Love the fact that this wasn't a typical video piece.
Instead he tells a story, drawing inspiration from the song.
It had a lot of elements very reminiscent of Michael Jackson's work. From the "damsel in distress", to the suits and lingerie, to the "hero vs. bad guys & crew" show down.
Loved how he intertwined the "Judas" character into the story. A homage to his "no new friends" and "know yourself" moral fibre.
Adding to that, it was great to see not just Drake, but also Majid Jordan, Chubbs, and ASAP Rocky among others get their role.
The end scene could be a metaphor for a specific romance that Drake was an accessory to; where a young woman is captive and abused by an aggressive male, and Drake steps in at the last second to save her.
All in all, very well done. Haven't lost a bit of your acting traits since Degrassi.
shouting out from jamaica,drake has a strong fan base here you should visit,keep a show or something OVO JAMAICA .follow on instagram @ovologan....NWTS i got you shout to the whole team 40,chubbs,niko,mark,noel,jonny,obrien,ryan, and to whoever i forget i love you all!!! OVO
Love the video Drizz... lol I can't keep up with all the posting on your official fansite o.o smh
I've been catching up on the interviews and all the blogs and all the events looooool all day today and I'm still catching up. Just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you and I love your album...I know for sure that its still growing on me and take sometime for me to let it sink in but so far its Great!! Very different from the last album, well friend. :)
I don't like the video. But then again I don't like music videos period. I think music is a very personal experience. As a listener, when I identify with a song I form my own unique imagery in my mind and I don’t like anyone forcing their vision on me. So for Hold On (an memba say mi nuh really like de song tuh dat cuz it nah say nutt’n’ tuh me) I already had my own imagery. Needless to say, what I saw of the video (and I didn’t see much) jacked that up and left me like: What?!
But ‘ear me nuh bredrin!
You’re still a good actor!
I’m half hoping no one will find this extensive and albeit long winded comment written in the 5am NYC Dark. Why? Because I know shortly after I’ve posted it I’ll regret every word. As I regretted it once upon a time, when I sent a private message to a little actor boy named Aubrey Graham on MySpace (remember MySpace?) He had a few songs on there and one of them, I can’t remember the name, had a line in it about cruising with some girl in his car, or some such nonsense, and the girl said that the beats in his songs were good but his rap was weak. Well being the nincompoop I am, I said exactly that. To which he replied “thanks, I think” (I won’t get into what I said after that because, even now, it’s too embarrassing to recant)
Nuh mine me, me jus ah talk
Okay, as I’ve said before, I’m no BIG fan (the only Drake song I spent money on was Take Care) But fear thee not, I’m not a big fan of rap music period. (I like the classics. Give me Luther, Nat King Cole, Anita Baker, Billy Joel etc.) I stopped being a fan of Drake after they put Jimmy Brooks in the wheelchair in Degrassi. It was a short lived love affair lasting all of about 3 weeks, the highlight being our brief Myspace interchange. But that was about 9 or 10 years ago. Of course, he was much more easily accessed then before he became a superstar. Never was interested in any of his music because it didn’t really touch me and I think he has a severe case of “Potty Mouth.” But because the new music sounds so good, and because I consider myself to be a very open minded person not given to snap judgments and not completely opposed to conversions, I thought it was worth more investigation. (also I’m just not a hater) I went back in all these posts to see if I can get a crash course in Drake 101. All I discovered was Monsier Olivier’s keen eye for art an yen for half naked women (Don’t call him Oliver). At any rate let’s live in the now.
I digress
Mek me tell yuh, after me listen ta one and two song ofa dis yeh NWTS album, and me ‘ear say de buoy ah do big tings (I mean Pound Cake actually has melody and rhythm, the beat alone is amazing, and the rapping isn’t intrusive or overly vulgar) Mi hafi give nuttin but respek.
In short: You almost make me a believer (Almost)
So here’s to NWTS
.... and after this album, nothing will ever be the same again.
