As I re-watched Pistone dismantle Lucky Lefty and the Bonanno crime family the other day I couldn't help but feel the necessity to pay homage to the phenomenal sun shades game of Pistone, Lefty and Sonny Black. Kudos. *Bonus Pic - This track suit is impeccable.
I rock this boot everyday. NDG flips it properly. I wasnt fuckin with the David Z joint and now I know why - cause this is what it looks like done right. My favorite boot and one of my favorite brands.
This is the first piece of artwork for So Far Gone, my next OFFICIAL mixtape which is coming out in the next few weeks. The tape is a conceptual journey of my life since January 2008 and its my way of telling the stories that people want to hear in a more entertaining fashion. This particular piece is done by Oliver's boy Darkie and it's an adaptation of a classic cover from the international affairs magazine "The Economist".
Me and Smoke at the LRG 10th anny photoshoot, which Drake will be in. Capo Status came out to perform Day N Nite rmx with Cudi. Mark Ronson R Les Bumped into X and he rolled with us for the rest of the night.