Toronto Native, OVO family member, Drake's engineer, child actor. 40's production credits for Drake include Brand New, Sooner Than Later, Lust For Life, Houstatlantavegas, Successful, A Night Off, The Calm and Bria's Interlude.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Familiarize Yourself: Noah '40' Shebib


Anonymous said...

Dat Is A Tough Resume Keep Up The Good Work!!

Anonymous said...

I see you 40! Luv ya work, keep the hitz comin.

Anonymous said...

40 is tha future of engineering in the game, keep doin watchu do n dont eva think that you are completely behind tha scenes, because people in the mixing/engineering game look up to u homie


Kola said...

I wish he could produce some tracks for some of my music. After the list of tracks I just saw mentioned, I know I could never afford him. So, I guess I am stuck just still giving it away for free. He had better work on your album, "Thank Me Later".


$uccessfu! said...

40 man your the ish!!! <3

Us... said...

Yea I gotta agree wit Jarvis, that's a hell of a resume.


Cool J said...

OMG Lite-Skin, your the fuckin man, keep the hits coming

Unknown said...

on this video, u can see 40 assistin drake on happy birthday dedication.
interesting stuff..

Kiana F. said...

Thanks 40, for working so diligently on So Far Gone and getting it to the masses, despite the fact that hardly anyone knows it was YOU putting it all together in the end.
You, sir, are THE FUCKIN' BEST.

Kiana F. said...

By the way... when do we get the chance to be familiarized with you, Olivier? "The Man Behind the Blog" lol. said...

40 stand up. DID U HEAR that Drake LIVE Mixtape?

its at for downloads.

D Brown said...

oohhweee my favorite beats off the album...Bria's Interlude at #1..."these names i mention are crucial you gon need us"....he wasn't lying y'all are crazy talented over there. much respect and much love.

Anonymous said...

yes indeed. 4O!!!!

B said...

Great at what he does.

MaLLY said...

Has he only produced for Drake? Those songs are dope....I can't wait to hear more...

FraNcis James said...

That bria's interlude is just crazy!

and who's idea was it to use say you will? You guys must've been the first to flip that Ye track

Unknown said...

Wow... A long way from The Virgin Suicides... Keep doin ur thing!

Anonymous said...

mad love & respect for 40 man. i remember waitin for so far gone to drop && it was on him to put it out but he was still puttin the finishin touches on it which caused the wait.

i could tell he was a perfectionist && dedicated to puttin out good shit && that's why he's cool in my book..wait still was a bitch tho haha

wti said...

WHo doesn't know 40!?
He da fuckin man!!

Pete said...

You Forgot to Put "40 mom said don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness". Come on O!

Jonte.. said...

luv me some 40 and NICO--forget drake lol me and nico are gonna get married lol

JusSeeks said...

Familiarize!???..I dont think you are a REAL drake fan if you dont know who 40,Oliver,Niko & Future are.

DJ Mr Rogers said...


Elijah Amir said...

I qot The instrumental Version of So Far Gone and A Night Off is The Shit
Great Piece of Work by '40'.

Anonymous said...

I love 40's sound ...his work is the REAL mood music. Real Talk, no rainbow.

JermsD55 said...

all extremely clean tracks...keep up the good work homie!

CYPHER said...

I met 40 at the show in BR when i opend up for drake, then 2 more time's that same week at re-fresh new orleans then at the after party at the House Of Blues Shit almost felt like i was on tour with them but 40 is a good dude foreal, soon as he hoped out the truck nigga passed in a car bumping drake he jumping in the air like fucking then i said something about somking then he tried to give me 2 boxe's of cigararellos, me an him ran it for a minute then the rest of the nite we was smoked out "half the shit we was talking about after the firt 2 blunts i forgot what we was talking about" but that was a great night the whole young money came out shit was classic. 40 i fuck's with you whenever yall Come Back to the N.O. Its All Love

TeamRobot & HereWe Go

Chay 3/15/1987 said...

much loves goes to 40 cuz sometimes the artist gets credit for layin verses on the track and ppl dont recognize the work put in to make sound the way it does...Say Whats Real, Sooner Than Later...alot of hot track with great engineering

Unknown said... engineer ive ever heard...production portflio is impecable....hope to work with you when i make of luck G.

HEIR$ Dash.

Unknown said...

Wud up 40 this is a Booking team for a very popular group in Atlanta called HardHead Camp and they are very talented. Their next mixtape is going to be hosted by DJ holiday & We want to work with you for some of the songs for this mixtape. If you are interested reply back .... listen b4 u decide...

Unknown said...

Wud up 40 this is a Booking team for a very popular group in Atlanta called HardHead Camp and they are very talented. Their next mixtape is going to be hosted by DJ holiday & We want to work with you for some of the songs for this mixtape. If you are interested reply back .... listen b4 u decide...

Unknown said...

Wud up 40 this is a Booking team for a very popular group in Atlanta called HardHead Camp and they are very talented. Their next mixtape is going to be hosted by DJ holiday & We want to work with you for some of the songs for this mixtape. If you are interested reply back .... listen b4 u decide...

Unknown said...

Wud up 40 this is a Booking team for a very popular group in Atlanta called HardHead Camp and they are very talented. Their next mixtape is going to be hosted by DJ holiday & We want to work with you for some of the songs for this mixtape. If you are interested reply back .... listen b4 u decide...

Anonymous said...

Damn yo I can hear you all over tha Thank Me Later...Dnt even need to see the credits...keep up the good work bruh...June 15th=Beautiful Music+Fan=Cop!

Anonymous said...

Whats good Noah.... Just wanna show my respect..

I have my own personal beat site where I lease my instrumentals... Check it out when you get a chance..

Viagra Online said...

Excellent style, I really like your cap, all is about passion and you know, the most important thing here is the music, I hope you keep in this line, and I agree with the "The Man Behind the Blog". he knows a lot of useful things about this music.

Anonymous said...

im a huge drizzy fan but a huge 40 fan 40 beats give drakes words life

Anonymous said...

he sexy 40 keep up the good work and stay are my favorite producer.

action said...

phenomal sound.clean mixes.and good chemistry. I compare my mixes to his to find out how good I am.

contactos barcelona said...

Quite worthwhile piece of writing, thanks for the article.

J. said...

Mosta my favorite songs crazy beats, keep up the work brotha

foxymoi said...

A true inpiration. I just heard a story on HLN (The Human Factor); about '40 that brought tears to my eyes....keep up the good work bro!!


foxymoi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

40 is very inspiring.I love you man.I hope to meet you and Drake one day.And when I do it'll all pay off.Late nights waiting for a song to drop waiting for albums everything.You and Drake are my heroes.Take Care 40.