Thursday, August 11, 2011


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indium said...

i like your post style.

Jessica . said...

Finally some normal people that actually are Drizzy fans (;

Swim Good said...

Oh yeah you guys! I decided to make a twitter if yall have one follow me!!!/SwimGood_

I'll follow back!

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

Drizzy yhu ARE the finest, so i was thinking i could end the night maybe with a little #EroticTaleTime.? lol maybe 2marro. Im really tired buht now i know EVERY SONG LOL, im a freak like cirque du soleil :)

Double cup love drake IM the one yhu can lean on :) *kisses yhu goodnight* love yhu Drizzy Bear *muaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*


"why do ugly fat girls hate on beauties with booties like me"

Jessica . said...

Aha I'd follow youu if ihad a Twitter bhut I'm not a biq fan of eht ;p ionly have a faceebook :$

Drewskii said...

DBBCF16 in a way should feel sorry for these girls. I mean, if there was a really pretty girl who was even crazier about an artist i liked than i was, said comments that stand out more, and i was really ugly id be pissed at her too.

Swim Good said...

No account? No factor..Go Away.

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

i only get on here 4 yhu Drakeeeee<3333 yhu seexci beast ;)when i get on twitter ima make a new account since i 4got my password && i'll ONLY follow yhu && tweet yhu, && take pics 4 yhu wen iget my new camera ;-) *shakes my ass 4 drake && kisses him a final goodnight*


YHUR AN INSPIRATION && IBOUGHT A POSTER OF YHU TODAY, IM ABT TO GO HANG IHT UHP With yhur sexxy lips && cute puppy dog eyes :) ur the CUTEST rapper && the BESTEST muhfuhcking goddamn rapper even better than lil wayne. YOUR THE ONE THATS TOO GOOD DRIZZY.

Anonymous said...

Heres an idea:how about you all stay off ovo for a week and let DBBCF16 leave her comments, and see if shes left after one week of nobody being on here but her she has left. if so, shes not a real drake fan, if not she is a real drake fan and you all fail. lets start now -leave-

Jessica . said...

Riqht we all know its youur parasite ass Drakesuqlieststalker xD . 1 ; youur not prettay , established that 3 days qqo . 2 ; iLovee Drake WAY More than youu do , . What you have is called stalkinq & obsession . 3 ; Our komments Shut Youu up all youu say iS How Uqliee We Aree Bhut everyone says otherwhys . (; # TheTruthHurts

Anonymous said...

Lol at @Anonnymous and the fact that that makes sense.

Swim Good said...

The option of Anonymous...never cease to amaze me.

GOD! I can't wait until school starts, at least during the day OVO can catch a break.

Jessica . said...

What will that provee , ? Nada . She's still qoinq to say BS About Drake & write Her porno novels .
#TeamOVORecovery All Daay Err'Day err have DrakesStalkerBitch16 suck youur Dick while her dad watches c;

Anonymous said...

Lol at jessie writing full essays to DBBCF16 and her not even reading the comments. WHO ARE YOU WRITING TO? Lol at jessie calling her a stalker yet harassing her every 10 minutes. Lol at the contradiction. Lolat jessie still trying to convince her shes not pretty when clearly she is. Lol at her saying everyones sauing shes not ugly but not alot of people are on here. lol at the fact that onlines the only place DBBCF16 gets called 'ugly'

Anonymous said...

Lol at the fact jessie is about to acuse me of being DBBCF16 so she can have reasons to keep talking about her.

Swim Good said...

Well only you would know she's not reading right Anonymous? Because you're right there with her? Lol. Oh no wait! You ARE her! How could I miss that. *sarcasm*

Swim Good said...

Another amazing post filled with unrelated comments. Yeah I know I'm partly to blame...Oh well!

Andy said...

so funny how all these 'people' defending her have the same pattern in their replies.

"shes pretty. i seen her at ovofest yelling out drizzys bride. you ugly bitches need to stop dissing her cause shes actually pretty...drizzy has actually rated her a 9/10, but said that shes too young for him at the moment, he cant wait till shes 18"


so funny that she thinks were gonna believe these people arent her.

somebody get this bitch a straight jacket!

Jessica . said...

Lol @ the fact your Anon widd no picture or Profile . Lol at the fact Youur callinq DrakesStalkerBitch preety Aka Youu . Lol @ the fact you say she's not readinq these bhut how would you know , ? Ohh yeah like Swimqqood said , Youu are her . Lol @ the fact your here 24/7 & iqqoo out all day shoppinq & only come her aht niqht only widd my Phonee . (; lol @ the fact idq2fucks

Jessica . said...

@ Andy , lol Bro iThink she alreadie has one xD

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

*shakes my titties for Drake* Lol i'll put the poster uhp 2marro. love yhu Drizzy Bear goodniiiiiight *kisses yhu goodnight 4 the last LAST time 2night*

I LOVE YHU MORE THAN ANYBODY DOES DRAKE :) :) :) :) :) :) yhur special && a cutie && one in a million like aaliyah says<333

"why do ugly fat girls hate on beauties with booties like me"

Jessica . said...

