So Amazing. Download here. Don't be afraid to listen to it on repeat.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Santigold Your Voice


remedy said...

This beat is fucking ugly! whooo!

M* said...

thanks olivier !

aye do yall have twitters ?

Anoby said...

santigold...the M.I.A. copycat...

Unknown said...

Thank you for putting me on! I love this song!

Art said...

This song sounds like guided meditation.

FraNcis James said...

Thanks for this! Been playin this all weekend

MegYuup said...

Santigold is not a M.I.A. copycat...they are friends...come on now! get serious...their styles are similar but very different give respect when it is whoever produce her stuff is SICK tho..i cant remember who it is right now...but yea!

AnnaLIVE said...

Santogold is definately a Diplo (google him) product.Combined with her own style and of course being bfffs with M.I.A has shaped her outter...but her music was always this awesome...sorry late people:-p

Unknown said...

I love Unstoppable and with N.E.R.D My Drive Thru(my theme song for life) and this other song I forget it's name.