- Ms. Anonymous Jones
P.S. It'll be better than it ever was ;-)
P.P.S. Did I mention I like the beat on Pound Cake A LOT. So wha a gwan bredrin yuh can mek a likkle b sides wid de bare ridims fi yuh sistah?
When I pressed play all I wanted to do is to enjoy this great song. I simply wasn't able to do that. smh
I wonder how such bad stuff gets validated. It's like they afraid to go all the way and produce a vid that matches the mood of the song and instead come with some stupid scarface inspired and most of all clumsily put visual. Or it could be just a bad idea. Either way it is a big miss.
I understand only fans come in here and most comments will embrace but honesty is a proof of appreciation.
I wish Drake wasn't struggling so much with his image.
You know whats interesting about this album cover? the week the album is being released, the weather is exactly the same, clear blue sky's, its hardly ever clear for 6 days strait in Toronto, GREAT TIMING. People of Toronto did you notice this as well?
I didn't know you were having an Album signing. I've been so busy lately & I don't live in NY. However, I will be buying your Album today so I can hear your pure Sexy voice that gives me butterflies every time I hear it. I love you sweetheart. Im going to your Concert! Ill be watching youuuu, you know I can't miss that ��
This shit is generic. Model bitches don't about ya, Drake. Stop singing about them, cornball. That new album you made is irrelevant. You can't rap. You never had a real life. That's why you keep on making corny shit. All of the songs on Everything Is The Same were slow garbage.
@Peace won't shut the fuck up. She copies what other people say. Probably Drake is even annoyed by her corny, big mouthed ass but he's dumb. He likes anything.
This was a nice cliping and I am and wonder with the tons of the comments and suggestions. I may use such things for On Hold Marketing while customers on call waiting.
It's interesting to listen to what such a high profile celebrity like Drake really has to say. When you're that famous, people just assume endless things. It's very rare that you get such a relaxed, real and in depth interview with someone where real beliefs, feelings and ideas are expressed. This makes you realize the genius behind Drake and how he can connect with people on so many emotional levels. Not only is he a talented artist, but a very well educated business man. Tip of the hat to Drake!
Drake I love you so much! This song gives me goosebumps. I would do anything to have you sing this to me. I love it. I love the whole fuckin album. Deluxe edition. That OVO & XO is all I believe in. Tuscan leather, own it, paris morton music 2, the connect, the language!! (You were talking my language), 305 to my city!!! I love that fuckin song, it's like one song justifying the way I'm living my life, lol. 'Locker room full of money, girl you just did it!' I hear that in my head all day. I love the evolution of your music. I see so much growth from thank me later. I love this album, it's so soulful. It took some time to grow on me, I wasn't really feeling all the singing and slow beats, but after some careful listening, I feel what you were tryna do, & I love it.
I hope all is well with you. I hope you are having a great October :) and I can't wait til your bday. I'm getting drunk like its my birthday. Fuck the haters. Your on a mission to change the culture. I haven't been on here enough, I gotta get back on my fangirl grizzy. You know I love you though boy!!!!! Lol. Your my man crush Monday on insta every damn Monday, baby it's yourssssssssssss
Shoutsout to the crew. Oliver 40 Niko Ryan waddup. OVOXO See you December 12th!
