I'll make it.. And when I do I'll pull this up and say "this was me." Enjoy the rest of your tour. You are the biggest thing out right now and you deserve it.. All of it. Please continue to give us your all.
شركة الخيول السريعة بأفضل فنيين متخصصين في فك وتركيب جميع قطع الأثاث المختلفة وتركيب المعارض وجميع الاثاث الجديد وخصوصا أثاث شركة ايكيا يصعب علي الكثيرين تركيب اثاث شركة ايكيا لمقاساتة المختلفة وطريقة تصميمة ولكننا نتميز بذلك نقوم بتركيب جميع الأثاث ولجميع الشركات الخيول السريعة نقوم بتوفير ايضا سيارات كبيرة ومتعددة منها الديانات ومنها الكونتينر لنقل أثاث منزلك داخل وخارج المملكة العربية السعودية الخيول الرسيعة لديها عمالة مدربة وذات خبرة كبيرة تؤهلها لتكون أفضل عمالة متخصصة في تنزيل الأثاث من الدوار العلوية وتحميلة بالسيارات بطريقة تضمن عدم كسرة أو حتي تجريحة شركة الخيول السريعة تقوم بعمل رائع قبل تحميل الأثاث تقوم بعمل تغلييف للاثاث بأكثر من طريقة بتواجد لدينا الكثير من الطرق للتغلييف وذلك يعتمد علي رغبة العميل كما نوفر كراتين ورقية لنقل اثاث المطبخ بها لتفادي عمليات الكسر للقطع الصغيرة شركة نقل اثاث لديها افضل الخدمات التي تقدمها لكم وتوفر لكم العديد من الطرق للحفاظ علي سلامة الاثاث حتي يصل الي المكان المحدد بكل جودة كنا تؤمن الخيول الرسيعة مستودعات لتخزين الأثاث مستودعات مؤمنة طوال العام لضمان سلامة الأثاث في حالة رغبة العميل لتخزين الأثاث يتم تخزينة بأفضل الطرق وافضل الأسعار في أماكن مؤمنة لا يصلهااي مخاطر نقل وتخزين الأثاث تتميز بة شركة الخيول السريعة بالرياض عند طلب خدماتنا عزيزي العميل سوف يتم أرسال مندوب لمعاينة الأثاث وتحديد عدد السيارات والاتفاق علي الموعد المحدد لنقل العفش شركة تخزين العفش بالرياض
شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض نستطيع بفضل الله والمبيدات الفعالة القضاء التام علي جميع أنواع الحشرات المنزلية بأحدث الطرق العلمية والتي تقضي نهائيا علي الحشرات بجميع أنواعها شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها المبيدات الأصلية التي تقضي نهائيا علي الصراصير الصغيرة والصراصير الكبيرة معا شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها أسلوبها العلمي في القضاء علي الحشرات الطائرة والزاحفة معا شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها الفنيين المدربين علي استخدام المبيدات بجميع أنواعها والتخلص من النمل الأبيض والصراصير الخشبية والصراصير الأمريكية للوصول الي منازل نظيفة وخالية من الحشرات شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها الأعشاب التي تقضي علي الثعابين والعقارب بدون مكافحة تقوم علي أصدار روائح تهرب منها العقارب والثعابين الي خارج المنزل بدون مجهود شركة رش مبيدات تقضي علي الفئران الكبيرة والجردان بأفضل طارد يستطيع أن يتسبب في تدمير جهاز المناعة لدي الفئران ويقوم بعمل خلل في وظائفها مسببا خروجها من المنزل بسرعة فائقة شركة رش مبيدات لديها المبيدات الالمانية الصنع التي لا تؤثر علي الصحة العامة نهائيا وبأفضل الأسعار بادرو بالأتصال بنا شركة مكافحة الفئران التخلص من الفئران التي تسكن المنازل والمستودعات والتي تؤثر علي الصحة العامة لكل من يسكن بالمنزل يمكنكم معرفة الكثير عن الفئران وانواعها وطريقة التخلص منها بالدخول الي شركتنا شركة التقوى ومعرفة كل ما يخصها طريقة التخلص من الفئران الفئران تتحرك سريعا ولا يمكن السيطرة عليها والتحكم بها لذلك نستخدم مادة تؤثر علي جهازها العصبي وتقضي عليها تمام نقوم بوضع طارد في اماكن معينة يصدر روائح تشمها الفئران ويتوغل بداخل جهازها العصبي ثم يقضي عليها تماما بدون ترك اي روائح بعد موتها وغالبا تموت خارج المنزل لانها تهرب سريعا عند شم هذة الرائحة شركة مكافحة الفئران شركة مكافحة النمل شركة مكافحة النمل