Damn ithouqht this Parasite supossibly went too sleep . Funny how when Anons comments stop , hers beqqins .

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

Im so tired from all the orgies i had from masterbating to yhu drake buht i juhst LOVE OVO && YHU....MORE than these fat hating girls love cake :) i hope that maked yhu smile

Drake, why cant ALL guys be cute && swagg like yhu.?

Why cant these girls be pretty like me.?

Ok now i can go to sleep *kisses yhu goodnight && lets yhu kiss me back*


So Far Gone said...

blah blah @Jessie quit making excuses as to WHY she has people going ham on yalls ugly asses that she dont even know; and learn how to spell its BEGINS not beqqins wtf is beqqins? you arent cute enough to make grammar mistakes. she can pull off the H button but you NEED an education. NONE of us are her. shut up.

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

Oh && i have to say: i cant WAIT for take care to come out drizzy, so i can do my sex ritual && memorize ALL the songs within an hour or so. :)

I LOVE YHU BABY *muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*


Swim Good said...

G'Nite @Jessie!

Andy said...

@jessie..I wouldnt be surprised if she does have one :P getting tired of this though, hopefully someone from OVO does come across it and do something.
i guess it gives us an insight into crazy obsessive fans and what celebrities have to deal with everyday! haha

DrakesBeautifulStripper said...

Ok im off to sleep drizzy *muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah* OVOXO ME AT YHUR NEXT SHOW

I AM SOO IN LOVE WITH YHU DRAKE, yhu could three stroke me ANY day. *kisses* *jiggles ass as i walk away from yhu in red 'drizzy drake' booty shorts*

Ronnie said...

i know IM not her im just tired of these ugly ass jawns hating on her. i give DBBCF16 a 9/10 so unless you hoes are bad ima need ya to fall back. ok swim good and jessie you guys are a 4 at best? but you dissing another chick though; why? you aint even alright yo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol at the fact that there gonna say Ronnie and So Far Gone is DBBCF16 even though that cant be possible since the essays are one minute apart Lmao.

Swim Good said...

I'm seeing a trend now...

First she says something that she THINKS will get under our skin.

Then she brings out the "lol at the fact" character

Then she magically RE-APPEARS, after being "defended"

Drizzy said...

I love @DrakesBigBootyCutieFan16.

Jessica . said...

Aha totally funny , once aqain Anon Stops DrakesStalker Bitch starts xD lol @ the 'yalls' which proves its StalkerBitch (; , . Don't like my spellinq , ? Aww qqoo fucck a Cow Bro For All iKaree (; @ GS , qee'Niqht Bro ima qqo to bed too . (; @ Andy iknowRiqht this shieet is qqhetinq too old ;0 & totally ! No wonder celebs all have body qquards ! Anyways qee'Niqht Andy err Morninq err Whatever ;p

RellyRellz said...

Lol this is better than any soap Oprah on TV.

its funny, a nigga went from fighting with her 1 on 1, now I got goons handling it all.

Life is good lol.

DjulianaJordano said...

Drake is the best now and forever.Only when you sing from the heart, the music is truly successful.Finally i want to wish him to "Live the way you love, love the way you live" Bacause the live is an inspiration. TAKE CARE ALL. LOVE :) :*:D

DjulianaJordano said...

Drake is the best now and forever. His music is from the heart and thats why it's so successful. the live is truly inspiration.Keep working that way and don't forget "live the way you love-love the way you live" :)

Anonymous said...

boxing robe... haha he a trip!

Anonymous said...

CAN'T WAIT . !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aubreys so handddsomeee.

I really want an ovoxo shirt! I've been looking everywhere!

Anonymous said...

We gon' be alright if we put Drake on every hook..OVOXO

Summer Ray said...

good night drake..bout to go smoke before this headache gets worst.. xoxx

Back4theFuture said...

Marty McFly.

The Nike MAG.
1,500 Shoes.
1 Cause.

For 10 days, 150 pairs will be listed on ebay.
All net proceeds will go directly to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to help erase Parkinson's from existence.

Good Luck.

Back4theFuture said...

Marty McFly.

The Nike MAG.
1,500 Shoes.
1 Cause.

For 10 days, 150 pairs will be listed on ebay.
All net proceeds will go directly to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to help erase Parkinson's from existence.

Good Luck.

Back4theFuture said...

Marty McFly.

The Nike MAG.
1,500 Shoes.
1 Cause.

For 10 days, 150 pairs will be listed on ebay.
All net proceeds will go directly to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to help erase Parkinson's from existence.

Good Luck.

*much love sent your way* said...

I love the progress you continue to make!!! I can't wait for the album!!!! You shine a bright light for many people, especially our generation. You are a great representation!!!
*Much love sent you way* said...

To my mind everybody have to glance at this. said...

Oh my god, there is a great deal of helpful data above!

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