وتتم عملية التنظيف على مراحل شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض متتعدة وكل مرحلة تتم منفصلة وبطريقة تامة وكاملة حتى يصل العمل الى شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض ما يرضي العميل ، ففي البداية يتم رفع السجاد والكنب والقيام بنقل الاثاث شركة تنظيف مكيفات اسبلت بالرياض من المنزل نهائياً ويتم تحديد اماكن شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط وابها الاتساخ الشديدة والاماكن العادية واماكن تواجد اعشاش العنكبوت إذا وجدت وتتم عملية التنظيف من 3____________________________________________________________________
من اكثر الاشياء التى تساعد شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض على اختلاف بين واى شركه اخرى انها تمتلك اكبر طاقم عمل من الفلبيين المدربين على اعلى مستوى للقيام باعمال التنظيف فالشعور بالفرق شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض بين خدمتنا وخدمه اى شركه اخرى واضح جدا فتاكد اننا من افضل شركات تنظيف منازل بالرياض تعتبر شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض من ارخص الاسعار التى تتواجد فى الاسواق على الرغم من
الان نوفر خبراء و متخصصين في القضاء علي الحشرات لتضمن نتائج افضل رش النمل الابيض مكة و زي فاعليه كبيره في القضاء علي الحشرات جلي رخام مكة بافضل الطرق و التي تجعل الرخام اكثر نظافة و لمعان كما يوجد فريق عمل علي اعلي مستوي في عمليات التنظيف تنظيف مكة قادرين علي استخدام افضل ادوات و وسائل التنظيف لتحصل علي نتائج افضل تنظيف سجاد مكة من خلال احدث ادوات التنظيف كما يوجد تنظيف خزانات بافضل طرق و التنظيف و المحافظه علي المياه العزل خزانات مكة تواصلو معنا الان
اقل الاسعار في توكيل سامسونج احصل عليها الان عند الحاجة الي شراء الاجهزه وخاصة اننا نعمل باحدث الطرق والاساليب التي نعمل بها في اهم توكيل صيانة اريستون وتواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن لارسال فريق متخصص ومدرب علي اعلي مستوي وباشراف تام من خبراء في صيانة الكتروستار تواصل معان الان من اي مكان في مصر لطلب الخدمة وسرعة تنفيذ طلبات العملاء بارسال الخبراء اليك من صيانة وايت بوينت باسرع شكل ممكن ومن اي مكان لتلبية احتياجات المزيد من العملاء فورا .
خدمات مركز صيانة ال جي تعرف عليها الان وتواصل معنا لطلب الخدمة في اي وقت ومن اي مكان لاننا علي استعداد تام لتلبية احتياجات الكثيرين في اي وقت ومن خلال خبراء في صيانة فريجيدير عليك متابعة تقديم الخدمة في اي وقت ومن اي مكان لاننا علي استعداد تام لتلبية المزيد وارسال فريق الصيانة اليك فورا من اي مكان وعن طريق صيانة يونيفرسالالتي توفر افضل العروض والخدمات ومن اي مكان لخدمة افضل من خلال اهم كوادر وفنيين للصيانة في مصر .
فريق عمل متخصص من صيانة البا الخط الساخن يمكنه الرد علي جميع استفسارات العملاء حول اعمال الصيانة وانواع الاجهزه الكهربائية يمكنك التعرف علي المزيد من خلال توكيل صيانة سيمنس يمكنك التواصل معه يوميا ومن خلال اهم خبراء للصيانة في مصر اصبح يمكنك التواصل مع صيانة كينوود مصر واحصل علي افضل العروض والخدمات الان في مصر .
فريق متخصص من توكيل فايلنت لمساعدة اكبر عدد من العملاء وتوفير اليهم افضل الاساليب وطرق الصيانة التي نعمل بها من خلال اشراف كبير في توكيل جونكر عليك التواصل نمعنا الان وفي اي وقت لطلب الخدمة والتمكن من ارسال فريق الصيانة اليك باسرع وقت ممكن مع توفير حملات للصيانة المجانية من توكيل بلاك اند ديكر تواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن ومن اي مكان لخدمة افضل وفي اي وقت .
مجموعه مدربة من توكيل صيانة ماجيك شيف يمكنك الان التواصل معها في اسرع وقت ممكن لطلب الخدمات المعتمدة في اعمال الصيانة والاشراف علي ذلك من خلال توكيل صيانة الاسكا فقط تواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن ومن اي مكان لطلب الخدمة والتمكن من ارسال فريق للصيانة والتاكد من التخلص من اي اعطال مع فريق عمل مدرب من توكيل كاريير وتعرف الان علي افضل العروض والخدمات التي نوفرها باشراف من مركز متخصص من صيانة تكنوجاز تواصل معنا الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن .
خدمات معتمدة من توكيل كلفينيتور تواصل معنا الان من اي مكان لخدمة افضل وفي اسرع وقت ممكن يمكننا العمل علي مدار ايام الاسبوع للحصول علي خدمات مميزة من صيانة جليم جاز الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن يمكنك التواصل معنا والحصول علي الخدمة في اي وقت مع اشراف من فريق توكيل صيانة هايسنس تواصل معنا الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن لتلبية خدمات مميزة ومن اي مكان في مصر .
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that just happend
lawd ah mercy... why does he look so sexy in white?
she is fukking hella sexy
she is fukking hella sexy
Grand Theft Auto 5 Drizzy
Love the fact that this wasn't a typical video piece.
Instead he tells a story, drawing inspiration from the song.
It had a lot of elements very reminiscent of Michael Jackson's work. From the "damsel in distress", to the suits and lingerie, to the "hero vs. bad guys & crew" show down.
Loved how he intertwined the "Judas" character into the story. A homage to his "no new friends" and "know yourself" moral fibre.
Adding to that, it was great to see not just Drake, but also Majid Jordan, Chubbs, and ASAP Rocky among others get their role.
The end scene could be a metaphor for a specific romance that Drake was an accessory to; where a young woman is captive and abused by an aggressive male, and Drake steps in at the last second to save her.
All in all, very well done. Haven't lost a bit of your acting traits since Degrassi.
Such a dope video! Completely original we need more of this!!!
Great work. As ever.
shouting out from jamaica,drake has a strong fan base here you should visit,keep a show or something OVO JAMAICA .follow on instagram @ovologan....NWTS i got you shout to the whole team 40,chubbs,niko,mark,noel,jonny,obrien,ryan, and to whoever i forget i love you all!!! OVO
this dude is a fraud, more than half of this is having problems for copyright infringement.
Love the video Drizz... lol I can't keep up with all the posting on your official fansite o.o smh
I've been catching up on the interviews and all the blogs and all the events looooool all day today and I'm still catching up. Just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you and I love your album...I know for sure that its still growing on me and take sometime for me to let it sink in but so far its Great!!
Very different from the last album, well friend. :)
-Britt Britt
Charlamagne is gonna go in on this...
You're a bad faggot and you know it
Scarface ll
Drake looks sexy when he's mad
Why is the video sulky and dark?? It didn't match the song.
You have a cute face and a beautiful voice. I wanna see you in person.
Nah, you look like a smelly, old bum, you're a druggie, a asshole and howgh is a fake song. Fuq you.
The best video of all time *Kanye West voice*
I don't like the video. But then again I don't like music videos period. I think music is a very personal experience. As a listener, when I identify with a song I form my own unique imagery in my mind and I don’t like anyone forcing their vision on me. So for Hold On (an memba say mi nuh really like de song tuh dat cuz it nah say nutt’n’ tuh me) I already had my own imagery. Needless to say, what I saw of the video (and I didn’t see much) jacked that up and left me like: What?!
But ‘ear me nuh bredrin!
You’re still a good actor!
I’m half hoping no one will find this extensive and albeit long winded comment written in the 5am NYC Dark. Why? Because I know shortly after I’ve posted it I’ll regret every word. As I regretted it once upon a time, when I sent a private message to a little actor boy named Aubrey Graham on MySpace (remember MySpace?) He had a few songs on there and one of them, I can’t remember the name, had a line in it about cruising with some girl in his car, or some such nonsense, and the girl said that the beats in his songs were good but his rap was weak. Well being the nincompoop I am, I said exactly that. To which he replied “thanks, I think” (I won’t get into what I said after that because, even now, it’s too embarrassing to recant)
Nuh mine me, me jus ah talk
Okay, as I’ve said before, I’m no BIG fan (the only Drake song I spent money on was Take Care) But fear thee not, I’m not a big fan of rap music period. (I like the classics. Give me Luther, Nat King Cole, Anita Baker, Billy Joel etc.) I stopped being a fan of Drake after they put Jimmy Brooks in the wheelchair in Degrassi. It was a short lived love affair lasting all of about 3 weeks, the highlight being our brief Myspace interchange. But that was about 9 or 10 years ago. Of course, he was much more easily accessed then before he became a superstar. Never was interested in any of his music because it didn’t really touch me and I think he has a severe case of “Potty Mouth.” But because the new music sounds so good, and because I consider myself to be a very open minded person not given to snap judgments and not completely opposed to conversions, I thought it was worth more investigation. (also I’m just not a hater) I went back in all these posts to see if I can get a crash course in Drake 101. All I discovered was Monsier Olivier’s keen eye for art an yen for half naked women (Don’t call him Oliver). At any rate let’s live in the now.