الحشرات المنزلية كثيرة ومتعددة في انواعها والمبيدات التي تستخدم يجب معرفة نوع كل مبيد علي حدة ومعرفة تأثيرة علي نوع الحشرة التي نتعامل معها شركة مكافحة حشرات لديها كافة انواع المبيدات التي تقضي علي الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة من مكافحة النمل مكافحة الصراصير مكافحة البق والكثير من الحشرات المتواجدة بالمنزل يمكنكم الاتصال بنا لمعرفة الطريقة التي تستخدماها شركة مكافحة حشرات للقضاء والتخلص من الحشرات وانواعها الموجودة لديكم كما يمكنكم الدخول الي موقعها لمعرفة المذيد عنا شركة مكافحة حشرات افضل شركة متخصصة في مكافحة الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة ومنها مكافحة الصراصير ومكافحة البق ومكافحة النمل والكثير من الحشرات التي تتواجد بالمنزل لدينا افضل انواع المبيدات الاصلية التي تقضي تماما علي الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة والتاكد من القضاء عليها كليا شركة مكافحة حشرات لديها عقود سنوية وشهرية لمكافحة الحشرات بالمنزل والشركات والابنية المستودعات والكثير من الاماكن التي تتواجد بها الحشرات المختلفة يمكن معرفة المذيد بالدخول الي شركة التقوي ومعرفة العقود المناسبة لكم مكافحة البق شركة مكافحة البق أو كما يسمي حشرة الفراش هي حشرة لعينة وتسبب الكثير من المشاكل الصحية المختلفة لانها تتغذي علي الدماء وتقوم بنقلها بين الاشخاص مكافحة حشرات بالرياض هي شركة سعودية متخصصة في القضاء علي البق ومحاربتة والتخلص النهائي منة علي الفور بستخدام مبيدات اصلية وتقوم بفتك حشرة البق مباشرا عند الاستخدام تسكن حشرة البق الاسرة والفرش المتواجدة بالمنزل وتظهر ليلا لتتغذي وتقوم بسحب الدماء لتتغذي عليها يمكنك معرفة المذيد عن حشرة البق بالدخول الي موقعنا
it's agreeable that you were able to alter the genre in terms of "sound", perhaps you are creating a sub genre.
I don't know if you read regularly ... but Think and grow rich, start with why, the slight edge, and how to win friends are some good ones to help with innovation ... and figuring what else you can bring to the table ... Keep it up!!
Love it!!!!! Drake u the bestt
xx Mounia
This was an interesting Interview. Drake your a phenomenal man. I love you, I loved you even when you were on Degrassi. I'm like 4 years younger than you. Your my dream lover. You inspire me, your so inspirational. I think your going to be a great Father one day. We would have some beautiful kids! Your son would look so much like you, like your little Minnie me lol Your beautiful inside and out. I love you so much 😊
This is exactly why I look up to this man, this is the side of him we need to see more
Drake needs to be like Prince and not do any interviews.
Hey Drizzy ummmmmm.... recently i watched a video of Kendrick talking s*** man on the cypher he did. honestly man it bugged me and im not saying to come back or anything but that nigga pushed his luck to me. I just wanted to let you know Drizzy.
just try not to pay so much attention to those hoe ass nigga's.
"Nothing was the Same" is #3 on Billboard. AWESOME!!! I'm not saying Taylor Swift it and write love songs about ALL your ex's, but a good love song is what I asked for (not a sex song), the truth. I think "Nothing was the Same" did that. What I can relate to most is that when people enter a relationship they both bring in their own successes/failures and both have to deal with their own insecurities. Trying to make something work where there are factors like distance, different needs and not enough communication. It's better to admit that it's not going to work than keep living in pain trying to stay together, very sad, but definitely true.
