Thursday, July 9, 2009

Whoo Kid Interview


The Dream Team said...

i think u 4got 2 post the link....

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview! Especially his mom's comment-lol

Unknown said...

Great interview, you're very humble drake..

Wanted to let you know about the piece written on Liveagl..about What Toronto Thinks About You And Your Success (The Screwface Mentality)

I think we were pretty accurate with Toronto's setting..check it out

Bria Monroe said...

won't work for me for some reason.....

Kiana F. said...

good interview. i actually enjoyed whoo kid, too...

Anonymous said...

this kid is crazy, man! Drake is extremely talented and of course, I would swoon if Drake ever asked to take me out for a couple glasses of wine =) Adesso, please! Imported Italian sweet red wine...j/p...congrats to your success :) Great interview b-t-w, Whoo Kid :) Very attention grabbing...

D0tKitty said...

So that means i can take u out for a glass of wine while i talk your ear off.... :-P

Anonymous said...

who the hell hired this camera man??

$uccessfu! said...

Awesome interview! Whoo Kid is a tripp!! lol...Drake your voice and the way you pronounce your words just does something to me. I would love to have an in person convo with you damn!! Wine+Good Convo +Perfect time spent <3

Unknown said...

First you have an amazing smile :)
Second He's to humble
Third lol..I heard you were 5'6 and It's hilarious how your actually 6'2
Fourth I love your shades..Mosley Tribes?
Fifth your AMAZING