I digress
Mek me tell yuh, after me listen ta one and two song ofa dis yeh NWTS album, and me ‘ear say de buoy ah do big tings (I mean Pound Cake actually has melody and rhythm, the beat alone is amazing, and the rapping isn’t intrusive or overly vulgar) Mi hafi give nuttin but respek.
In short: You almost make me a believer (Almost)
So here’s to NWTS
.... and after this album, nothing will ever be the same again.
- Ms. Anonymous Jones
P.S. It'll be better than it ever was ;-)
P.P.S. Did I mention I like the beat on Pound Cake A LOT. So wha a gwan bredrin yuh can mek a likkle b sides wid de bare ridims fi yuh sistah?
For a Non fan I've become quite the fixture on this blog. This could be habit forming.
(But not enough to buy the album or a single song .... YET)
But Nuh worry, yuh still ah do big tings :-)
When I pressed play all I wanted to do is to enjoy this great song.
I simply wasn't able to do that. smh
I wonder how such bad stuff gets validated. It's like they afraid to go all the way and produce a vid that matches the mood of the song and instead come with some stupid scarface inspired and most of all clumsily put visual.
Or it could be just a bad idea.
Either way it is a big miss.
I understand only fans come in here and most comments will embrace but honesty is a proof of appreciation.
I wish Drake wasn't struggling so much with his image.
68 comments all Dylan. Dylan and Dylan with a side of Dylan.. Shut the hell up Dylan. --skiwoop
You know whats interesting about this album cover? the week the album is being released, the weather is exactly the same, clear blue sky's, its hardly ever clear for 6 days strait in Toronto, GREAT TIMING. People of Toronto did you notice this as well?
Drake your so Heroic. I believe in You 😄
I didn't know you were having an Album signing. I've been so busy lately & I don't live in NY. However, I will be buying your Album today so I can hear your pure Sexy voice that gives me butterflies every time I hear it. I love you sweetheart. Im going to your Concert! Ill be watching youuuu, you know I can't miss that ��
This shit is generic. Model bitches don't about ya, Drake. Stop singing about them, cornball. That new album you made is irrelevant. You can't rap. You never had a real life. That's why you keep on making corny shit. All of the songs on Everything Is The Same were slow garbage.
The greatest music video ever made. Fuck Kanye West and everybody else.
Rihanna wants a threesome with Drake and Chris Brown. She wants two dicks in her mouth at the same.
at the same time
Drake looks like Don Johnson
Dis nigga Drake is gay. He needuh reservation.
You throw bottles not shoot guns, Jewish nigga
Guns aren't for gays doe. Take a look at his boyfriend Weezy. He shot himself.
lmao #christianrappers
Drake is my Hero!
Drake thinks he's so good
well ... I want some of the godness
*good and/or
He learned a lot from Degrassi
I would fuck Drake. He is ultra sexy. I'm turning 18 in a few months. All he has to do is find me.
BOOM..Serious! OVO takeover.
Drake is talented and blessed.
Gorgeous song and video. Drake is loveable.
@Peace won't shut the fuck up. She copies what other people say. Probably Drake is even annoyed by her corny, big mouthed ass but he's dumb. He likes anything.