I still owe you one. No, I haven't forgotten! I hope you haven't either... lol Have a great night. xoxo
I absolutely love the interviewer. I believe he asked some interesting questions, and in some cases challenged Drake to be honest and consistent. I know this may sound simple but seeing this interview has changed the way I see some artists, specifically Drake.
wow this interview was just...GAY. go back to Canada you homo EH?
Hey you all in the OVO camp. I'm on a path to be a Radio Show Host/Owner and I would love to get something to write about from you all. Just a bit about your path to success, trials, and epiphanies. Of course right now I'm just a Blogger, but somewhere along my line of success, I would like to say I had gotten to know a bit about you all seeing as it won't be too long before our music is considered "Old School" to the kids.
And I promise to keep everything private and to ONLY release things that you are most comfortable with others reading about. Who knows... Maybe one day I will be able to call you all in to inspire the younger entrepreneurs of music and entertainment.
If you ever get to see this, my email is dashtheoptimist@gmail.com and my blogger is dashtheoptimist so is my twitter.
Thanks a million.
Dash Lipscomb
An hour and four minutes well spent. Thank you for being so wonderful, Drake. I love you.
who the fuck is dylan reddy nigga get the fuck off,before mi affi bring in some bad man from jamaica fi shoot yuh rass!!! #OVOSOUND #OVOJA #INSTAGRAM:ovologan
I want a threesome with Drake and James Deen. Jewish guys are hot.
Drake speaks in a low, soft voice
The interview was okay. It wasn't amazing.
I know what and who Drake is thinking about. He keeps licking his lips :)
It is a pleasure to watch a brother from another, share the same charisma and personality traits with the world! (scorpio season is oh so close)
What a fabulous interview! Born and raised in downtown Toronto, I lived outside of Canada for 4 years, and all I talked about was how incredible our city is! I appreciate you as a man, an artist, a Canadian, a Torontian, and I feel you are our Toronto Ambassador. I have a 'finally' feeling when I watch you perform and represent our city with such passion and sincerity! Finally someone who is a world known artist with such talent and success is not only proud to be from Toronto, but proud to promote the incredible things our city has to offer. We are definitely underrated and you are changing that. You are doing more for us, than any other! You are incredible and your sincere, real quality is what sets you apart from the others, and what will always make you greater than all the others! "you came, you saw, you conquered"
drake is a motherfucker
Drake is so fucking sexy. His smile makes me melt.
Mmmmm. He's beautiful, sexy and well-spoken. Those perfect, thick eyebrows, hot lips and that sensual voice>>
What a great interview. Many good questions. Drake presents himself in such a mature and intelligent way. He is not only talented, but very smart. Not to mention gorgeous. This guy will be around for a long time. He is able to touch lots of people with his music.
Ejaculate all over my face, Drake. Save the dick and tongue for me, hottie.
Drake's personality is so fake. I hate him. He's a fucking wannabe.
Drake is so ugly. He acts like a lesbian.
Drake is the only guy I'd be a slut for. He can lick my titties and pound my pussy with his dick and balls. I can't stop thinking about him.
Concise album? All those songs were about drugs, alcohol, sex and guns yet he claims he don't wanna be apart of that life. Nigga is a hypocrite.
Drake hella ugly and dumb but his d might be one good thing bout him
Drake says a whole bunch words that mean shit in interviews. He's real as breast implants.
Faker than Nicki Minaj's ass
Dem niggas Drake, Tyga, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne etc. are all faker than Nicki Minaj's ass and tits.
The whole game nowadays is fake. Tyga and Drake are suburban faggots, Rick Ross was a police office, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj want to be white kids. Those motherfuckers think they're gangsters. Even the bitches in their videos are fake...fake hair, fake body, fake personality. They all deserve to be shot from a gun.
This pussy Drake needs to walk around Compton, South Central and Detroit by himself to get a fucking reality check. He doesn't what the streets are about.
Fuck Canada and Fuck Drake.
If Drake sees this:
Leave from California and every American state, faggot. You wankster biracial corny stupid ass motherfucker. You don't know shit, pussy.
I hate Drake, I hate Lil Wayne, I hate their bitches, I hate their groupies and I hate Nicki Minaj!
