Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"I Don't Do Too Much Bloggin'"


Anonymous said...


Nisha said...

He just run the town, he dont do too much jogging. Hahhaa oh wow who took those pics? He's just chilling haha nice.

GOODMAN said...

shits weak

Larikeal said...

He Gonna Make That Bitch Light Up...

Anonymous said...

opylee said.. there is no better way to be Jay Z than to zzzzzzzzzzz all the way..

KiD said...

I don't do too much blogging..
I just run the town, I don't do too much jogging

thebipolarjoint said...

Lol, nice pictures to see this morning. I enjoyed much.

Take care boys.

Unknown said...

Jay Z could make a fur coat and rain boots jot I'm not surprised that this looks amazing let ur average hood dude do this it would be an epic fail lols but since its jay its more than ok

Anonymous said...

did anyone see the 25 cents juice, haha...

ILL MACH said...

ma nigguh jay-z chyllin in the marcy projects du-ragg styrofoam cooler with quarter juices kidd... thats a priceless nyc pic!!! i miss it im going going back back to brooklyn brooklyn... dont worry ima get signed one day and ima be there wit ya// big ups to jigga//

Anonymous said...

Quater Water!! You have to drink like 10 of them to stop being thristy, but I drank them back in elementary school. Nice memories!!

Nteague1 said...

I drank those, once upon a time!! Oli, think I'll try to blaze this weekend..before school starts back up!!

Nteague1 said...

Oliver dont u owe me? You showed up to the video shoot. Breakfast would be nice..toast, eggs, jam and a special request: Coffee-Mate creamer in hazelnut..to drink.

Nteague1 said...

then you can accompany me at me hair appt. today. IF u want.

Nteague1 said...

thanks for showing up !!

Kam0x said...

Strange but Epic.

Anonymous said...


onlyJKan said...

I can't figure out when it all changed for me
Was all about living in the moment, now cant get the past out of me
Its strange that I wake up to the same day, but the dates different
I got a gift all wrapped up, its the past in the present

www.onlyjkan.blogspot.com for more hot lyrics - get at me if you need a ghost writer!

rose said...


noelle said...

Oliver, we have to go redeem this free lipgloss with any purchase at Victoria's Secret before Aug. 18th, ok?

Anonymous said...

jay not real he stole the hard knock life idea from a great jersey mc haz the ripper everybody he stills from he's not original from jaz o to biigie he's a theive real mcs like redman and 50cent and eminem who sold way more records than this guy also if he was so hood why when paper solidiers was shot on 19th street and south orange in newark his alfilate's movie who had more heart that him beans and capone n norega his fag ass meph bleek and him were afraid to come to brick city catz know and now since eminem had dealings with newarks outsiders who he got his rapp style from starts a beef with the former group he was once a part of before this succes and was sleeping on therye floor on springfield ave he makes a video downtown newark im not afraid catz you know the hoodz downtown is a tourist section son why didn't you shoot the vido on chadwick south orange ave or fairmount or springfield ave 11street 12-22nd you know i like eminem but dont try to play my city catz stole everything from us rapp styles for over years so keep it 100

C.O. Beats said...

i don't do much writing, but i bite the town

Anonymous said...


Jazminee Shontee' said...

Thatt Shitss Freakinggg Funnnyyy.Lol(:

Nteague1 said...

oli, i aint go today. Next week. Clear your planner..it reeks of weed!!

Anonymous said...

slide off your panties oliver

Art said...



Nteague1 said...

wakey wakey o!! U wanna come snuggle up, HAHAHAHHA. I know u tryin to come snuggle up, whatever. ;)

Anonymous said...


Nteague1 said...

Aubs, i dont want u to go back on tour *cry*

Nteague1 said...

my nigga, u cant stay home? What u need???

Ayla said...

40! Thank you for taking a picture with me in vancouver..dont know if you remember...my names Ayla

start updating your twitter more lol

luciano said...

this guy i tell ya. bringing out the classic pictures from a timeless period. theres nothing better than that era. a couple of quarter waters and some grey uppies. i wonder what hes watching on the tube, probably beyonce ha.

noelle said...

Oliver i miss you. DO U MISS ME?

yobeb said...

l love the antenna of your tv, is it clear?

Anonymous said...

need more followers @lilkrisTHEKING

B. Larsh said...

He still lives there? Just kidding.

spiritsentient said...

Love Jay-Z, love the line, love light up, love Drake, and love that you shared these bad@$$ photos :)


Unknown said...

Feelin like kanye with "Amazing" "Power", or like bush when he said: yall can take the towers...

ghost writter...caleb_porter@hotmail.com

Mr Bragonti said...

Goodman sounds mad......you have to understand that Jay is done with the hood man..........Never going back......not even to give turkeys and christmas gifts to kids

Unknown said...

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