Papi has a beautiful smile and looks so nice in a suit. I want him to be my husband.
Drake is white and black. What an admixture.
I'll attempt suicide if I ever buy Drake's album.
White trash valley girl music
This kind of music is for gays, dumb white people and oreo black girls.
No disrespect ..but drake and ovo...needs to sign this dude .
Keith anthony spitta from detroit
Mexican American music
People who barely speak English like Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj and Drake.
Sounds like a beaner wetback song
This was a nice cliping and I am and wonder with the tons of the comments and suggestions. I may use such things for On Hold Marketing while customers on call waiting. - Drake please Find the time to read this, it would mean a lot .
It's interesting to listen to what such a high profile celebrity like Drake really has to say. When you're that famous, people just assume endless things. It's very rare that you get such a relaxed, real and in depth interview with someone where real beliefs, feelings and ideas are expressed. This makes you realize the genius behind Drake and how he can connect with people on so many emotional levels. Not only is he a talented artist, but a very well educated business man. Tip of the hat to Drake!
Drake I love you so much! This song gives me goosebumps. I would do anything to have you sing this to me. I love it. I love the whole fuckin album. Deluxe edition. That OVO & XO is all I believe in. Tuscan leather, own it, paris morton music 2, the connect, the language!! (You were talking my language), 305 to my city!!! I love that fuckin song, it's like one song justifying the way I'm living my life, lol. 'Locker room full of money, girl you just did it!' I hear that in my head all day. I love the evolution of your music. I see so much growth from thank me later. I love this album, it's so soulful. It took some time to grow on me, I wasn't really feeling all the singing and slow beats, but after some careful listening, I feel what you were tryna do, & I love it.
I hope all is well with you. I hope you are having a great October :) and I can't wait til your bday. I'm getting drunk like its my birthday.
Fuck the haters. Your on a mission to change the culture.
I haven't been on here enough, I gotta get back on my fangirl grizzy. You know I love you though boy!!!!! Lol. Your my man crush Monday on insta every damn Monday, baby it's yourssssssssssss
Shoutsout to the crew. Oliver 40 Niko Ryan waddup. OVOXO
See you December 12th!
Sincerely your biggest anonymous fan
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شركات تنظيف الخزانات بالطائف
وتتم عملية التنظيف على مراحل شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض متتعدة وكل مرحلة تتم منفصلة وبطريقة تامة وكاملة حتى يصل العمل الى شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض ما يرضي العميل ، ففي البداية يتم رفع السجاد والكنب والقيام بنقل الاثاث شركة تنظيف مكيفات اسبلت بالرياض من المنزل نهائياً ويتم تحديد اماكن شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيط وابها الاتساخ الشديدة والاماكن العادية واماكن تواجد اعشاش العنكبوت إذا وجدت وتتم عملية التنظيف من
من اكثر الاشياء التى تساعد شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض على اختلاف بين واى شركه اخرى انها تمتلك اكبر طاقم عمل من الفلبيين المدربين على اعلى مستوى للقيام باعمال التنظيف فالشعور بالفرق شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض بين خدمتنا وخدمه اى شركه اخرى واضح جدا فتاكد اننا من افضل شركات تنظيف منازل بالرياض تعتبر شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض من ارخص الاسعار التى تتواجد فى الاسواق على الرغم من
صيانة يونيون اير
صيانة كلفينيتور
صيانة ويرلبول
صيانة فريجيدير
صيانة اريستون
صيانة امريكول
صيانة تكييف كاريير
aeg صيانة
صيانة تكييف ترين
Many thanks. For me it was useful.
Thank you for this post. This is very interesting information for me.