He's personality "amazing"
Honestly , Aubrey is a really talented person.Hope we meet one day and chill.You the man homie.Keep your head up and fu*k what haters have to say.Look back at your accomplishments.
"Chapter 4" sounds like a great title for your next big hit ! ;-) just sayin!
416 & 519 forever
that's my boy, reppin Canada! preach! see u in Edmonton !
He sounds so sad and tried!
Drake has HIV. He fucked men, trannies and lesbians.
Drake's career is almost over.
Drake is an emotional, spoiled faggot. His parents babied him.
This son of a bitch needs to stay in Canada. I hate his bragging and his high pitched voice.
Cornball Illuminati puppet sand nigger nerd trying his best to be cool
drake just put out a "Furthest Thing" Preview for his music video!
Mann this video really made me feel like if i ever see drizzy down queen west walking out of the public parking lot towards cube.. ill just dabb him like his someone ive known for time . This interview thought me alot man This music legit is parallel to my life since day one throughout hight school and dealing with girls and even got the samebirthday.....happy motherfucking birthday.I legit have some questions that i wish i could ever ask but maybe one day... much respect aubrey .Toronto got your back!
Happy Birthday Drizzle Nimoy!!!
Drake is smoking too much marijuana. He's living in a world of make-believe.
Happy birthday Mr.Graham. I know your working on tour but make sure you take some time and celebrate. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that but just incase I do, you deserve it. You are IT. It's hard to believe your still that same kid who played jimmy on degrassi. Obviously you are far from a kid but it's amazing to see how much you've grown. NWTS is phenomenal you continue to shut it down and we continue to show love. Much respect Aub. Good luck with the test of your tour oh and I would tell you to settle down with a nice young lady and just take it all in with someone but I'm hoping one day that someone would be me so .. Just wait on it.
Feliz cumpleanos papi
Drake sounds gay and his face looks freaking disgusting. I'm not going to his concert. I didn't even buy dat dickhead's album. He's a man whore and a moron.
That was amazing. Period. In every sense of the word. Drake you speak so well, and I love your morals and values. I would really like to meet you one day and just talk. I hope I get that chance. You're just so interesting.
Young Money makes music that cheesy white bitches and ugly, dirty Mexican bitches love
Justin Bieber blowed $10,000 at a strip club
White people are gay
Look at that false pretense. Just come out the closet.. Nigga the world is free. Look how far you feel off. So far that you have to explain yourself or your reason for leaving music. Yet it's your life?? Just saying... Everyone knows your intent, good intent, just need to talk pussy to get pussy to protect you from pussy.
Drake is a phenomenal artist. After watching this interview i respect him twice as much as i did before. I honestly cannot wait until his concert in Edmonton this coming December. I hope one day i can just have a simple conversation with him if i'm lucky. Even to shake his hand and talk to him for 3 seconds would be surreal.
start today $$ -> http://HiredPay.com/?id=bdot
Very well said. No surprise there. Chapter 4 ... I can't wait to read on :) I hope you enjoy putting your feet in some warm sand after your tour.
Dead Aub,
Happy belated bday .. I know I'm a little late well not really being that I've told you happy bday on your bday but I just thought I'd say it again.. My bday is this weekend, 21st, and all my friends have bailed on me.. I'm so bummed and hurt but hey what are you gonna do? The only thing keeping me company right now as I sit in the dark with my cheeks soaked in salty tears is your NWTS album. Best thing I could have ever asked for & your concert was the greatest.. I guess that was pretty much my bday celebration... Well I hope your bday was 10x much better than mine I'm almost sure it was.. You are traveling and get to see thousands of fans scream in fascination of you... You at IT. You've come a long way from degrassi lol I loved jimmy. But I love drake even more. I hope one day I'm as big as you.. Then maybe I'll never spend a mother bday alone. One day I'll make it.. And when I do I'll pull this up and say "this was me." Enjoy the rest of your tour. You are the biggest thing out right now and you deserve it.. All of it. Please continue to give us your all.
the best quality drake has is his authenticity,so down to earth and sweet men.,a perfect combination!!blessings!
