O.G. Ron C dose his muufuckin thing I love this chopped and screwed Version But you Know what I wonder how it would Sound if SWISHAHOUSE Michle 5000 Watts chopped it up Man that would be a wonderful thang to here?...
weezys the one who fathered the drink and actually deals with personal demons when it comes to substance abuse, its not something to throw around and be taken lightly . Its something a lot of actually struggle with, so trying it once doesnt mean SHIT. try being hooked on oxys for 4 years and living the rest of your life on methadone because of it…. NOT a choice I made for myself, its a demon I have to battle my entire life, so I hate hearing him glorify the shit like its some fuckin stunt.
articles you post a very nice, attractive design, the content of the article is simple, good and quality. Thank you for sharing and allow us a moment to stop by on your site. continued success
I find the article you created quite nice, charming, good words, and the contents of the article of sufficient quality. Thank you for sharing the information pretty good. Continue to post another article
I found something in this article., a very nice design, the contents of the article were quite good and quality.. it is very suitable as a good reference. Thank you very much for sharing with us
a very nice design, the contents of the article were quite good and quality.. it is very suitable as a good reference. Thank you very much for sharing with us
you are killing your music with this chopped and screwed bullshit...
tahahahaha 'concerned fan' hahahahaha like "yo' shit is ruined, homie!"
Oh wow Oli, a title in your blog post. Congrats LOL :P
Damn.. Hot. Enough said <3
ovo please listenhttp://soundcloud.com/blocnation/the-key
please listen give me feed back
O.G. Ron C dose his muufuckin thing I love this chopped and screwed Version But you Know what I wonder how it would Sound if SWISHAHOUSE Michle 5000 Watts chopped it up Man that would be a wonderful thang to here?...
I've always loved chopped music! I was super excited to see this! Funny how fast I bob my head to such slow music...or am I?...
weezys the one who fathered the drink and actually deals with personal demons when it comes to substance abuse, its not something to throw around and be taken lightly . Its something a lot of actually struggle with, so trying it once doesnt mean SHIT. try being hooked on oxys for 4 years and living the rest of your life on methadone because of it…. NOT a choice I made for myself, its a demon I have to battle my entire life, so I hate hearing him glorify the shit like its some fuckin stunt.
Love this, def not slopped.
<3 xoxo ash
Goodness, there is a lot of useful data here!
Forevaeva21 said...
Love alwayz
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Cara mengobati wasir/ambien
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Obat kutil kelamin DE NATURE
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Obat kutil kelamin de nature
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Nama salep obat kutil kelamin
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Obat untuk kutil pada kelamin
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Resep obat kutil kelamin
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Obat kencing nanah apotik
Obat kencing nanah antibiotik
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Obat kencing nanah apa ya
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I found something in this article., a very nice design, the contents of the article were quite good and quality..
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a very nice design, the contents of the article were quite good and quality..
it is very suitable as a good reference.
Thank you very much for sharing with us
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