الان نوفر خبراء و متخصصين في القضاء علي الحشرات لتضمن نتائج افضل رش النمل الابيض مكة و زي فاعليه كبيره في القضاء علي الحشرات جلي رخام مكة بافضل الطرق و التي تجعل الرخام اكثر نظافة و لمعان كما يوجد فريق عمل علي اعلي مستوي في عمليات التنظيف تنظيف مكة قادرين علي استخدام افضل ادوات و وسائل التنظيف لتحصل علي نتائج افضل تنظيف سجاد مكة من خلال احدث ادوات التنظيف كما يوجد تنظيف خزانات بافضل طرق و التنظيف و المحافظه علي المياه العزل خزانات مكة تواصلو معنا الان
اقل الاسعار في توكيل سامسونج احصل عليها الان عند الحاجة الي شراء الاجهزه وخاصة اننا نعمل باحدث الطرق والاساليب التي نعمل بها في اهم توكيل صيانة اريستون وتواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن لارسال فريق متخصص ومدرب علي اعلي مستوي وباشراف تام من خبراء في صيانة الكتروستار تواصل معان الان من اي مكان في مصر لطلب الخدمة وسرعة تنفيذ طلبات العملاء بارسال الخبراء اليك من صيانة وايت بوينت باسرع شكل ممكن ومن اي مكان لتلبية احتياجات المزيد من العملاء فورا .
خدمات مركز صيانة ال جي تعرف عليها الان وتواصل معنا لطلب الخدمة في اي وقت ومن اي مكان لاننا علي استعداد تام لتلبية احتياجات الكثيرين في اي وقت ومن خلال خبراء في صيانة فريجيدير عليك متابعة تقديم الخدمة في اي وقت ومن اي مكان لاننا علي استعداد تام لتلبية المزيد وارسال فريق الصيانة اليك فورا من اي مكان وعن طريق صيانة يونيفرسالالتي توفر افضل العروض والخدمات ومن اي مكان لخدمة افضل من خلال اهم كوادر وفنيين للصيانة في مصر .
فريق عمل متخصص من صيانة البا الخط الساخن يمكنه الرد علي جميع استفسارات العملاء حول اعمال الصيانة وانواع الاجهزه الكهربائية يمكنك التعرف علي المزيد من خلال توكيل صيانة سيمنس يمكنك التواصل معه يوميا ومن خلال اهم خبراء للصيانة في مصر اصبح يمكنك التواصل مع صيانة كينوود مصر واحصل علي افضل العروض والخدمات الان في مصر .
فريق متخصص من توكيل فايلنت لمساعدة اكبر عدد من العملاء وتوفير اليهم افضل الاساليب وطرق الصيانة التي نعمل بها من خلال اشراف كبير في توكيل جونكر عليك التواصل نمعنا الان وفي اي وقت لطلب الخدمة والتمكن من ارسال فريق الصيانة اليك باسرع وقت ممكن مع توفير حملات للصيانة المجانية من توكيل بلاك اند ديكر تواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن ومن اي مكان لخدمة افضل وفي اي وقت .
مجموعه مدربة من توكيل صيانة ماجيك شيف يمكنك الان التواصل معها في اسرع وقت ممكن لطلب الخدمات المعتمدة في اعمال الصيانة والاشراف علي ذلك من خلال توكيل صيانة الاسكا فقط تواصل معنا في اسرع وقت ممكن ومن اي مكان لطلب الخدمة والتمكن من ارسال فريق للصيانة والتاكد من التخلص من اي اعطال مع فريق عمل مدرب من توكيل كاريير وتعرف الان علي افضل العروض والخدمات التي نوفرها باشراف من مركز متخصص من صيانة تكنوجاز تواصل معنا الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن .
خدمات معتمدة من توكيل كلفينيتور تواصل معنا الان من اي مكان لخدمة افضل وفي اسرع وقت ممكن يمكننا العمل علي مدار ايام الاسبوع للحصول علي خدمات مميزة من صيانة جليم جاز الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن يمكنك التواصل معنا والحصول علي الخدمة في اي وقت مع اشراف من فريق توكيل صيانة هايسنس تواصل معنا الان وفي اسرع وقت ممكن لتلبية خدمات مميزة ومن اي مكان في مصر .
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