~ S T A R * B W O Y~

Friday, April 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

I love Oliver's posts!

Brian Wingate said...

Ovo game always keep us update love n it

Anonymous said...

Ow this rite here go hard.

Good looks on these posts O. him n wayne marshall are too nasty.

Tash said...

Hi Drake, I'm a huge fan of your work, I had to get in contact, and I had to say what an inspiration you are to me. I admit I'm not a fan of your Young Money work as much, but I'm a fan of your mixtapes. I only started listening a while back when I was going through depression. Your music is like therapy to me, because it reveals another side to me (even though, I'm like only 15!) it shows my raw emotion and how I feel about what I've gone through in life, even though the songs are really emotional they give me a natural high. I know this sounds so weird,because I'm amazed myself how it gets to me. You know, going through something like depression it involves emotional things, listening to your raps and honesty in it, is therapy to me. It inspires me to be honest and real how i'm feeling, because i'm not the only one who is feeling it. It also inspires me that honesty is beautiful and when I grow up I want to be honest, and real like you are. I like how you let your raps become a doorway to who you are as person, that is pure art.
I love it because some songs get me completely how I'm feeling, some songs teach me something about life, some songs I just admire the emotion and honesty; how real it is. It's really therapeutic to me, it reveals another side to me, I can't actually explain it - but its like meditation? Hopefully you get what I'm saying. It reveals another side to me that's very deep, honest and a lot of deep emotion, I'm kinda observant of emotions, so it's nice to see someone who is like that as well, and feels like I get to know you as a very real person - not many people are real like that nowadays.

I really admire how few artists can reveal how they're feeling, all their emotions and make something beautiful of them. I really hope you go to making music again like that, I think that's what makes ur fans admire you the most - someone who is honest and open, and has a talent in rapping and lyrics. Not another rapper who is rapping about cars, women and fame.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how your music inspires me, and what it means to me. I'd love to meet you in person, just to get to know you as a person and a fan, you really inspire me and I admire you a lot more as a person than a artist. Come to London soon! :) XOXO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi Drake i love you sooo much!!!!!!!!!! come to Brooklyn pleaseee! :)

ZyairaSha said...

..haha..mi won star bwoy!!..

Unknown said...

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Obat sipilis murah di apotik
Obat alami sipilis pada pria
Obat sifilis ampuh

Unknown said...

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Obat sipilis buatan sendiri
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obat tradisional untuk kutil kelamin

Unknown said...

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obat alami kutil kelamin
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Obat kencing nanah dan darah
Obat kencing nanah apotik
Obat kencing nanah antibiotik
Obat kencing nanah amoxicillin
Obat kencing nanah apa
Obat kencing nanah apa ya
Obat kencing nanah atau gonore
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Obat kencing nanah di apotik umum
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Obat herbal untuk mengobati kencing nanah
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Obat kencing nanah yang bisa dibeli di apotek
Obat kencing nanah di apotik bebas
Obat kencing nanah yang dijual bebas