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Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Money


Nisha said...

Hmm I don't really listen to his music that much but I'll give this a listen to, thanks for posting :)

Omari ervin said...

that dude look's mean

A rapper said...

Snoop Dogg's son? Is that Abraham Lincoln on his chain? Hey-oh!

iamsteel said...

Nip Hussle cuzz. Good music. He got a song wit Drake called KILLER. On me, this dude is worth a listen.

A Real Fan said...

i guarantee that half you mo fuckka's have never even heard of nipsey and probably dont even know what the fuck ovo even is. your just a bunch of drizzy drake dick riders who dont kno any thing about the real rap/hiphop culture and dont even listen to drake for his amazing content all you losers know is the shit you heard on the radio. and ps. to all you overweight stuck up girls that comment on this site, get the fuck out of here and stop saying how much you love drake... Cus NOBODY FUCKING CARES, peace

A Real Fan said...

i guarantee that half you mo fuckka's have never even heard of nipsey and probably dont even know what the fuck ovo even is. your just a bunch of drizzy drake dick riders who dont kno any thing about the real rap/hiphop culture and dont even listen to drake for his amazing content all you losers know is the shit you heard on the radio. and ps. to all you overweight stuck up girls that comment on this site, get the fuck out of here and stop saying how much you love drake... Cus NOBODY FUCKING CARES, peace

Unknown said...

Hi Drake, Niko, 40, and Oliver! I just want to tell you that I am a huge fan of yours and i love you so much! I love HipHop and when I see you working with Swizz Beats, Dj Khaled, or Usher or T.I. it makes me so happy. Not because i like those artist too but because it gives a big "middle finger" to people who live on hate, fear, prejudice, and racism! I'm a Muslim girl and I'm in love with you, a Jewish rapper! I don't know why you've touched me in this way but you have and I just really hope that you know that everything ain't what it seems, there are people who love you and don't hate despite the differences and despite what so many people say "we are suppose to". And i just hope that you love us too. You should give us a fair chance to be your girlfriend, if u with it, i'm with it! I love you so much Drake!! Please just always be cool and nice and loving. The love you give is uplifting because you make every fan feel special.

anyways.... i think that's all i gotta say.

spiritsentient said...

"All tax get evaded" lol :)

"To confident fools I choose not to say shit", amen to that.

Thanks for the heads up on Nips, I'll keep an eye out for more.

Wolf said...

..the king of LA is young nipsey.

SPACEMAN said...

Check me out!
I have some remakes of drakes old material on my mixtape. i seen ya'll at citrus in SEA. just didnt wan bug ya'll while ya'll was with the hoes.. I shot J.Cole a disk..

check me out!

Anonymous said...

oooo shit, muthaphuka got damn!

Anonymous said...

The Olympic Spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play.


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