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شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض نستطيع بفضل الله والمبيدات الفعالة القضاء التام علي جميع أنواع الحشرات المنزلية بأحدث الطرق العلمية والتي تقضي نهائيا علي الحشرات بجميع أنواعها شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها المبيدات الأصلية التي تقضي نهائيا علي الصراصير الصغيرة والصراصير الكبيرة معا شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها أسلوبها العلمي في القضاء علي الحشرات الطائرة والزاحفة معا شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها الفنيين المدربين علي استخدام المبيدات بجميع أنواعها والتخلص من النمل الأبيض والصراصير الخشبية والصراصير الأمريكية للوصول الي منازل نظيفة وخالية من الحشرات شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض لديها الأعشاب التي تقضي علي الثعابين والعقارب بدون مكافحة تقوم علي أصدار روائح تهرب منها العقارب والثعابين الي خارج المنزل بدون مجهود شركة رش مبيدات تقضي علي الفئران الكبيرة والجردان بأفضل طارد يستطيع أن يتسبب في تدمير جهاز المناعة لدي الفئران ويقوم بعمل خلل في وظائفها مسببا خروجها من المنزل بسرعة فائقة شركة رش مبيدات لديها المبيدات الالمانية الصنع التي لا تؤثر علي الصحة العامة نهائيا وبأفضل الأسعار بادرو بالأتصال بنا شركة مكافحة الفئران التخلص من الفئران التي تسكن المنازل والمستودعات والتي تؤثر علي الصحة العامة لكل من يسكن بالمنزل يمكنكم معرفة الكثير عن الفئران وانواعها وطريقة التخلص منها بالدخول الي شركتنا شركة التقوى ومعرفة كل ما يخصها طريقة التخلص من الفئران الفئران تتحرك سريعا ولا يمكن السيطرة عليها والتحكم بها لذلك نستخدم مادة تؤثر علي جهازها العصبي وتقضي عليها تمام نقوم بوضع طارد في اماكن معينة يصدر روائح تشمها الفئران ويتوغل بداخل جهازها العصبي ثم يقضي عليها تماما بدون ترك اي روائح بعد موتها وغالبا تموت خارج المنزل لانها تهرب سريعا عند شم هذة الرائحة شركة مكافحة الفئران شركة مكافحة النمل شركة مكافحة النمل
الحشرات المنزلية كثيرة ومتعددة في انواعها والمبيدات التي تستخدم يجب معرفة نوع كل مبيد علي حدة ومعرفة تأثيرة علي نوع الحشرة التي نتعامل معها شركة مكافحة حشرات لديها كافة انواع المبيدات التي تقضي علي الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة من مكافحة النمل مكافحة الصراصير مكافحة البق والكثير من الحشرات المتواجدة بالمنزل يمكنكم الاتصال بنا لمعرفة الطريقة التي تستخدماها شركة مكافحة حشرات للقضاء والتخلص من الحشرات وانواعها الموجودة لديكم كما يمكنكم الدخول الي موقعها لمعرفة المذيد عنا شركة مكافحة حشرات افضل شركة متخصصة في مكافحة الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة ومنها مكافحة الصراصير ومكافحة البق ومكافحة النمل والكثير من الحشرات التي تتواجد بالمنزل لدينا افضل انواع المبيدات الاصلية التي تقضي تماما علي الحشرات المنزلية المختلفة والتاكد من القضاء عليها كليا شركة مكافحة حشرات لديها عقود سنوية وشهرية لمكافحة الحشرات بالمنزل والشركات والابنية المستودعات والكثير من الاماكن التي تتواجد بها الحشرات المختلفة يمكن معرفة المذيد بالدخول الي شركة التقوي ومعرفة العقود المناسبة لكم مكافحة البق شركة مكافحة البق أو كما يسمي حشرة الفراش هي حشرة لعينة وتسبب الكثير من المشاكل الصحية المختلفة لانها تتغذي علي الدماء وتقوم بنقلها بين الاشخاص مكافحة حشرات بالرياض هي شركة سعودية متخصصة في القضاء علي البق ومحاربتة والتخلص النهائي منة علي الفور بستخدام مبيدات اصلية وتقوم بفتك حشرة البق مباشرا عند الاستخدام تسكن حشرة البق الاسرة والفرش المتواجدة بالمنزل وتظهر ليلا لتتغذي وتقوم بسحب الدماء لتتغذي عليها يمكنك معرفة المذيد عن حشرة البق بالدخول الي موقعنا
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